#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # # Created: 06/18/04 09:04:06 EDT by Andy Harrison # # USAGE # # gmailarchiver.pl [-f "imapfolder"] \ # [--dump [--send] [-o outputfile ] [-u user -p passwd] \ # [-e emailaddress] [--smtp smtp_server_name]] # # [--count [-f IMAPFolder][-u user -p passwd]] # # [--mbox mbox_file_name][--send][-u user -p passwd] \ # [-e e-mailaddress] [--smtp smtp_server_name ] # # [--url mailman_mbox_file_url [-e e-mailaddress] \ # [--smtp smtp_server_name][--send]] # # [--mailman mailman_listinfo_url [-e e-mailaddress] \ # [--smtp smtp_server_name][--send]] # # SEE ALSO # # perldoc gmailarchiver.pl # # # $Id: gmailarchiver.pl,v 1.6 2004/07/22 14:52:58 aharriso Exp aharriso $ use strict; no warnings 'once'; $|++; use Mail::Mailer; use Mail::IMAPClient; use File::Slurp "read_file"; use Getopt::Long qw/:config auto_help auto_version/; use List::Util qw/reduce/; use vars qw/ $opt_c $opt_d $opt_e $opt_f $opt_h $opt_l $opt_m $opt_n $opt_o $opt_p $opt_port $opt_s $opt_smtp $opt_u $opt_v $opt_subject $opt_delete $opt_until $opt_mbox $opt_url $opt_mailman $host $port $imap $folder /; local $main::VERSION = '$Id: gmailarchiver.pl,v 1.6 2004/07/22 14:52:58 aharriso Exp aharriso $'; GetOptions( 'c|count!' => \$opt_c, # count of messages 'delete!' => \$opt_delete, # delete messages 'dump!' => \$opt_d, # download messages 'e|email=s' => \$opt_e, # e-mail address 'f|folder=s' => \$opt_f, # folder to select 'h|host=s' => \$opt_h, # hostname 'help' => sub { help() }, # display help 'l|list!' => \$opt_l, # list folders 'mbox=s' => \$opt_mbox, # mboxfile name 'm|msg|message=i' => \$opt_m, # dump individual message 'mailman=s' => \$opt_mailman, # URL of mailman listinfo page 'n|numbers!' => \$opt_n, # number of messages in folder 'o|outputfile=s' => \$opt_o, # output file name 'p|password=s' => \$opt_p, # imap password 'port=i' => \$opt_port, # server port 's|send!' => \$opt_s, # send message to e-mail # address after downloading 'smtp=s' => \$opt_smtp, # smtp server to use to send the # outgoing archived messages 'subject=s' => \$opt_subject, # Subject prefix 'until=i' => \$opt_until, # delete until this message number 'u|user=s' => \$opt_u, # imap username 'url=s' => \$opt_url, # Archive URL 'v|verbose' => \$opt_v, # print some details ); eval { require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 3; } if $opt_v; if ( $opt_c or $opt_d or $opt_n or $opt_l or $opt_delete ) { # bare minimum options to bother connecting $host = $opt_h ? $opt_h : 'localhost'; $port = $opt_port ? $opt_port : '143'; print "::host::-", $host, "-:: ::port::-", $port, "-::\n" if $opt_v; # Connect to the IMAP server # $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server => $host, Port => $port, User => $opt_u, Password => $opt_p, ) or die "$opt_u unable to connect to imap $host:$port. \n\nError: $@"; $folder = $opt_f ? $opt_f : "INBOX"; $imap->select( $folder ) or die "Couldn't select folder: $@\n"; } if ( $opt_d ) { my $filename = $opt_o ? $opt_o : "/tmp/imapdump.txt"; print "filename : ", $opt_o, "\n" if $opt_o and $opt_v; if ( $opt_o ) { $imap->message_to_file( $filename, ( $opt_m or $imap->messages ) ) or die "error::$@, $!::\n"; } my @message_list; if ( $opt_until ) { for ( $imap->messages ) { push @message_list, $_ if $_ <= $opt_until and $_ => $opt_m; } } else { @message_list = $opt_m ? $opt_m : $imap->messages; } for ( @message_list ) { if ( $opt_s and $opt_e ) { send_message ( { 'To' => $opt_e, 'From' => $imap->get_header( $_, "From" ), 'Reply-To' => $opt_e, # in case of bounces 'Subject' => $opt_subject ? $opt_subject . " " . $imap->get_header( $_, "Subject" ) : $imap->get_header( $_, "Subject" ), 'body' => $imap->body_string( $_ ), } ); } elsif ( $opt_e and $opt_o and ! $opt_s ) { send_message ( { 'To' => $opt_e, 'From' => "imap-to-gmail script", 'Subject' => "archive of $folder", 'body' => reduce { $a . $b } read_file( $filename ), } ); } else { print $imap->bodypart_string( $_, 0 ); print $imap->body_string( $_ ); } } print "\n\n"; } elsif ( $opt_c ) { print "\n$folder contains ",$imap->message_count, " messages.