#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # @(#) Perl - Batch download ftp or http file with config file settings. # @(#) $Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.37 1999/03/08 16:47:49 jaalto Exp $ # # File id # # .Copyright (C) 1999 Jari Aalto # .Created: 1999-02 # .$Contactid: $ # .$URL: ftp://cs.uta.fi/pub/ssjaaa/ $ # .$Keywords: Perl txt html conversion $ # .$Perl: 5.004 $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # About program layout # # Code written with Unix Emacs and indentation controlled with # Emacs package tinytab.el, a generic tab minor mode for programming. # # The {{ }}} marks you see in this file are party of file "fold" # control package called folding.el (Unix Emacs lisp package). # ftp://ftp.csd.uu.se/pub/users/andersl/beta/ to get the latest. # # There is also lines that look like # ....... &tag ... and they # are generated by Emacs Lisp package `tinybm.el', which is also # document structure tool. You can jump between the blocks with # Ctrl-up and Ctrl-down keys and create those "bookmarks" with # Emacs M-x tibm-insert. See www contact site below. # # Funny identifiers at the top of file # # The GNU RCS ident(1) program can print useful information out # of all variables that are in format $ IDENTIFIER: text $ # See also Unix man pages for command what(1) which outputs all lines # matching @( # ). Try commands: # # % what PRGNAME # % ident PRGNAME # # Introduction # # Please start this perl script with options # # --help to get the help page # # Www contact site # # See http://www.netforward.com/poboxes/?jari.aalto and navigate # to html pages in the site to get more information about me # and my tools (Emacs, Perl, procmail mostly) # # Description # # If you retrieve latest versions of certain program blocks # periodically, this is the Perl script for you. Run from cron job # or once a week to upload newest versions of files around the net. # # _Note:_ This in simple file by file copier and does not offer # any date comparing or recursive features like found from C-program # wget(1) http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/mirror/wget.htm and # ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/ # # Code Note # # All Closure variables, that ae persistent to the fucntio, are # named `static', just lik the C/C++ treatment of those variables. # # The functions has been placed according to PASCAL style, which means # that the lower-level function must always be above current fucntion. # This leads to coherent code layout: # # low-level # low-level # intermediate-leve # higher-level functions # main() # # Change Log # # (none) use strict; BEGIN { require 5.004 } # A U T O L O A D # # The => operator quotes only words, and File::Basename is not # Perl "word" use autouse 'Carp' => qw( croak carp cluck confess ); use autouse 'Text::Tabs' => qw( expand ); use autouse 'Cwd' => qw( cwd ); use autouse 'Pod::Text' => qw( pod2text ); use autouse 'File::Copy' => qw( copy move ); use autouse 'File::Path' => qw( mkpath rmtree ); # Standard perl modules use Env; use English; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; # Other CPAN modules use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::FTP; use vars qw ( $VERSION ); # This is for use of Makefile.PL and ExtUtils::MakeMaker # So that it puts the tardist number in format YYYY.MMDD # The REAL version number is defined later # The following variable is updated by my Emacs setup whenever # this file is saved $VERSION = '1999.0308'; # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Set global variables for the program # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Initialize () { use vars qw ( $PROGNAME $LIB $RCS_ID $VERSION $CONTACT $URL %URL_PATH_DENIED_HASH ); $LIB = basename $PROGRAM_NAME; $PROGNAME = $LIB; $RCS_ID = '$Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.37 1999/03/08 16:47:49 jaalto Exp $'; $VERSION = (split (' ', $RCS_ID))[2]; # version number in format N.NN+ $CONTACT = ""; # Who is the maintainer $URL = "ftp://cs.uta.fi/pub/ssjaaa/"; $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; } # ***************************************************************** &help **** # # DESCRIPTION # # Print help and exit. