NAME Evented::Object - a base class that allows you to attach event callbacks to an object and then fire events on that object. SYNOPSIS Demonstrates basic Evented::Object subclasses, priorities of event callbacks, and fire objects and their methods. package Person; use warnings; use strict; use 5.010; use parent 'Evented::Object'; use Evented::Object; # Creates a new person object. This is nothing special. # Evented::Object does not require any specific constructor to be called. sub new { my ($class, %opts) = @_; bless \%opts, $class; } # Fires birthday event and increments age. sub have_birthday { my $person = shift; $person->fire(birthday => ++$person->{age}); } In some other package... package main; # Create a person named Jake at age 19. my $jake = Person->new(name => 'Jake', age => 19); # Add an event callback that assumes Jake is under 21. $jake->on(birthday => sub { my ($fire, $new_age) = @_; say 'not quite 21 yet...'; }, name => '21-soon'); # Add an event callback that checks if Jake is 21 and cancels the above callback if so. $jake->on(birthday => sub { my ($fire, $new_age) = @_; if ($new_age == 21) { say 'time to get drunk!'; $fire->cancel('21-soon'); } }, name => 'finally-21', priority => 1); # Jake has two birthdays. # Jake's 20th birthday. $jake->have_birthday; # Jake's 21st birthday. $jake->have_birthday; # Because 21-soon has a lower priority than finally-21, # finally-21 will cancel 21-soon if Jake is 21. # The result: # # not quite 21 yet... # time to get drunk! DESCRIPTION I honestly doubt your objects have ever been this evented in your entire life. This concept is so incredible that we're using a noun as a verb without being arrested by the grammar police. Evented::Object started as a basic class for registering event handlers and firing events. After many improvements throughout several projects, Evented::Object has become far more complex and quite featureful. Evented::Object supplies an (obviously objective) interface to store and manage callbacks for events, fire events upon objects, and more. It provides several methods for convenience and simplicity. Naming confusion To clear some things up... 'Evented::Object' refers to the Evented::Object package, but 'evented object' refers to an object which is a member of the Evented::Object class or a class which inherits from the Evented::Object class. 'Fire object' refers to an object representing an event fire. * Evented::Object: this class that provides methods for managing events. * Evented object: `$eo' - refers to an object that uses Evented::Object for event management. * Fire object: `$fire' or `$event' - an object that represents an event fire. * Collection: `$col' or `$collection' - represents a group of callbacks about to be fired. * Listener object: another evented object that receives event notifications. Evented::Object and its core packages are prefixed with `Evented::Object'. Packages which are specifically designed for use with Evented::Object are prefixed with `Evented::'. Purpose of Evented::Object In short, Evented::Object allows you to attach event callbacks to an object (also known as a blessed hash reference) and then fire events on that object. To relate, event fires are much like method calls. However, there can be many handlers, many return values, and many responses rather than just one of each of these. Event callbacks These handlers, known as callbacks, are called in descending order by priority. Numerically larger priorities are called first. This allows you to place a certain callback in front of or behind another. They can modify other callbacks, modify the evented object itself, and much more. Objective approach Whereas many event systems involve globally unique event names, Evented::Object allows you to attach events to a specific object. The event callbacks, information, and other data are stored secretly within the object itself. This is quite comparable to the JavaScript event systems often found in browsers. Fire objects Another important concept of Evented::Object is the fire object. It provides methods for fetching information relating to the event being fired, callback being called, and more. Additionally, it provides an interface for modifying the evented object and modifying future event callbacks. Fire objects belong to the Evented::Object::EventFire class. Fire objects are specific to each firing. If you fire the same event twice in a row, the event object passed to the callbacks the first time will not be the same as the second time. Therefore, all modifications made by the fire object's methods apply only to the callbacks remaining in this particular fire. For example, `$fire->cancel($callback)' will only cancel the supplied callback once. The next time the event is fired, that cancelled callback will be called regardless. See "Fire object methods" for more information. Listener objects Additional evented objects can be registered as "listeners." Consider a scenario where you have a class whose objects represent a farm. You have another class which represents a cow. You would like to use the same callback for all of the moos that occur on the farm, regardless of which cow initiated it. Rather than attaching an event callback to every cow, you can instead make the farm a listener of the cow. Then, you can attach a single callback to your farm. If your cow's event for mooing is `moo', your farm's event for mooing is `cow.moo'. Potential looping references The cow holds a weak reference to the farm, so you do not need to worry about deleting it later. This, however, means that your listener object must also be referred to in another location in