#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: linebreaktool.pl,v 2003/02/19 13:29:53 gonzo Exp $ # # LineBreakTool $Name: v0-2pre1 $ converts the linebreaks of text files # # Copyright (C) 2001 2002 2003 Sven Kleese, Hamburg (Germany) # # Credits: # Jeffrey E.F. Friedl inspired me to implement the regex myself. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; # binmode FH seems to be more compatible with DOS than O_BINARY: use Fcntl qw{O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_CREAT SEEK_SET}; # use File::Recurse; my $debug = 0; ( my $VERSION = q$Name: v0-2pre1 $ ) =~ s/(?:^Name:\s*[a-z_-]*|\s*$)//g; $VERSION =~ tr/-_/./d; ( $VERSION = lc( q$Revision: $) ) =~ s/(?::\s*|\s*$)//g if $VERSION eq ''; ( my $date = q$Date: 2003/02/19 13:29:53 $ ) =~ s/(?:^Date:\s*|\s*$)//g; my $versionstring = "LineBreakTool $VERSION"; # \n$date"; # Configuration of File::Recurse: my $MAX_DEPTH = 100; my $FOLLOW_SYMLINKS = 0; # Configuration of LineBreakTool: # | Unix | DOS | Mac | # --------------------------- # \n | LF | LF | CR | # \r | CR | CR | LF | # \n * | LF | CRLF | CR | # \r * | CR | CR | LF | # --------------------------- # * text-mode STDIO # possible to-types: my %linebreaks = ( 'dos' => [ 1, chr(0x0D).chr(0x0A)], # CRLF 'mac' => [ 2, chr(0x0D)], # CR 'unix' => [ 4, chr(0x0A)], # LF 'broken' => [ 8, chr(0x0D).chr(0x0D).chr(0x0A)] # CRCRLF ); # detectable types: my %filetypes = ( 1 => [ 'dos'], 2 => [ 'mac'], 4 => [ 'unix'], 8 => [ 'broken'], 0 => [ 'none'], 'binary' => [ 'binary'], undef => [ 'strange'] ); parse_arguments(); sub parse_arguments ################### { # getopt:declare? usage() if $#ARGV < 0; my $action_test = 0; my $action_convert = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $filename = undef; my $dirname = undef; my $from_type = undef; my $to_type = undef; foreach my $argument ( @ARGV) { usage() if $argument =~ /^\s*[-\\\/]+(?:h(?:elp|ilfe)?|\?)\s*$/i; version() if $argument =~ /^\s*[-\\\/]*version\s*$/i; if( $argument =~ /^\s*[-\\\/]+t(?:est)?\s*$/i) { $action_test = 1; } elsif( $argument =~ /^\s*[-\\\/]+c(?:onvert)?\s*$/i) { $action_convert = 1; } elsif( $argument =~ /^\s*[-\\\/]+v(?:erbose)?\s*$/i) { $verbose = 1; } elsif( !defined $filename && !defined $dirname && -f $argument) { $filename = $argument; } elsif( !defined $filename && !defined $dirname && -d $argument) { $dirname = $argument; } elsif( !defined $from_type && defined $linebreaks{ $argument}->[ 1]) { $from_type = $argument; } elsif( !defined $to_type && defined $linebreaks{ $argument}->[ 1]) { $to_type = $argument; } else { usage(); } } usage() if ( defined $filename == defined $dirname) || ( $action_test && $action_convert); if( $action_convert) { usage() if !defined $from_type; ( $to_type, $from_type) = ( $from_type, undef) if !defined $to_type; if( defined $dirname) { recurse { if( -f $_) { convert_main( $from_type, $to_type, $verbose, $_); } } $dirname; } else { convert_main( $from_type, $to_type, $verbose, $filename); } } else { usage() if defined $to_type; my $filetype = test( $filename); print '' . ( defined $from_type ? ( $filetype eq $from_type ? 'yes' : 'no') : $filetype) . ($verbose ? "\t$filename" : '') . "\n"; } } # parse_arguments sub version ########### { print <<"EOT"; $versionstring Copyright (C) 2001 2002 2003 Sven Kleese, Hamburg (Germany)\n This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n EOT exit; } # version sub usage ######### { print "\nDebug: usage() called in line " . (caller())[2] . "\n\n" if $debug; print <<"EOT"; $versionstring\n Usage: $0 -h|--help|--version $0 [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] FILENAME [TYPE] $0 (-c|--convert) [-v|--verbose] FILENAME [] EOT exit; } # usage sub help ######## { print "\nDebug: help() called in line " . (caller())[2] . "\n\n" if $debug; print <<"EOT"; $versionstring\n Ausführlichere Hilfe Usage: $0 -h|--help|--version $0 [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] FILENAME [TYPE] $0 (-c|--convert) [-v|--verbose] FILENAME [] Report bugs to gonzo\@cpan.org EOT exit; } # help sub test ######## { my ( $filename) = @_; sysopen( FH, $filename, O_RDONLY) or die "file '$filename': $!\n"; binmode FH; # binmode FH seems to be more compatible with DOS than O_BINARY: my $result = 0; if( -B FH) { $result = 'binary'; } else { sysseek( FH, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Couldn't seek start of file '$filename': $!