# NAME Spellunker - Pure perl spelling checker implementation # DESCRIPTION Spellunker is pure perl spelling checker implementation. You can use this spelling checker as a library. And this distribution provides [spellunker](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?spellunker) and [spellunker-pod](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?spellunker-pod) command. If you want to use this spelling checker in test script, you can use [Test::Spellunker](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Test::Spellunker). # METHODS - my $spellunker = Spellunker->new(); Create new instance. - $spellunker->load\_dictionary($filename\_or\_fh) Loads stopwords from `$filename_or_fh` and adds them to the on-memory dictionary. - $spellunker->add\_stopwords(@stopwords) Add some `@stopwords` to the on memory dictionary. - $spellunker->check\_word($word); Check the word looks good or not. - @bad\_words = $spellunker->check\_line($line) Check the text and returns bad word list. # HOW DO I USE CUSTOM DICTIONARY? You can put your personal dictionary at `$HOME/.spellunker.en`. # WHY DOES SPELLUNKER NOT IGNORE PERL CODE? In some case, Spellunker does not ignore the perl code. You need to wrap it by C< >. # CONTRIBUTION You can send me pull-request on github # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokuhirom <tokuhirom@gmail.com>