#Uptime.pl (c)2005-6 Dream ƒrequency #Uptime Displayer v2.2.0 (965355); Displays time since Windows booted ### #ƒrequency Software - http://frequencysoftware.com #Adult ƒrequency - Adult software - http://adultfrequency.com #Dream ƒrequency - Useful software - http://dreamfrequency.com ### #Display of the amount of time since your computer was booted. This is #called the uptime. The display is precise to the second. Windows GUI #clock version available from Download.com, "Precise information... worth #evaluating," Download.com Editor's Review. http://www.download.com/ #Uptime-Clock/3000-2094-10450928.html # #Find out if your computer has been running for 2 days, 10 hours or you #have just turned it on. # #Windows counts the number of milliseconds since it was last booted #(started). This application reads that count, then turns it into time #on a 24hour clock and in kiloseconds. This interesting Windows feature #was discovered as a static display in AIDA32, the system info #application. # #This Perl script is freeware and may be freely redistributed unchanged. ### $OutputStr=""; $UpDays=0; $UpHours=0; $UpMins=0; $UpSecs=0; $Uptime=Win32::GetTickCount; $Uptime/=1000; $ks=$Uptime/1000; $ks=sprintf ("%.0f", $ks); $Uptime=int $Uptime; $UpSecs=$Uptime % 60; $Uptime/=60; $Uptime=int $Uptime; if ($Uptime>59) { $UpMins=$Uptime % 60; $Uptime/=60; $Uptime=int $Uptime; if ($Uptime>23) { $UpHours=$Uptime % 24; $Uptime/=24; $UpDays=int $Uptime; } else { $UpHours=$Uptime; } } else { $UpMins=$Uptime; } if ($UpSecs==1) { $OutputStr="1 second"; } elsif ($UpSecs==0) { $OutputStr="precisely"; } else { $OutputStr="$UpSecs seconds"; } if ($UpMins==1) { $OutputStr="1 minute and $OutputStr"; } elsif ($UpMins>1) { $OutputStr="$UpMins minutes and $OutputStr"; } if ($UpHours or $UpDays) { if ($UpHours==1) { $OutputStr="1 hour and $OutputStr"; } elsif ($UpHours>1) { $OutputStr="$UpHours hours and $OutputStr"; } if ($UpDays) { if ($UpDays==1) { $OutputStr="1 day and $OutputStr"; } else { $OutputStr="$UpDays days and $OutputStr"; } } } print "Uptime is $OutputStr (${ks}ks).\n"; print "Visit Frequency Software at: http://frequencysoftware.com.\n";