README for VMS::ICC,Copyright 1999, Dan Sugalski BYou may distribute this under the terms of the Artistic license asdistributed with perl@The VMS::ICC module provides access to the VMS ICC (IntraClusterFCommunications) services provided starting with VMS 7.2. This allows aDperl program to be a client to other programs acting as ICC servers,or to be an ICC server itself.BPerl doesn't really support async activities all that well yet, soCthis module does have to fake it some. Once you advertise yourself,Dthe module *will* accept any incoming connection requests, though itAcurrently places a limit of 25 'pending' connections. The lack ofFasynchrony also makes a few things a touch awkward, but that should beCfixed once perl 5.6, and its better support of async activity, gets released.BUILDING5You probably know the drill by now, but if you don't:perl makefile.plMMSMMS TEST MMS INSTALL;(You can, of course, substitute MMK in there if you prefer)CURRENT LIMITATIONSDRight now a perl program can only advertise a single service, thoughEit can connect to multiple servers at once. This limitation might getlifted in the future.FAlso, processing is entirely synchronous, mainly due to perl's currentDsynchronous nature. This is also a limitation that may get lifted in the future.��