NAME ==== Slang::Predicate - Predicates in perl6 SYNOPSIS ======== use Slang::Predicate; my (\α, \β) = (T, F); say ((α → β) ∧ α) → β; DESCRIPTION =========== Slang::Predicate adds operators common to predicate logic directly to perl6. Exported terms and operators are:
Terms Term Example
True T T ~~ True
False F F ~~ False
Infix operator Example
True T T ~~ True
False F F ~~ False
Disjunction T ∨ F ~~ True
Conjunction T ∧ F ~~ False
Exclusive disjunction ⊻ or ⊕ T ⊻ F ~~ True
Conditional → or ⇒ or ⊃ T → F ~~ False
Biconditional ↔ or ⇔ or ≡ T ↔ F ~~ False
Prefix operator Example
Negation ¬ ¬T ~~ False
Verum ⊤F ~~ True
Falsum ⊥T ~~ False
AUTHOR ====== Sam Gillespie COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017 Sam Gillespie This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.