Algorithm::TokenBucket - Token bucket rate limiting algorithm


       use Algorithm::TokenBucket;

       # configure a bucket to limit a stream up to 100 items per hour
       # with bursts of 5 items max
       my $bucket = new Algorithm::TokenBucket 100 / 3600, 5;

       # wait until we are allowed to process 3 items
       until ($bucket->conform(3)) {
           sleep 0.1;
           # do things
       # process 3 items because we now can

       # leak (flush) bucket
       $bucket->count(3);  # same as $bucket->count(1) for 1..3;

       if ($bucket->conform(10)) {
           # because a bucket with the burst size of 5
           # will never conform to 10

       my $time = Time::HiRes::time;
       while (Time::HiRes::time - $time < 7200) {  # two hours
           # be bursty
           if ($bucket->conform(5)) {
       # we're likely to have processed 200 items (and hogged CPU)

       Storable::store $bucket, 'bucket.stored';
       my $bucket1 = new Algorithm::TokenBucket


Token Bucket algorithm is a flexible way of imposing a rate limit
against a stream of items. It is also very easy to combine several
rate-limiters in an `AND` or `OR` fashion.

Each bucket has a constant memory footprint because the
algorithm is based on `information rate`.
Other rate limiters available on CPAN keep track of _ALL_ incoming
items in memory. It allows them to be much more accurate.

FYI, `conform`, `count`, `information rate`, `burst size` terms are
taken from [http://linux-ip.net/gl/tcng/node62.html](http://linux-ip.net/gl/tcng/node62.html) page.



- new($$;$$)

    The constructor takes as parameters at least `rate of information` in
    items per second and `burst size` in items. It can also take current
    token counter and last check time but this usage is mostly intended for
    restoring a saved bucket. See ["state"](#state).

- state()

    This method returns the state of the bucket as a list. Use it for storing purposes.
    Buckets also natively support freezing and thawing with [Storable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Storable) by
    providing STORABLE\_\* callbacks.

- conform($)

    This method checks if the bucket contains at least _N_ tokens. In that
    case it is allowed to transmit or process _N_ items (not
    exactly right because _N_ can be fractional) from the stream. A bucket never
    conforms to an _N_ greater than `burst size`.

    The method returns a boolean value.

- count($)

    This method removes _N_ (or all if there are less than _N_ available) tokens from the bucket.
    Does not return a meaningful value.

- until($)

    This method returns the number of seconds until _N_ tokens can be removed from the bucket.
    It is especially useful in multitasking environments like [POE](https://metacpan.org/pod/POE) where you
    cannot busy-wait. One can safely schedule the next conform($N) check in until($N)
    seconds instead of checking repeatedly.

    Note that until() does not take into account `burst size`. This means
    that a bucket will not conform to _N_ even after sleeping for until($N)
    seconds if _N_ is greater than `burst size`.

- get\_token\_count()

    Returns the current number of tokens in the bucket. This method may be
    useful for inspection or debugging purposes. You should not examine
    the state of the bucket for rate limiting purposes.

    This number will frequently be fractional so it is not exactly a


Imagine a rate limiter for a mail sending application. We would like to
allow 2 mails per minute but no more than 20 mails per hour.

    my $rl1 = new Algorithm::TokenBucket 2/60, 1;
    my $rl2 = new Algorithm::TokenBucket 20/3600, 10;
        # "bursts" of 10 to ease the lag but $rl1 enforces
        # 2 per minute, so it won't flood

    while (my $mail = get_next_mail) {
        until ($rl1->conform(1) && $rl2->conform(1)) {

        $rl1->count(1); $rl2->count(1);

Now, let's fix the CPU-hogging example from ["SYNOPSIS"](#synopsis) using
["until()"](#until) method.

    my $bucket = new Algorithm::TokenBucket 100 / 3600, 5;
    my $time = Time::HiRes::time;
    while (Time::HiRes::time - $time < 7200) {  # two hours
        # be bursty
        Time::HiRes::sleep $bucket->until(5);
        if ($bucket->conform(5)) {  # should always be true
    # we're likely to have processed 200 items (without hogging the CPU)


Documentation lacks the actual algorithm description. See links or read
the source (there are about 20 lines of sparse perl in several subs).

until($N) does not return infinity if $N is greater than `burst
size`. Sleeping for infinity seconds is both useless and hard to


Yuval Kogman contributed the ["until"](#until) method, proper [Storable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Storable) support
and other things.

Alexey Shrub contributed the ["get\_token\_count"](#get_token_count) method.


This software is copyright (C) 2015 by Alex Kapranoff.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms GNU General Public License version 3.


Alex Kapranoff, &lt;alex@kapranoff.ru&lt;gt>


[Schedule::RateLimit](https://metacpan.org/pod/Schedule::RateLimit), [Algorithm::FloodControl](https://metacpan.org/pod/Algorithm::FloodControl).