
PathConvert module 0.4 for perl version5

					Shigio Yamaguchi	8-Mar-1998

1. Introduction

This module has three subroutines and a sample application.

realpath - make a canonicalized absolute path name

abs2rel - make a relative path from an absolute path

	'/usr/src/bin' and '/usr/local/lib' -> '../../src/bin'
	(target directory)  (current directory)

rel2abs - make an absolute path from a relative path

	'../../src/bin' and '/usr/local/lib' -> '/usr/src/bin'
	(target directory)  (current directory)

mkshadow - a sample application of PathConvert module

	This command duplicate directory tree with relative symbolic link.

2. Method for test and install

You need perl version 5.002 or later.

	% perl Makefile.PL
	% make
	% make test
	# make install		<- as a root

3. Files list

README		... this file
Makefile.PL	... makefile for test and install
PathConvert.pm	... PathConvert module
mkshadow	... sample application of PathConvert module
test.pl		... test script
MANIFEST	... file list

4. History

17-Sep-1996	first RFC on comp.lang.perl.modules.
		Subject: RFC File::PathConvert module
		Message-ID: <51m90o$pos@newsgate.so-net.or.jp>

7-Oct-1996	second RFC on comp.lang.perl.modules.
		Subject: 2nd RFC File::PathConvert module
		Message-ID: <53a449$2qo@newsgate.so-net.or.jp>

		PathConvert.pm -
			use @EXPORT_OK instead of @EXPORT.
			realpath added.
			use $SL variable for path separator.

23-Oct-1996	version 0.1
			Tested with perl5.003_02.

3-Sep-1997	version 0.2

			- SYNOPSIS fixed.
			- Tested with perl5.004_02.
		README	- Mail address changed.
			- History added.

9-Jan-1998	version 0.3

			- fixed the statment of online manual.

		Following useful modifications were submitted by Jesse N. Glick.

		* using $VERSION, to placate CPAN, Exporter, MakeMaker, etc.
		* exporting package variables, all of which seem to be designed
		  for possible customization (or retrieval of info in the case
		  of $resolved)
		* prototyping public functions (those extra semicolons prevent
		  e.g. CPerl mode from thinking `$' escapes the following `)'
		  and messing up Emacs)
		* using standard indented format for literal program examples;
		  use of .br is nonstandard and will not work on anything but
		  nroff/troff (e.g. pod2html)
		* including suggested use of $resolved in SYNOPSIS
		* putting more useful information in the warning messages

8-Mar-1998	version 0.4

			- Bug (Mkshadow converted symbolic links into real path.)
		abs2rel	- modified to produce regularize path name.

5. Copyright

Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Shigio Yamaguchi. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Please enjoy and report any bugs to <shigio@wafu.netgate.net>.
Thank you.
E-Mail: shigio@wafu.netgate.net
WWW:    http://wafu.netgate.net/tama/indexe.html
	(You can find the latest version here.)