order for this to work. I doubt that will be a problem, though. Priorities and listeners Evented::Object is rather genius when it comes to callback priorities. With object listeners, it is as though the callbacks belong to the object being listened to. Referring to the above example, if you attach a callback on the farm object with priority 1, it will be called before your callback with priority 0 on the cow object. Fire objects and listeners When an event is fired on an object, the same fire object is used for callbacks belonging to both the evented object and its listening objects. Therefore, callback names must be unique not only to the listener object but to the object being listened on as well. You should also note the values of the fire object: * $fire->event_name: the name of the event from the perspective of the listener; i.e. `cow.moo' (NOT `moo') * $fire->object: the object being listened to; i.e. `$cow' (NOT `$farm') This also means that stopping the event from a listener object will cancel all remaining callbacks, including those belonging to the evented object. Registering callbacks to classes Evented::Object 3.9 adds the ability to register event callbacks to a subclass of Evented::Object. The methods `->register_callback()', `->delete_event()', `->delete_callback', etc. can be called in the form of `MyClass->method()'. Evented::Object will store these callbacks in a special hash hidden in the package's symbol table. Any object of this class will borrow these callbacks from the class. They will be incorporated into the callback collection as though they were registered directly on the object. Note: Events cannot be fired on a class. Prioritizing When firing an event, any callbacks on the class will sorted by priority just as if they were registered on the object. Whether registered on the class or the object, a callback with a higher priority will be called before one of a lower priority. Subclassing If an evented object is blessed to a subclass of a class with callbacks registered to it, the object will NOT inherit the callbacks associated with the parent class. Callbacks registered to classes ONLY apply to objects directly blessed to the class. Class monitors Evented::Object 4.0 introduces a "class monitor" feature. This allows an evented object to be registered as a "monitor" of a specific class/package. Any event callbacks that are added from that class to any evented object of any type will trigger an event on the monitor object - in other words, the `caller` of `->register_callback()`, regardless of the object. An example scenario of when this might be useful is an evented object for debugging all events being registered by a certain package. It would log all of them, making it easier to find a problem. Collections Evented::Object 5.0 introduces callback collections. Sometimes it is useful to prepare an event fire before actually calling it. The group of callbacks that are about to be called are represented by a collection object. Collections are returned by the 'prepare' methods. Collections are especially useful for firing events with special options. This usually looks something like: $eo->prepare(event_name => @args)->fire(some_fire_option => $value); See "Collection methods" for more information. COMPATIBILITY Although Evented::Object attempts to maintain compatibility for an extended period of time, a number of exceptions do exist. Asynchronous improvements 1.0+ Evented::Object 1.* series and above are incompatible with the former versions. Evented::Object 1.8+ is designed to be more thread-friendly and work well in asyncrhonous programs, whereas the previous versions were not suitable for such uses. The main comptability issue is the arguments passed to the callbacks. In the earlier versions, the evented object was always the first argument of all events, until Evented::Object 0.6 added the ability to pass a parameter to `->attach_event()' that would tell Evented::Object to omit the object from the callback's argument list. Introduction of fire info 1.8+ The Evented::Object series 1.8+ passes a hash reference `$fire' instead of the Evented::Object as the first argument. `$fire' contains information that was formerly held within the object itself, such as `event_info', `event_return', and `event_data'. These are now accessible through this new hash reference as `$fire->{info}', `$fire->{return}', `$fire->{data}', etc. The object is now accessible with `$fire->{object}'. (this has since been changed; see below.) Events are now stored in the `' hash key instead of `events', as `events' was a tad bit too broad and could conflict with other libraries. In addition to these changes, the `->attach_event()' method was deprecated in version 1.8 in favor of the new `->register_callback()'; however, it will remain in Evented::Object until at least the late 2.