$Id: README,v 1.11 2002/08/02 14:54:50 kmacleod Exp $ Frontier::RPC A Perl 5 module for performing Remote Procedure Calls using Extensible Markup Language Ken MacLeod ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us With contributions from Nick Bauman, Laurent Bossavit, Sean Brown, Jon Frisby, Ed Hill, Joe Johnston, Skip Montanaro, Tim Peoples, John Posner, Aaron Ross, Bas Schulte, Marc Singer, and Terry Triplett (Unofficial patch from Jeff Buchbinder) INTRODUCTION Frontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC (Remote Procedure Calls using Extensible Markup Language). Frontier::RPC includes both a client module for making requests to a server and several server modules for implementing servers using CGI, Apache, and standalone with HTTP::Daemon. See the file Changes for user-visible changes. See the `examples' directory for an example of using Frontier::RPC. See the ``XML RPC: Home Page'' for more information on XML RPC. <http://www.xmlrpc.com/> Newer versions of this module can be found on CPAN or at <http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/xml-rpc/>. Questions can be directed to the discussion board on XML-RPC.com or to the XML-RPC mailing list. To join the XML-RPC mailing list visit <http://yahoogroups.com/group/xml-rpc/>. Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Ken MacLeod Frontier::RPC is distributed under the same terms as Perl. OVERVIEW RPC client connections are made by creating instances of Frontier::Client objects that record the server name, and then issuing `call' requests that send a method name and parameters to the server. RPC daemons are mini-HTTP servers (using HTTP::Daemon from the `libwww' Perl module). Daemons are created by first defining the procedures you want to make available to RPC and then passing a list of those procedures as you create the Frontier::Daemon object. The Frontier::RPC2 module implements the encoding and decoding of XML RPC requests using the XML::Parser Perl module. Apache::XMLRPC serves XML-RPC requests from Apache's mod_perl. Frontier::Responder serves XML-RPC requests as a CGI script. QUICK USAGE GUIDE Frontier::RPC converts between XML-RPC <struct>s and Perl hashes, <array>s and Perl arrays, and all others XML-RPC types to Perl scalars. To call an RPC server, use Frontier::Client: use Frontier::Client; $server = Frontier::Client->new(url => $url); $result = $server->call($method, @args); $url is the URL of the XML-RPC server, like `http://betty.userland.com/RPC2', $method is the XML-RPC procedure name to call, and @args is a list of hashes, arrays, or scalars to pass to the procedure. See `examples/states-client.pl' for an example of an XML-RPC client. To create an XML-RPC server, use Frontier::Daemon. Frontier::Daemon is a subclass of HTTP::Daemon, so takes all the options that HTTP::Daemon takes for setting up a server, such as the port number. In addition, Frontier::Daemon takes a `methods' option that is a hash containing the RPC procedure names and references to Perl subroutines: use Frontier::Daemon; Frontier::Daemon->new(methods => { 'rpcName' => &sub_name, }); The subroutines get called with the XML-RPC parameters as hashes, arrays, and scalars. See `examples/states-daemon.pl' for an example of an XML-RPC server. INSTALLATION Frontier::RPC requires the following Perl modules from CPAN, if not already included in your installed Perl: <http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/> Data-Dumper (in the Data directory) MIME-Base64 (in the MIME directory) MD5 (in the MD5 directory) HTML-Tagset (in the HTML directory) HTML-Parser (in the HTML directory) URI (in the URI directory) libnet (in the Net directory) libwww-perl (in the HTTP directory) XML-Parser (in the XML directory) Frontier::RPC installs as a standard Perl module perl Makefile.PL make make test make install