Devel::Modlist - Show the modules, with version number, used by a script

Version: 0.801 (see ChangeLog for full history)


Devel::Modlist is a small tool that emits a list of files that were brought
into a script via 'require' or 'use'. It lists these to the STDOUT descriptor
at the end of the script's run. Each file is converted to class-like name,
e.g. IO/ is displayed as IO::File, and the version number, if found,
is displayed. Files ending in .al (auto-loading routines) and .ix (indices
for auto-loading) are ignored. Optionally, one can request that files in
the Perl core library area not be listed (see the manual page).

USING Devel::Modlist

The module is designed to be used like most Devel::* packages:

        perl -d:Modlist script

It can also be used via -M:

        perl -MDevel::Modlist script


The package is designed to configure and build like a typical Perl module.
To build:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make && make test

(at present, there are no tests defined for Devel::Modlist)

To install:

        make install

You may need super-user priviledges to install.


Please send any reports of problems or bugs to <>.


This package is copyright (c) 2000 by Randy Ray (

This module and the code within are released under the terms of the Artistic
License 2.0 (
This code may be redistributed under either the Artistic License or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1

Perl module interface by Randy J. Ray (, original concept
and prototype code from Tim Bunce (

Special thanks to Andreas König <> for help in adding
the CPAN support.