* series. Alias changes 2.0+ Version 2.0 breaks things even more because `->on()' is now an alias for `->register_callback()' rather than the former deprecated `->attach_event()'. Introduction of fire objects 2.2+ Version 2.2+ introduces a new class, Evented::Object::EventFire, which provides several methods for fire objects. These methods such as `$fire->return' and `$fire->object' replace the former hash keys `$fire->{return}', `$fire->{object}', etc. The former hash interface is no longer supported and will lead to error. Removal of ->attach_event() 2.9+ Version 2.9 removes the long-deprecated `->attach_event()' method in favor of the more flexible `->register_callback()'. This will break compatibility with any package still making use of `->attach_event()'. Rename to Evented::Object 3.54+ In order to correspond with other 'Evented' packages, EventedObject was renamed to Evented::Object. All packages making use of EventedObject will need to be modified to use Evented::Object instead. This change was made pre-CPAN. Removal of deprecated options 5.0+ Long-deprecated callback options may no longer behave as expected in older versions. Specifically, Evented::Object used to try to guess whether it should insert the event fire object and evented object to the callback arguments. Now, it does not try to guess but instead only listens to the explicit options. Evented object methods The Evented::Object package provides several convenient methods for managing an event-driven object. Evented::Object->new() Creates a new Evented::Object. Typically, this method is overriden by a child class of Evented::Object. It is unncessary to call `SUPER::new()', as `Evented::Object->new()' returns nothing more than an empty hash reference blessed to Evented::Object. my $eo = Evented::Object->new(); $eo->register_callback($event_name => \&callback, %options) Attaches an event callback the object. When the specified event is fired, each of the callbacks registered using this method will be called by descending priority order (numerically higher priority numbers are called first.) $eo->register_callback(myEvent => sub { ... }, name => 'some.callback', priority => 200); Parameters * event_name: the name of the event. * callback: a CODE reference to be called when the event is fired. * options: *optional*, a hash (not hash reference) of any of the below options. %options - event handler options All of these options are optional, but the use of a callback name is highly recommended. * name: the name of the callback being registered. must be unique to this particular event. * priority: a numerical priority of the callback. * before: the name of a callback to precede. * after: the name of a callback to succeed. * data: any data that will be stored as `$fire->callback_data' as the callback is fired. If `data' is a hash reference, its values can be fetched conveniently with `$fire->callback_data('key')'. * with_eo: if true, the evented object will prepended to the argument list. * no_fire_obj: if true, the fire object will not be prepended to the argument list. Note: the order of objects will always be `$eo', `$fire', `@args', regardless of omissions. By default, the argument list is `$fire', `@args'. Note: only one of `priority', `before', and `after' will be respected. Although more complex prioritization is in the works, Evented::Object is not currently capable of resolving priority conflicts with before and after. $eo->register_callbacks(@events) Registers several events at once. The arguments should be a list of hash references. These references take the same options as `->register_callback()'. Returns a list of return values in the order that the events were specified. $eo->register_callbacks( { myEvent => \&my_event_1, name => 'cb.1', priority => 200 }, { myEvent => \&my_event_2, name => 'cb.2', priority => 100 } ); Parameters * events: an array of hash references to pass to `->register_callback()'. $eo->delete_event($event_name) Deletes all callbacks registered for the supplied event. Returns a true value if any events were deleted, false otherwise. $eo->delete_event('myEvent'); Parameters * event_name: the name of the event. $eo->delete_callback($event_name) Deletes an event callback from the object with the given callback name. Returns a true value if any events were deleted, false otherwise. $eo->delete_callback(myEvent => 'my.callback'); Parameters * event_name: the name of the event. * callback_name: the name of the callback being removed. $eo->fire_event($event_name => @arguments) Fires the specified event, calling each callback that was registered with `->register_callback()' in descending order of their priorities. $eo->fire_event('some_event'); $eo->fire_event(some_event => $some_argument, $some_other_argument); Parameters * event_name: the name of the event being fired. * arguments: *optional*, list of arguments to pass to event callbacks. $eo->fire_once($event_name => @arguments) Fires the specified event, calling each callback that was registered with `->register_callback()' in descending order of their priorities. Then, all callbacks for the event are deleted. This method is useful for situations where an event will never be fired more than once. $eo->fire_once('some_event'); $eo->fire_event(some_event => $some_argument, $some_other_argument); # the second does nothing because the first deleted the callbacks Parameters * event_name: the name of the event being fired. * arguments: *optional*, list of arguments to pass to event callbacks. $eo->add_listener($other_eo, $prefix) Makes the passed evented object a listener of this evented object. See the "listener objects" section for more information on this feature. $cow->add_listener($farm, 'cow'); Parameters * other_eo: the evented object that will listen. * prefix: a string that event names will be prefixed with on the listener. $eo->fire_events_together(@events) Since Evented::Object 5.0, the `fire_events_together()' function can be used as a method on evented objects. See the documentation for the function in "Procedural functions". $eo->delete_listener($other_eo) Removes a listener of this evented object. See the "listener objects" section for more information on this feature. $cow->delete_listener($farm, 'cow'); Parameters * other_eo: the evented object that will listen. * prefix: a string that event names will be prefixed with on the listener. $eo->delete_all_events() Deletes all events and all callbacks