NAME INSTALL - How to install and configure DBD::MaxDB version 7.6.0 BUILD 027-121-124-939 SYNOPSIS perl Makefile.PL [options] make make test make install DESCRIPTION This documentation describes how you install the DBD::MaxDB, the Perl DBI driver for the MaxDB by MySQL database. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000-2006 by SAP AG This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS: This module is maintained and supported on a mailing list, Please send comments and bug-reports to this list. Please include the output of perl -v [-V], the version of the MaxDB database, the version of the MaxDB SQLDBC-SDK, the version of DBI, and details about your platform in your bug report. Mailing list archives are available at: the section on "/" in the http: manpage Additionally you might try the dbi-user mailing list for questions about DBI and its modules in general. HOW TO GET THE LATEST VERSION: Use the following URL to look for new versions of this module: the section on "/" in the http: manpage PREREQUISITES Before installing the driver make sure that you have the following prerequisites available. Perl Build, test and install Perl 5 (at least 5.6.1). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! DBI Build, test and install DBI (at least 1.21). Since DBD::MaxDB is a DBI driver, you need DBI. It is available at: the section on "/" in the http: manpage C compiler A C compiler is required, since currently you can only install from source. Maybe a binary version will be available in future releases. Make sure, that the C compiler you use is the same C compiler that was used for compiling Perl! Otherwise you will almost definitely encounter problems because of differences in the underlying C runtime libraries. MaxDB SQLDBC-SDK The DBD::MaxDB driver needs to link with MaxDB's common database interface SQLDBC which is not included in this distribution. You need at least the version But you should use a newer version of SQLDBC from release 7.6.00. For details about SQLDBC see: the section on "/" in the http: manpage You can download the SQLDBC software development kit from the MySQL homepage at: the section on "/" in the http: manpage There are different ways to install the SQLDBC software development kit. Install using SDBINST You need to download and unpack the MaxDB standard installation package (maxdb-all-<os>-[32 or 64]bit- <arch>-<version>_<build>.<tgz>) Go to the directory into which you unpacked the installation package. Enter the following commands: ./SDBINST -package Base ./SDBINST -package "Database Connectivity" The Base package is required for SQLDBC SDK. If you have already installed it, you can skip the first command. Install from tarball Download the latest version of the SQLDBC SDK from the MySQL homepage or the ftp server. Choose the SQLDBC package that matches your operating system architecture. Platform Package name ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows (x86) Microsoft Windows (IA64) maxdb-sqldbc-win-64bit-ia64- Linux (x86) maxdb-sqldbc-linux-32bit-i386- Linux (IA64) maxdb-sqldbc-linux-64bit- IBM AIX 5 (PowerPC, 64-bit) maxdb- HP-UX (HPPA, 64-bit) Sun Solaris (Sparc, 64-bit) maxdb-sqldbc-sun-64bit-sparc- Tru64 (Alpha, 64-bit) maxdb-sqldbc-tru64- Unpack the tarball to a local directory of your choice with the following command: tar xvzf maxdb-all-<os>-32|64bit-<arch>-<version>_<build> MaxDB database server Of course you will need a MaxDB database instance. The DBD::MaxDB driver supports all available versions of MaxDB (SAP DB) at least 7.3. The MaxDB software and documentation can be found at: the section on "/" in the http: manpage INSTALLATION By default Makefile.PL uses the MaxDB global configuration file (/etc/opt/sdb) on Unix/Linux platforms or the registry (requires Win32API::Registry) on Windows platforms for retrieving the location of `SQLDBC-SDK'. If the location of `SQLDBC-SDK' cannot be found or if you want to control it yourself, define the environment variables `SQLDBCSDK' or set the option `< -o <path' >> when calling ` perl Makefile.PL ' Since the tests will connect to a live database, you need to set the following environment variables for the tests to run: DBI_DSN=dbi:MaxDB:<host>/<dbname> DBI_USER=<username> DBI_PASS=<password> E.g. Definition of the parameter url for a connection to the database TST on the computer REMOTESERVER C< dbi:MaxDB:REMOTESERVER/TST > Now you are ready, to make and install DBD::MaxDB. The final steps are: 1. perl Makefile.PL 2. make (or nmake, if VC++ on windows) 3. make test (or nmake, if VC++ on windows) 4. make install (or nmake, if VC++ on windows) Note that you should execute steps 1 to 3 as a normal user, not as root! TESTING You need to set the following environment variables for the tests to run: DBI_DSN=dbi:MaxDB:<host>/<dbname> DBI_USER=<username> DBI_PASS=<password> Execute the command: `make test' or `make test TEST_VERBOSE=1' to run the test suite. Running the test suite should not show any errors. Since DBD::MaxDB uses the shared library `' (`libSQLDBC_C.dll' on windows), you have to ensure that this library can be found by the operating system. On windows you should add the `libSQLDBC_C.dll' to you `PATH' environment variable. On Unix/Linux you will normally add the path of `libSQLDBC_C.[so|sl]' to the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.