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $msg [optional] Reason why function was called. # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** =pod =head1 NAME @(#) mywebget.pl - Perl Web URL retrieve program =head1 SYNOPSIS mywebget.pl http://example.com/ [URL] .. mywebget.pl --config file-with-urls.txt mywebget.pl --verbose --overwrite http://example.com/ mywebget.pl --verbose --overwrite --Output ~/dir/ http://example.com/ mywebget.pl --new --overwrite http://example.com/kit-1.1.tar.gz =head1 OPTIONS =head2 General options =over 4 =item B<--Create-paths> While reading configuration file Create C paths that do not exist. Normally any LCD command that fails to find the path would interrupt the program. With this option local directories are created as needed. If you]re moving your configuration file to another account, this is the easiest thing to recreate the directory structure. =item B<--config [FILE]> Read URLs from configuration file. If you leave out the FILE, then configuration is read from file pointed by environment variable. See topic C. Configuration file can contain comments starting with #. Variables are defind with following syntax. This is C Perl code although it may look that: VARIABLE = VALUE C There C in the statement line. C The right hand can refer to previously defined variables or existing environment variables. Dollar sign is required. # @(#) $HOME/.mywebget - Perl mywebget.pl configuration file # # This is comment # Another comment ROOT = $HOME # define variable UPDATE = $ROOT/updates DOWNL = $ROOT/download lcd: $UPDATE # chdir here tag1: local-copies tag1: local file://absolute/dir/file-1.23.tar.gz lcd: $DOWNL tag1: external tag2: external-http http://www.example.com/page.html http://www.example.com/page.html save:/dir/dir/page.html tag2: external-ftp ftp://ftp.com/dir/file.txt.gz save:xx-file.txt.gz login:foo pass:passwd x: lcd: $HOME/download-kit ftp://ftp.com/dir/kit-1.1.tar.gz new: # End of configuration example Possible directives are: =over 4 C Set Local download directory to DIRECTORY. Any environment variables are substituted in path name. This directive replaces option B<--Output>. If path is not a directory, terminate with error. See B<--Create-paths> and B<--no-lcd>. C Ftp login name. Default login name used is "ftp". C Heuristically determine the newest file to be downloaded. This variable is reset to the value of C<--new> after the line has been processed. Newest means, that an ls() command is run in the ftp directory (or siilar parsing is done in HTTP directory response) and any files that resemble the filename given is listed as possible candidates. The files are examined according to version number and latest version is picked. Time stamps of the files are not checked. Files that use ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD version syntax are most likely to be retrieved right. In order C to wor right, filename C follow the universal version numbering scheme: FILE-VERSION.extension # de facto VERSION is defined as [\d.]+ file-19990101.tar.gz # ok file-1999.0101.tar.gz # ok file- # ok file1234.txt # not recognized. Must have "-" file-0.23d.tar.gz # warning ! Files that have some alphabetic version indication at the end of VERSION are not handled correctly. Bitch the developer and persuade him to stick to the de facto standard so that he's files can be retrieved intelligently. C The ftp login password. Default value used is generic C. C Get all files matching regexp. Keyword C is ignored. C Save file under this name to local disk. C Give name to all files below (until next tag) C names group of files, so that eg. option B<--tag1> would start downloading files from that point on until next C is found. There are currently unlimited number of tag levels: tag1, tag2 and tag3, so that you can arrange your downlods hierarchially in the configuration file. For example to download all linux files, you would give option B<--tag linux>. To download only the NT Emacs latest binary, you would give option B<--tag emacs-nt>. Notice that you do not give the C in the option, program will find it out from the configuration file after the tag name matches. The downloading stops at next tag of the C. That is, tag2 stops only at next tag2, when upper level tag is found (tag1) or or until end of file. tag1: linux # All Linux downlods under this category tag2: sunsite tag2: another-name-for-this-spot # List of files to download from here tag2: ftp.funet.fi # List of files to download from here tag1: emacs-binary tag2: emacs-nt tag2: xemacs-nt tag2: emacs tag2: xemacs C Extract (Unpack) the file. See also option B<--unpack> and B<--no-unpack> =back =item B<--Firewall FIREWALL> Use FIREWALL when accessing files via ftp:// protocol. =item B<--new -n> Get newest file. This applies to datafiles, which are all that do not end to extension .asp .html. When new releases are announced, the version number in filename usually tells which is the current one so getting harcoded file with: mtwebget.pl -o -v http://example.com/dir/program-1.3.tar.gz is not usually practical from automation point of view. Adding B<--new> option to the command line causes double pass: a) the whole http://example.com/dir/ is examined for all files. b) files matching approximately filename program-1.3.tar.gz are examined, heuristically sorted and file with latest version number will be downloaded. =item B<--no-lcd> Ignore C directives in configuration file. In the configuration file, any C directives are obeyed as they are seen. But if you do want to retrieve URL to your current directory, supply