from the object. If you know that an evented object will no longer be used in your program, by calling this method you can be sure that no cyclical references from within callbacks will cause the object to be leaked. Preparation methods Evented::Object 5.0 introduces a means by which callbacks can be prepared before being fired. This is most useful for firing events with special fire options. $eo->prepare_event(event_name => @arguments) Prepares a single event for firing. Returns a collection object representing the callbacks for the event. # an example using the fire option return_check. $eo->prepare_event(some_event => @arguments)->fire('return_check'); $eo->prepare_together(@events) The preparatory method equivalent to `->fire_events_together'. $eo->prepare(...) A smart method that uses the best guess between `->prepare_event' and `->prepare_together'. # uses ->prepare_event() $eo->prepare(some_event => @arguments); # uses ->prepare_together() $eo->prepare( [ some_event => @arguments ], [ some_other => @other_arg ] ); Class monitors $eo->monitor_events($pkg) Registers an evented object as the class monitor for a specific package. See the section above for more details on class monitors and their purpose. my $some_eo = Evented::Object->new; my $other_eo = Evented::Object->new; $some_eo->on('monitor:register_callback', sub { my ($event, $eo, $event_name, $cb) = @_; # $eo == $other_eo # $event_name == "blah" # $cb == callback hash from ->register_callback() say "Registered $$cb{name} to $eo for $event_name"; }); $some_eo->monitor_events('Some::Class'); package Some::Class; $other_eo->on(blah => sub{}); # will trigger the callback above * pkg: a package whose event activity you wish to monitor. $eo->stop_monitoring($pkg) Removes an evented object from its current position as a monitor for a specific package. See the section above for more details on class monitors and their purpose. $some_eo->stop_monitoring('Some::Class'); * pkg: a package whose event activity you're monitoring. Procedural functions The Evented::Object package provides some functions for use. These functions typically are associated with more than one evented object or none at all. fire_events_together(@events) Fires multiple events at the same time. This allows you to fire multiple similar events on several evented objects at the same time. It essentially pretends that the callbacks are all for the same event and all on the same object. It follows priorities throughout all of the events and all of the objects, so it is ideal for firing similar or identical events on multiple objects. The same fire object is used throughout this entire routine. This means that callback names must unique among all of these objects and events. It also means that stopping an event from any callback will cancel all remaining callbacks, regardless to which event or which object they belong. The function takes a list of array references in the form of: `[ $evented_object, event_name => @arguments ]' Evented::Object::fire_events_together( [ $server, user_joined_channel => $user, $channel ], [ $channel, user_joined => $user ], [ $user, joined_channel => $channel ] ); Since Evented::Object 5.0, `->fire_events_together' can be used as a method on any evented object. $eo->fire_events_together( [ some_event => @arguments ], [ some_other => @other_arg ] ); The above example would formerly be achieved as: Evented::Object::fire_events_together( [ $eo, some_event => @arguments ], [ $eo, some_other => @other_arg ] ); However, other evented objects may be specified even when this is used as a method. Basically, anywhere that an object is missing will fall back to the object on which the method was called. $eo->fire_events_together( [ $other_eo, some_event => @arguments ], [ some_other => @other_arg ] # no object, falls back to $eo ); Parameters * events: an array of events in the form of `[$eo, event_name => @arguments]'. safe_fire($eo, $event_name, @args) Safely fires an event. In other words, if the `$eo` is not an evented object or is not blessed at all, the call will be ignored. This eliminates the need to use `blessed()' and `->isa()' on a value for testing whether it is an evented object. Evented::Object::safe_fire($eo, myEvent => 'my argument'); Parameters * eo: the evented object. * event_name: the name of the event. * args: the arguments for the event fire. Collection methods Collections are returned by the 'prepare' methods. They represent a group of callbacks that are about to be fired. $col->fire(@options) Fires the pending callbacks with the specified options, if any. If the callbacks have not yet been sorted, they are sorted before the event is fired. $eo->prepare(some_event => @arguments)->fire('safe'); Parameters * options: *optional*, a mixture of boolean and key:value options for the event fire. @options * caller: *requires value*, use an alternate `[caller 1]' value for the event fire. This is typically only used internally. * return_check: *boolean*, if true, the event will yield that it was stopped if any of the callbacks return a false value. Note however that if one callbacks returns false, the rest will still be called. The fire object will only yield stopped status after all callbacks have been called and any number of them returned false. * safe: *boolean*, wrap all callback calls in `eval' for safety. if any of them fail, the event will be stopped at that point with the error. * fail_continue: *boolean*, if `safe' above is enabled, this tells the fire to continue even if one of the callbacks fails. This could be dangerous if any of the callbacks expected a previous callback to be done when it