\n"; while( sysread( FH, my $byte, 1) ) { if( $byte eq chr( 0x0D) ) { sysread( FH, $byte, 1) or last; if( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { $result |= $linebreaks{ 'dos'}->[ 0]; } elsif( $byte eq chr( 0x0D) ) { sysread( FH, $byte, 1) or last; if( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { $result |= $linebreaks{ 'broken'}->[ 0]; } else { $result |= $linebreaks{ 'mac'}->[ 0]; } } else { $result |= $linebreaks{ 'mac'}->[ 0]; } } elsif( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { $result |= $linebreaks{ 'unix'}->[ 0]; } } } close FH; my $filetype; if( defined( $filetypes{ $result}->[ 0])) { $filetype = $filetypes{ $result}->[ 0]; } else { $filetype = $filetypes{ undef}->[ 0]; } return $filetype; } # test sub convert_main ################ { my ( $from_type, $to_type, $verbose, $filename) = @_; my $filetype = test( $filename); if( defined $from_type) { if( $filetype eq $from_type) { convert_sub( $to_type, $filename, $filetype); } else { print '' . ( $verbose ? "$filetype doesn't match type $from_type\t$filename\n" : ''); } } elsif( $filetype ne 'binary') { convert_sub( $to_type, $filename, $filetype); } else { print '' . ( $verbose ? "$filetype files will not be converted\t$filename\n" : ''); } } # convert_main sub convert_sub ############### { my ( $to_type, $filename, $filetype) = @_; rename( $filename, "$filename,bak") or die "rename '$filename' to '$filename,bak' failed: $!\n"; sysopen( FH, "$filename,bak", O_RDONLY) or die "file '$filename,bak': $!\n"; binmode FH; # binmode FH seems to be more compatible with DOS than O_BINARY sysopen( OF, $filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) or die "file '$filename': $!\n"; binmode OF; # binmode FH seems to be more compatible with DOS than O_BINARY while( sysread( FH, my $byte, 1) ) { if( $byte eq chr( 0x0D) ) { if( !sysread( FH, $byte, 1) ) { syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] ) if( $filetype =~ /^(?:mac|strange)$/); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? last; } if( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { # dos syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] ); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? } elsif( $byte eq chr( 0x0D) ) { if( !sysread( FH, $byte, 1) ) { syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] x 2 ) if( $filetype =~ /^(?:mac|strange)$/); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? last; } if( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { # broken syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] ); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? } else { # mac syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] x 2 ); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? syswrite( OF, $byte); } } else { # mac syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] ); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? syswrite( OF, $byte); } } elsif( $byte eq chr( 0x0A) ) { # unix syswrite( OF, $linebreaks{ $to_type}->[ 1] ); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? } else { syswrite( OF, $byte); # Was ist mit dem Rückgabewert? } } close FH; close OF; } # convert_sub __END__ =head1 NAME LineBreakTool - convert linebreaks of text files =head1 SYNOPSIS B -h|--help|--version B [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] F [TYPE] B (-c|--convert) [-v|--verbose] F [TYPE] TYPE =head1 README With this script you can check if a text file is of a specific type and convert it to a different type. Special feature is the ability of fixing files that were broken by wrong ftp upload and download mode (ascii/bin). Supported file types are dos, mac, unix and broken. It also runs under DOS. (unix2dos dos2unix fixeol newline linebreak) =head1 DESCRIPTION =over 4 =item B<-h, --help> Output usage information and exit. =item B<--version> Output version information and exit. =item B<-v, --verbose> Be verbose about what happens. =item F The name of the file or directory to treat. If you give a directory name all files will recursively be treated. =item B<-t, --test> Test the type of file. If TYPE is given it prints if the type of the file matches TYPE. =item TYPE The type of the file will be compared with TYPE. =item B<-c, --convert> Convert the file to the given type (). =item TYPE The file will only be converted if its type matches . =item TYPE The file will be converted to the type . =back =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration Win32 =head1 WARRANTY This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. =head1 COPYING This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 CREDITS Jeffrey E.F. Friedl inspired me to implement the regex myself. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2001 2002 2003 Sven Kleese, Hamburg (Germany) GONZO $Name: v0-2pre1 $ $Date: 2003/02/19 13:29:53 $