this option. Otherwise the file will be saved to the directory pointed by C and C =item B<--no-save> Ignore C directives in configuration file. This makes it possible to save the file with exactly the original name as it appears in remote site. You usually want to add option B<--no-save> with this. =item B<--no-unpack> Ignore all C directives in configuration file. =item B<--Output DIR> Before retrieving any files, chdir to DIR. This option has no effect if you use configuration file and the file contains C directives. =item B<--overwrite> Allow overwriting existing files. Combine this with B<--new> if you periodically update files. =item B<--Proxy PROXY> Use PROXY server for HTTP retrievals. (See B<--Firewall> for FTP.) =item B<--prefix PREFIX> Add PREFIX to all retrieved files. =item B<--Postfix POSTFIX -P POSTFIX> Add POSTFIX to all retrieved files. =item B<--prefix-date -D> Add iso8601 ":YYYY-MM-DD" prefix to all retrived files. This is added before possible B<--prefix-www> or B<--prefix>. =item B<--prefix-www -W> Add site prefix to the retrieved files. Usually the files are stored with the same name as in the URL dir, but if you retrieve files that have identical names you can store each page separately so that the file name is prefixed by the site name. http://example.com/page.html --> example.com::page.html http://example2.com/page.html --> example2.com::page.html =item B<--regexp REGEXP> Retrieve URLs matching REGEXP from your C file. This cancels B<--tag> option. =item B<--tag NAME> Search tag NAME from the configuration file and download only entries defined under NAME. Refer to B<--config FILE> option description. You can give Multiple B<--tag> switches. Option B<--regexp> has no effect if this has been selected. =item B<--unpack -x> Unpack file after downloading it. The command to unpack a file is defined in configuration file. Default Unpacking methosds are defined as if you had typed them in the configuration file. The left hand is regexp and right hand is command, where %s is substituted by filename. The quotes to the left hand are required. '\.tar\.gz$' = gzip -dc %s | tar xvf - '\.gz$' = gzip -d %s '\.zip$' = unzip -d %s =back =head2 Miscellaneous options =over 4 =item B<--debug LEVEL -d LEVEL> Turn on debug with positive LEVEL number. Zero means no debug. This option turns on option B<--verbose> too. =item B<--help -h> Print help page. =item B<--Version -V> Print program's version information. =back =head1 README Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages. This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with simple command. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to download eg. most recent versions of the software files. If you pass an URL that is already on disk, be sure to supply option B<--overwrite> to allow overwriting old files. If the URL ends to slash, then the directory is list on the remote machine is stored to file name: !path!000root-file The content of this file can be either index.html or the directory listing depending on the returned response. While you can run this program from command line to retrieve individual files, it has been designed t use separate configuration file via B<--config> option. In the configuration file you can control the downloading with directives like C which tells to save the file under different name. The simplest way to retreive a latest version of a kit from FTP site is: mywebget.pl --new --overwite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/kit-1.00.tar.gz Don't worry about the filename "kit-1.00.tar.gz". The latest version, say, kit-3.08.tar.gz will be retrieve. The option B<--new> instructs to look for newer versions. =head1 EXAMPLES Read a directory and stored it to filename YYYY-MM-DD::!dir!000root-file. mywebget.pl --prefix-date --overwrite --verbose http://www.example.com/dir/ To update newest version of the kit, but only if there is none in the disk already. The --new option instructs to find nwer packages and the filename is used only for guidance what the file look like: mywebget.pl --overwrite --new --verbose \ ftp://ftp.example.com/dir/packet-1.23.tar.gz To overwrite file and add a date prefix to the file name: mywebget.pl --prefix-date --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl --> YYYY-MM-DD::file.pl To add date and WWW site prefix to the filenames: mywebget.pl --prefix-date --prefix-www --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl --> YYYY-MM-DD::www.example.com::file.pl Get all updated files under KITS and use default configuration file: mywebget.pl --verbose --config --overwrite --new --tag kits mywebget.pl -v -c -o -n -t kits Get files as they read in the configuration file to the current directory, ignoring any C and C directives: mywebget.pl --config $HOME/.mywebget / --no-lcd --no-save --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl To check if your're C directives refer to