actually failed. * data: *requires value*, a scalar value that can be fetched by `$fire->data' from within the callbacks. Good for data that might be useful sometimes but not frequently enough to deserve a spot in the argument list. If `data' is a hash reference, its values can be fetched conveniently with `$fire->data('key')'. $col->sort Sorts the callbacks according to `priority', `before', and `after' options. Fire object methods "Fire objects" are passed to all callbacks of an Evented::Object (unless the silent parameter was specified.) Fire objects contain information about the event itself, the callback, the caller of the event, event data, and more. $fire->object Returns the evented object. $fire->object->delete_event('myEvent'); $fire->caller Returns the value of `caller(1)' from within the `->fire()' method. This allows you to determine from where the event was fired. my $name = $fire->event_name; my @caller = $fire->caller; say "Package $caller[0] line $caller[2] called event $name"; $fire->stop($reason) Cancels all remaining callbacks. This stops the rest of the event firing. After a callback calls $fire->stop, the name of that callback is stored as `$fire->stopper'. If the event has already been stopped, this method returns the reason for which the fire was stopped or "unspecified" if no reason was given. # ignore messages from trolls if ($user eq 'noah') { # user is a troll. # stop further callbacks. return $fire->stop; } * reason: *optional*, the reason for stopping the event fire. $fire->stopper Returns the callback which called `$fire->stop'. if ($fire->stopper) { say 'Fire was stopped by '.$fire->stopper; } $fire->exception If the event was fired with the `safe` option, it is possible that an exception occurred in one (or more if `fail_continue` enabled) callbacks. This method returns the last exception that occurred or `undef` if none did. if (my $e = $fire->exception) { say "Exception! $e"; } $fire->called($callback) If no argument is supplied, returns the number of callbacks called so far, including the current one. If a callback argument is supplied, returns whether that particular callback has been called. say $fire->called, 'callbacks have been called so far.'; if ($fire->called('some.callback')) { say 'some.callback has been called already.'; } Parameters * callback: *optional*, the callback being checked. $fire->pending($callback) If no argument is supplied, returns the number of callbacks pending to be called, excluding the current one. If a callback argument is supplied, returns whether that particular callback is pending for being called. say $fire->pending, ' callbacks are left.'; if ($fire->pending('some.callback')) { say 'some.callback will be called soon (unless it gets canceled)'; } Parameters * callback: *optional*, the callback being checked. $fire->cancel($callback) Cancels the supplied callback once. if ($user eq 'noah') { # we don't love noah! $fire->cancel('send.hearts'); } Parameters * callback: the callback to be cancelled. $fire->return_of($callback) Returns the return value of the supplied callback. if ($fire->return_of('my.callback')) { say 'my.callback returned a true value'; } Parameters * callback: the desired callback. $fire->last Returns the most recent previous callback called. This is also useful for determining which callback was the last to be called. say $fire->last, ' was called before this one.'; my $fire = $eo->fire_event('myEvent'); say $fire->last, ' was the last callback called.'; $fire->last_return Returns the last callback's return value. if ($fire->last_return) { say 'the callback before this one returned a true value.'; } else { die 'the last callback returned a false value.'; } $fire->event_name Returns the name of the event. say 'the event being fired is ', $fire->event_name; $fire->callback_name Returns the name of the current callback. say 'the current callback being called is ', $fire->callback_name; $fire->callback_priority Returns the priority of the current callback. say 'the priority of the current callback is ', $fire->callback_priority; $fire->callback_data($key) Returns the data supplied to the callback when it was registered, if any. If the data is a hash reference, an optional key parameter can specify a which value to fetch. say 'my data is ', $fire->callback_data; say 'my name is ', $fire->callback_data('name'); Parameters * key: *optional*, a key to fetch a value if the data registered was a hash. $fire->data($key) Returns the data supplied to the collection when it was fired, if any. If the data is a hash reference, an optional key parameter can specify a which value to fetch. say 'fire data is ', $fire->data; say 'fire time was ', $fire->data('time'); Parameters * key: *optional*, a key to fetch a value if the data registered was a hash. Aliases A number of aliases exist for convenience, but some of the names are rather broad. For that reason, they are only recommended for use when you are sure that other subclassing will not interfere. $eo->on(...) Alias for `$eo->register_callback()'. $eo->del(...) If one argument provided, alias for `$eo->delete_event'. If two arguments provided, alias for `$eo->delete_callback'. $eo->fire(...) Alias for `$eo->fire_event()'. $eo->register_event(...) Alias for `$eo->register_callback()'. $eo->register_events(...) Alias for `$eo->register_callbacks()'. $fire->eo Alias for `$fire->object'. AUTHOR Mitchell Cooper <> Copyright E<copy> 2011-2014. Released under BSD license. * IRC: #k * Email: * CPAN: COOPER * GitHub: cooper Comments, complaints, and recommendations are accepted. IRC is my preferred communication medium. Bugs may be reported on RT.