\n\n"; } elsif ( $opt_n ) { print "Message numbers:\n\n"; print $_, " " for $imap->messages; print "\n"; } elsif ( $opt_l ) { print $imap->list; } elsif ( $opt_delete and $opt_m ) { if ( $opt_until ) { my @deletions; for ( $imap->messages ) { push @deletions, $_ if $_ <= $opt_until and $_ => $opt_m; } $imap->delete_message( \@deletions ) or die "Could not delete messages: $@\n"; } else { $imap->delete_message( $opt_m ) or die "Could not delete messages: $@\n"; } $imap->expunge( $opt_f ) or die "Could not expunge: $@\n"; } elsif ( $opt_mbox and $opt_s and $opt_e and $opt_smtp ) { mbox_parse( $opt_mbox, $opt_e ); } elsif ( $opt_mailman ) { print "--mailman--$opt_mailman\n"; grab_archives( $opt_mailman, "all" ); } elsif ( $opt_url ) { print "--url--$opt_url\n" if $opt_v; grab_archives( $opt_url, undef ); } else { help(); } $imap->logout or warn "Couldn't logout: $@\n" if $imap; sub help { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); } sub grab_archives { print "::_::", Dumper( @_ ), "::\n" if $opt_v; my ( $url, $option ) = @_; print "::url::->", $url, "<-::\ngrab option::$option::\n" if $opt_v; die "not a valid mailman archive url: $!\n" if ! $option eq "all" and $url =~ m/txt.gz/; die "Please install WWW::Mechanize Module: $@\n" unless eval { require WWW::Mechanize; }; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); if ( $option eq "all" ) { $mech->get( $url ) or die "Unable to fetch: $url, $!\n"; $mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Archives/ ); my @archives_obj = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/\.txt\.gz$/ ); for ( @archives_obj ) { my $url = $_->url; my $fetched_filename = fetch_archive( $url, $mech ); mbox_parse( $fetched_filename, $opt_e ); } } else { print "step1** ::", $url, ":: **\n" if $opt_v; my $fetched_filename = fetch_archive( $url, $mech ); mbox_parse( $fetched_filename, $opt_e ); } } sub fetch_archive { my ( $url, $mech ) = @_; my $destination_file; my $gz_file; print Dumper( $url ) if $opt_v; if ( $url =~ m/^http:/ ) { die "Unable to load URI module: $@\n" unless eval { require URI; }; my $link = URI->new( $url ); my $path = $link->path; my @filename = $link->path_segments( $link->path ); print ":filename:", Dumper( $filename[-1] ), "\n::" if $opt_v; $gz_file = $filename[-1]; } else { $gz_file = $url; } $destination_file = $gz_file; $destination_file =~ s/\.gz$//; $mech->get( $url, ":content_file" => $gz_file ) or warn "Unable to fetch: $url, $!\n"; print "::urlgunzip::", Dumper( $url ), "::\n" if $opt_v; gunzip( $gz_file, $destination_file ) and unlink $url || die "Unable to gunzip: ", $url, " $!\n"; return $destination_file or die "error fetching archive: $!\n"; } sub mbox_parse { my $mbox_file = shift; my $email = shift; print "--file-->\n", Dumper( $mbox_file ), Dumper( $email ), "<----\n" if $opt_v; die "Please install Mail::MboxParser Module: $@\n" unless eval { require Mail::MboxParser; }; my $parseropts = { enable_cache => 0, enable_grep => 1 }; my $mb = Mail::MboxParser->new( $mbox_file, decode => 'ALL', parseropts => $parseropts ) or die "Problem reading mbox file: $@, $!\n"; my $msg_counter; if ( $opt_m ) { for ( $msg_counter = 1 ; $msg_counter <= $opt_m ; $msg_counter++ ) { # Allows message range specification $mb->next_message; } } while ( my $msg = $mb->next_message ) { send_message( { 'To' => $email, 'From' => $msg->header->{ from }, 'Subject' => $opt_subject ? $opt_subject . " " . $msg->header->{ subject } : $msg->header->{ subject }, 'Date' => $msg->header->{ date } , 'body' => $msg->body->as_string, } ); last if $opt_until and $msg_counter++ > $opt_until; } } sub send_message { # leaving this line commented so I can quickly switch to test mode. # my $mailer = new Mail::Mailer 'testfile' my $mailer = new Mail::Mailer 'smtp', Server => $opt_smtp if $opt_e and $opt_s and $opt_smtp || die "Specify a valid smtp server with --smtp: $@\n"; my $message_body = $_[0]->{ 'body' }; delete $_[0]->{ 'body' } if $message_body; print "----->\n", Dumper( $_[0]->{'Subject'} ), "<------\n" if $opt_v; $mailer->open( $_[0] ); print "."; print "message body\n", ">" x 20, "\n", $message_body, "\n", "<" x 20, "\nend message body\n" if $opt_v; print $mailer $message_body; $mailer->close; } # Lifted from CPAN.pm # CPAN::Tarzip::gunzip # sub gunzip { die "Unable to load Compress::Zlib module: $@\n" unless eval { require Compress::Zlib; }; die "Unable to load FileHandle module: $@\n" unless eval { require FileHandle; }; my( $read, $write ) = @_; my($buffer,$fhw); $fhw = FileHandle->new(">$write") or die("Could not open >$write: $!"); my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb") or die("Cannot gzopen $read: $!\n"); $fhw->print($buffer) while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ; die("Error reading from $read: $!\n") if $gz->gzerror != Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END(); $gz->gzclose() ; $fhw->close; } # # $Log: gmailarchiver.pl,v $ # Revision 1.6 2004/07/22 14:52:58 aharriso # code cleanup # script name change to gmailarchiver # CPAN friendly POD # # Revision 1.5 2004/07/21 15:05:29 aharriso # added mbox support, mailman handling # # Revision 1.4 2004/07/20 13:14:53 aharriso # added features to prefix a subject and delete messages # # Revision 1.3 2004/07/16 12:45:46 aharriso # fixed the elsif $opt_d bug # # Revision 1.2 2004/07/02 12:01:09 aharriso # minor changes # # Revision 1.1 2004/07/02 04:12:29 aharriso # Initial revision # # __END__ =head1 NAME gmailarchiver.pl - Archive your IMAP Mail =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Mail =head1 README I created this script for the purpose of moving some of my IMAP mail to my gmail.com account. I've also added mbox support along with mailman mbox archive support. =head1 OSNAMES any =head1 PREREQUISITES C C C =head1 COREQUISITES C - for mbox format file handling C - to fetch Mailman (mbox format) archives =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 ARGS =over 15 =item B<-c> B<--count> count of messages =item B<--dump> download messages =item B<--delete> B<-m> I delete message matching I. You may also specify B<--until> I and it will delete all messages from the B<-m> I to the B<--until> I. =item B<-e> B<--email> I
destination e-mail address =item B<-f> B<--folder> I folder to select =item B<-h> B<--host> I IMAP server you want to access, default [C] =item B<-l> B<--list> list folders =item B<-m> I specify individual message id. You may also use the B<--until> param to specify a range, as described for B<--delete>. =item B<--mailman> I Specify the list-info url of the page from where you want to grab the mailman mbox archives. (I) =item B<--mbox> I parse an mbox format file for sending to the specified address =item B<-n> B<--numbers> show message id numbers in folder =item B<-o> B<--outputfile> C> output file name =item B<-p> B<--password> I IMAP password =item B<--port> I Connect to IMAP server using specified port. Default [C<143>] =item B<-s> B<--send> send messages to specified e-mail address after downloading =item B<--smtp> I name of smtp server that will be used to send the outgoing archived messages. =item B<--subject> I To assist with filtering, you may specify a Subject prefix. =item B<-u> B<--user> I IMAP username =item B<--url> I Specify the full path to a mailman mbox format archive. (I) =item B<-v> B<--verbose> print some details =back =head2 EXAMPLES =over 15 =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<--dump> C<-o> I C<-f> I Dump all messages in I to the single specified file (Optionally, e-mail the file by adding C<-e> I
) =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<-f> I C<--dump> C<-m> I<1> C<--until> I<1000> C<-e> I C<--smtp> I C<--subject> I<'[FreeBSD-Questions Archive]'> C<--send> Send the first 1000 messages of your freebsd-questions mailling list folder with filterable subject prefix [FreeBSD-Questions Archive]. =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<--dump> C<-e> I C<--smtp> I C<--send> C<--subject> I Dump all messages and e-mail forward them individually (Optionally, you can still specify C<-o> to also output to a file =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<-c> C<-f> I Count messages in IMAP folder I =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<-l> List all IMAP folders =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<-n> List message id numbers in folder I =item C C<-u> I C<-p> I C<--dump> C<-m> I<10> C<-f> I Dump message with id number I<10> from folder I =item C C<--mailman> I C<-e> I C<--smtp> I C<--subject> I<'[RT-Users Web Archive]'> C<--send> Send all messages from the RT-Users mailman mailing list archive to the specified e-mail address, prefixing each subject with the filterable string '[RT-Users Web Archive]' =item C C<--url> I C<-e> I C<--smtp> I C<--subject> I<'[RT-Users Web Archive]'> C<--send> Send all messages from the RT-Users mailman mailing list archive for July 2004 to the specified e-mail address, prefixing each subject with the filterable string '[RT-Users Web Archive]' =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS built using Mail::IMAPClient by C lifted the gunzip routine from CPAN.pm written by Andreas Koenig Eandreas.koenig@anima.deE =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Andy Harrison { domain => "gmail", tld => "com", username => "aharrison" } =cut