live directories in disk, run the program with non-matching regexp and it parses the file and checks the lcd's on the way: mywebget.pl -v -r dummy-regexp --> mywebget.pl.DirectiveLcd: LCD [$EUSR/directory ...] is not a directory at /users/jaalto/bin/mywebget.pl line 889. =head1 ENVIRONMENT Variable C can point to the default configuration file. =head1 SEE ALSO C program wget(1) http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/mirror/wget.htm and Old Perl 4 program webget(1) http://www.wg.omron.co.jp/~jfriedl/perl/ With the Libwww Perl library you find scripts lwp-download(1) lwp-mirror(1) lwp-request(1) lwp-rget(1) =head1 AVAILABILITY Latest version of this file is always at CPAN http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local//scripts/ Reach author at jari.aalto@poboxes.com or http://www.netforward.com/poboxes/?jari.aalto =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN/Administrative =head1 PREREQUISITES Modules C and C are required. =head1 COREQUISITES No optional CPAN modules needed. =head1 OSNAMES C =head1 VERSION $Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.37 1999/03/08 16:47:49 jaalto Exp $ =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Jari Aalto. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself or in terms of Gnu General Public licence v2 or later. =cut sub Help (;$) { my $id = "$LIB.Help"; my $msg = shift; # optional arg, why are we here... pod2text $PROGRAM_NAME; exit 1; } # ************************************************************** &args ******* # # DESCRIPTION # # Read and interpret command line arguments # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub HandleCommandLineArgs () { my $id = "$LIB.HandleCommandLineArgs"; my ( $version ); # .......................................... command line options ... use vars qw ( $CHECK_NEWEST $debug $DIR_DATE $CFG_FILE $FIREWALL $HELP $LCD_CREATE $NO_SAVE $NO_LCD $NO_UNPACK $OVERWRITE $OUT_DIR $PREFIX $PREFIX_DATE $PREFIX_WWW $POSTFIX $PROXY $URL_REGEXP $UNPACK $TAG_REGEXP @TAG_LIST $verb $MYWEBGET_CFG ); $FIREWALL = ""; # .................................................... read args ... Getopt::Long::config( qw ( require_order no_ignore_case no_ignore_case_always )); GetOptions # Getopt::Long ( "Version" => \$version , "config:s" => \$CFG_FILE , "Create-paths" => \$LCD_CREATE , "debug:i" => \$debug , "d" => \$debug , "Firewall=s" => \$FIREWALL , "help" => \$HELP , "n" => \$CHECK_NEWEST , "new" => \$CHECK_NEWEST , "no-lcd" => \$NO_LCD , "no-unpack" => \$NO_UNPACK , "no-save" => \$NO_SAVE , "overwrite" => \$OVERWRITE , "Output:s" => \$OUT_DIR , "prefix:s" => \$PREFIX , "D|prefix-date" => \$PREFIX_DATE , "W|prefix-www" => \$PREFIX_WWW , "Postfix:s" => \$POSTFIX , "Proxy=s" => \$PROXY , "regexp=s" => \$URL_REGEXP , "tag=s" => \@TAG_LIST , "unpack" => \$UNPACK , "x" => \$UNPACK , "verbose" => \$verb ); $version and die "$VERSION $PROGNAME $CONTACT $URL\n"; $HELP and Help(); $debug and $verb = 1; if ( defined $URL_REGEXP and @TAG_LIST ) { die "You can't use both --tg and --regexp options."; } if ( defined @TAG_LIST ) { # -s -t -n tag --> whoopos.... if ( grep /^-/ , @TAG_LIST ) { die "$id: You have option in TAG_LIST: @TAG_LIST\n"; } $TAG_REGEXP = 'tag(\d+):\s*(\S+)\b' } if ( defined $CFG_FILE and $CFG_FILE eq '' ) { unless ( defined $MYWEBGET_CFG ) { die "$id: You have not set environment variable MYWEBGET_CFG"; } my $file = $MYWEBGET_CFG; unless ( -r $file ) { die "$id: MYWEBGET_CFG is not readable [$file]"; } $verb and print "$id: Using default config file $file\n"; $CFG_FILE = $file; } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return ISO 8601 date YYYY-MM-DD # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # $str # # **************************************************************************** sub DateYYYY_MM_DD () { my $id = "$LIB.DateYYYY_MM_DD"; my (@time) = localtime(time); my $YY = 1900 + $time[5]; my ($DD, $MM) = @time[3..4]; # my ($mm, $hh) = @time[1..2]; $debug and warn "$id: @time\n"; sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d", $YY, $MM + 1, $DD; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return temporary file name. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $prefix Prefix to use in front of filenames. # # RETURN VALUES # # $filename # # **************************************************************************** sub GetTempFile ($) { my $id = "$LIB.GetTempFile"; my ( $prefix ) = @ARG; # See also PerlFaq 5 IO::Handle::new_tmpfile my $dir; my $file = $prefix; if ( -e "/tmp" ) { $dir = "/tmp"; } elsif ( -e "/temp" ) { $dir = "/temp"; } elsif ( -e "$HOME/temp" ) { $dir = "$HOME/temp"; } else { $dir = "."; } $file = "$dir/$prefix.$PROCESS_ID"; $debug and warn "$id: RET $file"; $file; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Expand given PATH by substituting any Environment variables in it. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $string Path information, like $HOME/.example # # RETURN VALUES # # string Expanded path. # # **************************************************************************** sub ExpandPath ($) { my $id = "$LIB.ExpandPath"; local ( $ARG ) = @ARG; my ( $key, $value ); my $orig = $ARG; while ( ($key, $value) = each %ENV ) { s/\$$key/$value/; } # The env variables may contain leading slashes, get rid of them # # [$ENV = /dir/ ] # # $ENV/path --> /dir//path # s,//+,/,; $debug and warn "$id:\t\t$orig ==> $ARG\n"; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Check if the URL has access problems. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url full filename # $add [optional] Flag, if non-zero recor URL as denied. # # RETURN VALUES # # 0, 1 1 is denied. # # **************************************************************************** { my %staticDeniedhash; sub CheckDenied ($ ; $) { my $id = "$LIB.CheckDenied"; local $ARG = shift; my ( $add ) = @ARG; my $ret; my $path = $1 if m,(.*)/,; if ( $add ) { $staticDeniedhash{$path} = 1; } elsif ( $staticDeniedhash{$path} ) { $verb and print " ** Access denied: $ARG\n"; $ret = 1; } $debug and warn "$id: RET $ARG --> $path\n"; $ret; }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Unpack list of files # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # \@array List of files # \%hash Unpack command hash table: REGEXP => COMMAND, where # %s is substituted for filename # # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Unpack ($ $) { my $id = "$LIB.Unpack"; my ( $filesArray, $cmdHash ) = @ARG; my ( $regexp, $cmd , @array); local $ARG; for ( @$filesArray ) { $debug and warn "$id: unpacking $ARG\n"; # Sort longest regexps first, like tar.gz and start # uppack commands from there. @array = sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %$cmdHash; for $regexp ( @array ) { $cmd = $cmdHash->{ $regexp }; if ( /$regexp/ ) { $cmd = sprintf $cmd, $ARG; $debug and warn "$id: [$regexp] $cmd\n"; print "$id: ", cwd(), "/$ARG\n"; system $cmd; # Unpacked, so remove the extension and see if # we loop again. s/$regexp//; } } } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Read directory content # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $path # # RETURN VALUES # # @ list of files # # **************************************************************************** sub DirContent ($) { my $id = "$LIB.DirContent"; my ( $path ) = @ARG; $debug and warn "$id: $path\n"; local *DIR; unless ( opendir DIR, $path ) { print "$id: can't read $path $ERRNO"; return; } my @tmp = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; $debug > 1 and warn "$id: @tmp"; @tmp; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Scan until valid tag line shows up. Return line if it is under the # TAG # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $line line content # $tag Tag name to look for # $reset If set, do nothing but reset state variables. # You should call with this if you start a new round. # # RETURN VALUES # # ($LINE, $stop) The $LINE is non-empty if it belongs to the TAG. # The $stop flag is non-zero if TAG has ended. # # **************************************************************************** { my ( $staticTagLevel , $staticTagName , $staticTagFound ); sub TagHandle ($$ ; $) { my $id = "$LIB.TagHandle"; local $ARG = shift; my ( $tag , $reset) = @ARG; # ........................................................ reset ... if ( $reset ) { $debug and warn "$id: RESET"; $staticTagLevel = $staticTagName = $staticTagFound = ""; return $ARG; } # ...................................................... tag ... my ($tagNbr, $tagN, $stop); my %choices = /$TAG_REGEXP/go; unless ( $staticTagFound ) { for ( ($tagNbr, $tagN) = each %choices ) { if ( $debug and $tagNbr ) { warn "$id: [$tagNbr] $tagN eq $tag"; } if ( $tagNbr and $tagN eq $tag ) { $staticTagLevel = $tagNbr; $staticTagName = $tagN; $staticTagFound = 1; $debug and warn "$id: TAG FOUND [$staticTagName] $ARG\n" } } $ARG = "" unless $staticTagFound; # Read until TAG } else { # We're reading lines after the tag was found. # Terminate teminate on next found tag name for ( ($tagNbr, $tagN) = each %choices ) { if ( $tagNbr and $tagNbr <= $staticTagLevel ) { $debug and warn "$id: End at [$staticTagName] $ARG\n"; $stop = 1; } } } ($ARG, $stop); }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Handle Local directory change and die if can't checnge to # directory. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $dir Where to chdir # $make Flag, if allowed to create directory # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub DirectiveLcd ($;$) { my $id = "$LIB.DirectiveLcd"; my ( $dir , $mkdir ) = @ARG; my $lcd = ExpandPath $dir; unless ( -d $lcd ) { not $mkdir and die "$id: LCD [$dir $lcd] is not a directory"; $verb and warn "$id: Creating directory $lcd"; mkpath( $lcd, $verb) or die "$id: mkpath $lcd failed $ERRNO"; } $verb and print "$id: $lcd\n"; chdir $lcd or die "$id: $lcd $ERRNO"; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Examine list of files and return the newest file that match FILE # the idea is that we divide the filename into 3 parts # # PREFIX VERSION REST # # So that for example filename # # emacs- # # is exploded to parts # # emacs - lisp.tar.gz # # After this, the VERSION part is examined and all the numbers from # it are read and converted to zero filled hhs keys, so that sorting # between versions is possible: # # (20 3 5 1) --> "0020.0003.0005.0001" # # A hash table for each file is build according to this version key # # VERSION-KEY => FILE-NAME # # When we finally sort the has by key, we get the latest version number # and the associated file. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file file to use as base # \@files list of files # # RETURN VALUES # # $file File that is newest, based on version number. # # **************************************************************************** sub LatestVersion ( $ $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.LatestVersion"; my ( $file , $array ) = @ARG; $debug and warn "$id: $file --> @$array\n\n"; local $ARG = $file; my $ret = $file; my $regexp = '^(\\D+)(-\\d[-\\d.]*)(\\D+)'; my ( $pfx, $post, $ver, $max ); if ( /$regexp/o ) { $pfx = $1; $ver = '-([-\d.]+)'; # NN.NN YYYY-MM-DD $post = $3; $debug and warn "$id: PFX: $pfx POSTFIX: $post\n"; my ( @try, %hash, %hash2, $key , @v , $version, $file ); # .................................................. arrange ... # If there is verison numbers, then sort all according # to version. for ( @$array ) { unless ( /$pfx.*$post/ and /$regexp/o ) { $debug and warn "$id: REJECTED\t\t$ARG\n"; next; } $debug and warn "$id: MATCH: $1 $2 $3\n"; $key = ""; @v = ( /(\d+)/g ); # Record how many separate digits we found. $max = @v if @v > $max; while ( @v < 8 ) # fill until 8 elements { push @v, 0; } for $version ( @v ) { # 1.0 --> 0001.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 $key .= sprintf "%015d.", $version; } $hash { $key } = $ARG; $hash2 { $v[0] } = $ARG; } # If there were date based versions: # # wemi-199802080907.tar.gz # wemi-19980804.tar.gz # wemi-199901260856.tar.gz # wemi-199901262204.tar.gz # # Then sort directly by the %hash2, which only contains direct # NUMBER key without prefixed zeroes. For multiple numbers we # sort according to %hash if ( $max == 1 ) { @try = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hash2; %hash = %hash2; } else { @try = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %hash; } if ( $debug ) { warn "$id: Choices: $ver $pfx.*$post\n"; my $arg; for $arg ( @try ) { warn "$id: $hash{$arg}\n"; } } # If nonly one answer, then use that. Or if we grepped versioned # files, take the latest one. if ( @try ) { $ret = $hash{ $try[0] }; } } $debug and warn "$id: RETURN [$ret]\n"; $ret eq '' and die "$id: Internal error, Run with debug on."; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Get file via FTP # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $site Dite to connect # $path dir in SITE # # $getFile File to get # $saveFile File to save on local disk # # $firewall # # $new Flag, Should only the newest fiel retrieved? # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are: # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlFtp ($$ $$$ ; $ $$ $) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlFtp"; # ......................................................... args ... my ( $site, $path, $getFile, $saveFile, $regexp, $firewall, $login, $pass, $new ) = @ARG; $login = "ftp" if $login eq "" ; $pass = "batch-ftp\@example.com" if $pass eq "" ; my $url = "$site/$path"; $url =~ s,/$,,; $url .= "/"; # make sure there is terminating / return if CheckDenied $url; return if CheckDenied $site; # ............................................ private variables ... my ( $ftp, $stat, @files); my $timeout = 120; my $singleTransfer; if ( (not defined $regexp or $regexp eq '') and ! $new ) { $singleTransfer = 1; } local $ARG; if ( $debug ) { warn "$id:\n\tsingleTransfer: $singleTransfer\n", "\t$site, $path [firewall:$firewall] $login,$pass [new:$new]\n" ; } if ( $verb ) { print "$id: Connecting to ftp://$site"; if ( $new and not $regexp ) { print " using search pattern $saveFile\n"; } else { print "--> $saveFile $regexp \n"; } } # One file would be transferred, but it already exists and # we're not allowed to overwrite --> do nothing. if ( $singleTransfer and -e $saveFile and not $OVERWRITE ) { $verb and print "$id: [ignored, exists] $saveFile\n"; return; } # .................................................. make object ... if ( $firewall ne '' ) { $ftp = Net::FTP->new ( $site, ( Firewall => $firewall, Timeout => $timeout ) ); } else { $ftp = Net::FTP->new ( $site, ( Timeout => $timeout ) ); } unless ( defined $ftp ) { print "$id: Cannot make route to $site $ERRNO\n"; CheckDenied $site, "1-record-as-denied"; return; } # ........................................................ login ... $debug and print "$id: Login to $site ..\n"; unless ( $ftp->login($login, $pass) ) { print "$id: Login failed $login, $pass\n"; CheckDenied $url, "1-record-as-denied"; goto QUIT; } $ftp->binary(); my $cd = $path; $cd = dirname $path unless $path =~ m,/$, ; if ( $cd ne '' ) { unless ( $ftp->cwd($cd) ) { print "$id: Remote cd $cd failed.\n"; CheckDenied $url, "1-record-as-denied"; goto QUIT; } } # .......................................................... get ... $ftp->binary(); if ( $singleTransfer ) { $verb and print "$id: Getting file... $getFile\n"; unless ( $ftp->get($getFile, $saveFile) ) { print "$id: ... ** error $getFile\n"; } push @files, $saveFile; } else { my ( @list, $i); $debug and print "$id: Getting list of files $site ...\n"; $i = 0; $debug and warn "$id: Running ftp dir ls()\n"; # .............................................. select list ... @list = $ftp->ls(); if ( $regexp ne '' ) { @list = sort grep $regexp, @list; } else { my $name = basename $getFile; my $file = LatestVersion $name, \@list; $verb and print "$id: .. Getting latest version: $file\n"; @list = ( $file ); } # ................................................ get files ... $debug and warn "$id: List length ", scalar @list, " --> @list\n"; for ( @list ) { $i++; $verb and printf "$id: .. %2d%%", int ( $i * 100 / @list); $verb and print " $ARG\n"; if ( -e ) { if ( $new ) { my $remoteSize = $ftp->size( $ARG ); my $localSize = (stat)[7]; if ( $remoteSize == $localSize ) { $verb and print "$id: [SIZE: is on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } } elsif ( not $OVERWRITE ) { $verb and print "$id: [OVWR: is on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } } unless ( $stat = $ftp->get($ARG) ) { print "$id: ** error $ARG $ERRNO $stat\n"; next; } push @files, $ARG; } } QUIT: { $ftp->quit() if defined $ftp; } $debug and warn "$id: RET $stat, @files\n"; ($stat, @files); } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Get content of URL # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url The URL pointer # \%errUrlHashRef Hahs where to store the URL-ERROR_CODE # \%errExplanationHashRef Hash where to store ERROR_CODE-EXPLANATION # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are: # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlHttp ( $$$ $$$ ) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlHttp"; my ( $url , $file , $new , $proxy , $errUrlHashRef , $errExplanationHashRef ) = @ARG; $verb and print "$id: $url --> $file\n"; my ( $ret , @files , $obj, $tmpFile, $stat); return if CheckDenied $url; # ........................................................ setup ... my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'GET' => $url ); if ( defined $proxy ) { $ua->proxy("http", $proxy); } # .......................................................... get ... if ( $new and -e $file ) { $debug and warn "$id: Existing file, using temp file.\n"; $tmpFile = GetTempFile "$PROGNAME.$file"; $obj = $ua->request( $request , $tmpFile ); $stat = $obj->is_success; if ( $stat ) { my $remoteSize = (stat $tmpFile )[7]; my $localSize = (stat $file )[7]; if ( $remoteSize == $localSize ) { $verb and print "$id: [SIZE already on disk] $file\n"; $file = ''; } else { unless ( move( $tmpFile, $file ) ) { $verb and print "$id: MOVE fail $tmpFile --> $file\n"; $file = ''; } } } -e $tmpFile and unlink $tmpFile; } else { $obj = $ua->request( $request , $file ); $stat = $obj->is_success; } $debug and print "$id: content-type: ", $obj->content_type, " $stat\n"; unless ( $stat ) { my $msg = $obj->message; # Do not record "denied" in these cases unless ( $msg =~ /Not\s+found/i ) { CheckDenied $url, "1-record-as-denied"; } $errUrlHashRef->{$url} = $obj->code; # There is new error code, record it. if ( not defined $errUrlHashRef->{$obj->code} ) { $errExplanationHashRef->{$obj->code} = $msg; } $ret = $errUrlHashRef->{ $obj->code }; print " ** error: ", $obj->message, "\n"; } else { push @files, $file if $file ne ''; } ( $ret, @files ); } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Copy content of PATH to FILE. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $path From where to read. If this is directory, read files # in directory. If this is file, copy file. # # $file Where to put resuts. # $prefix [optional] Filename prefix # $postfif [optional] postfix # # RETURN VALUES # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are: # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlFile ($ $ ; $$) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlFile"; my ( $path, $file , $prefix, $postfix ) = @ARG; my ( $stat, @files ); $debug and warn "$id: $path, $file\n"; if ( -f $path and not -d $path ) { if ( $CHECK_NEWEST ) { my @dir = DirContent dirname( $path ); if ( @dir ) { my $base = dirname($path); $file = LatestVersion basename($path) , \@dir; $path = $base . "/" . $file; } else { $verb and print "$id: Can't set newest $file"; } } $file = $prefix . $file . $postfix; $debug and warn "$id: FileCopy $path => $file\n"; unless ( copy($path, $file) ) { print "$id: FileCopy $path => $file $ERRNO"; } else { push @files, $file; } } else { my @tmp = DirContent $path; local *FILE; $file =~ s,/,!,g; if ( -e $file and not $OVERWRITE ) { print "$id: [ignored, exists] $file\n"; return; } unless ( open FILE, ">$file" ) { print "$id: can't write $file $ERRNO\n"; return; } print FILE join "\n", @tmp; close FILE; push @files, $file; } ( $stat, @files ); } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # \@data Configuration file content # # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Main ($$) { my $id = "$LIB.Main"; my ( $TAG_NAME, $data ) = @ARG; $debug and warn "$id ********** $TAG_NAME\n"; my $date = DateYYYY_MM_DD(); my ( %URL_ERROR_HASH , %URL_ERROR_REASON_HASH ); my ( $type, $url, $path, $site, $stat , $file , $line); my ( $origFile, $login, $pass , $sitePath, $regexp, $lcd, $new, $stop ); my ( $count, $var, $val , %variables, @files , $unpack); my $prefix = ""; my $postfix = ""; local $ARG; my %EXTRACT_HASH = ( '\.tar\.gz\Z' => "gzip -q -d -c %s | tar xvf -" , '\.gz\Z' => "gzip -q -d %s" , '\.tar\Z' => "tar xvf %s" , '\.zip\Z' => "unzip %s" , '\.Z\Z' => "uncompress %s" ); # ............................................... prepare output ... if ( $OUT_DIR ) { $verb and print "$id: chdir $OUT_DIR\n"; chdir $OUT_DIR or die "$id: chdir $OUT_DIR $ERRNO"; } for ( @$data ) { $line = $ARG; chomp; $pass = $login = $regexp = $lcd = $file = ""; s/[#].*$//; # Kill comments next if /^\s*$/; # ignore empty lines # ............................................ Variable defs ... %variables = /(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/g; while ( ($var, $val) = each %variables ) { $debug and warn "$id:\t\t$var = $val\n"; $ENV{ $var } = ExpandPath $val; } %variables = (); %variables = /'(\S+)'\s*=\s*(.*)/g; while ( ($var, $val) = each %variables ) { $debug and warn "$id:\t\t$var = $val\n"; $EXTRACT_HASH{ $var } = $val; } # ............................................... directives ... $new = $CHECK_NEWEST; $unpack = $UNPACK; $pass = $1 if /\bpass:\s*(\S+)/; $login = $1 if /\blogin:\s*(\S+)/; $regexp = $1 if /\bregexp:\s*(\S+)/; $new = 1 if /\bnew:/; $unpack = 1 if /\bx:/; $unpack = 0 if $NO_UNPACK; # cancel if option given if ( $NO_LCD == 0 and /lcd:\s*(\S+)/ ) { DirectiveLcd $1, $LCD_CREATE; } # ................................................... regexp ... if ( defined $URL_REGEXP ) { if ( not /$URL_REGEXP/o ) { $debug and warn "$id: [regexp ignored] $ARG\n"; next; } } if ( defined $TAG_REGEXP ) { ($ARG, $stop ) = TagHandle $ARG, $TAG_NAME; last if $stop; next if $ARG eq ''; } # ................................................. grab url ... m!^\s*((http|ftp|file):/?(/([^/\s]+)(\S*)))!; unless ( defined $1 and defined $2 ) { $debug and warn "$id: [skipped] $line\n"; next; } # ............................................... components ... $url = $1; $type = $2; $path = $3; $site = $4; $sitePath = $5; $origFile = $sitePath; ( $file = $url ) =~ s,^\s*\S+/,,; $file = $path . "000root-file" if $file eq ""; if ( $NO_SAVE == 0 and /save:(\S+)/ ) { $file = $1; } $postfix = $POSTFIX if defined $POSTFIX; $prefix = $PREFIX . $prefix if defined $PREFIX; $prefix = $site . "::" . $prefix if $PREFIX_WWW; $prefix = $date . "::" . $prefix if $PREFIX_DATE; $file = $prefix . $file . $postfix; # .................................................... do-it ... $debug and warn "$id: <$type> <$site> <$path> <$url> <$file>\n"; $ARG = $type; @files = (); if ( /http/i ) { $count++; ($stat, @files ) = UrlHttp $url, $file, $new , $PROXY , \%URL_ERROR_HASH , \%URL_ERROR_REASON_HASH ; } elsif ( /ftp/i ) { $count++; ($stat, @files ) = UrlFtp $site, $sitePath , $origFile, $file, $regexp , $FIREWALL, $login, $pass , $new ; } elsif ( /file/i ) { ($stat, @files ) = UrlFile $path, $origFile, $prefix, $postfix; } # .................................................. &unpack ... $unpack and @files and Unpack \@files, \%EXTRACT_HASH; } if ( not $count and $verb) { $CFG_FILE ne '' and printf "$id: No matching [%s] items in $CFG_FILE\n", $URL_REGEXP ; $CFG_FILE eq '' and print "$id: Nothing. Use config file or give URL?\n"; } } # ............................................................ &main ... Initialize(); HandleCommandLineArgs(); my ( @data); my $id = "$LIB.start"; # ......................................................... args ... if ( defined $CFG_FILE ) { $verb and print "$id: Reading [$CFG_FILE]\n"; local *F; open F, $CFG_FILE or die "$id: [$CFG_FILE] $ERRNO"; @data = ; close F; unless ( @data ) { die "$id: Nothing found from $CFG_FILE"; } } push @data, @ARGV if @ARGV; # Add command line URLs local $ARG; if ( @TAG_LIST ) { for ( @TAG_LIST ) { TagHandle undef, undef, "1-reset"; Main $ARG, \@data; } } else { Main "", \@data; } 0; __END__