#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Basic webpage GET tool. Much simpler than LWP GET, but not as powerful.
# It only needs modules installed by default, however. Also emulating the
# headers of other browsers is well supported; setting Cookie: and Referer:
# headers is made simpler. AND this is much better at spying on headers
# since it dumps them literally and unmodified (particularly request
# headers), but does not follow redirects.
# 22 November 1999	Benjamin Elijah Griffin
use strict;
BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = '/usr/ucb:/bin' }
use vars qw($EOL $url $tcpproto $nosignal $id $bv %headers $post $forcehost
	$refer $cookie $print_request $print_body $print_heads $user $long
	$follow $waittime $benchmark $debug $autoname $lang $dirdefault
	$average $deviation $exitunless $head_request $urlfile $outfile
	$postfile $contenttype
use Socket;
use Carp;

$VERSION = '1.1';
$LONG_VERSION_INFO = 'initial: 22-Nov-1999; this: 24 Sep 2003';

$id = $0;
$id =~ s:.*/::;

$EOL = "\cm\cj";
$tcpproto = getprotobyname('tcp');
$contenttype   = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$print_request = 0;
$head_request  = 0;
$print_body    = 1;
$print_heads   = 0;
$follow        = 0;
$lang = '';
$refer = '';
$cookie = '';
$bv = 'lwp-request-1.38';
$dirdefault = 'dir-default';

sub base64 ($);
sub err444 ($$$);
sub monster ($$);
sub usage ($);
sub saferead ();
sub grab ($$$$$$$$$);

# Header sets for browser masquerading
%headers = (
# text mode browser for Unix
# http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mikulas/links
# Version 0.84 does not do cookies or referer headers, so we might
# misemulate it that way.
	'links-0.84' => <<'links084Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: Links (0.84; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)

# Forked from links, this is another text mode browser. Quirks include
# giving a bunch away about the system, including window size, in the
# User-Agent: and including a 'Referer' header in URLs entered by hand.
# http://elinks.or.cz/
	'elinks-0.5pre4-linux' => <<'elinks05p4linHeads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: ELinks (0.5pre4; Linux 2.4.2-2 i68; 80x24)
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: bzip2, gzip
Accept-Language: en
Connection: Keep-Alive

# command line web tool using libwww
# http://www.w3.org/ComLine/
	'w3c-5.2.8' => <<'w3c528Heads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: *;q=0.3,deflate
TE: trailers,deflate
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: W3C-WebCon/5.2.8 libwww/5.2.8

# text mode browser for Unix
# http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/
	'w3m-beta99' => <<'w3mb991027Heads',
User-Agent: w3m/beta-991027
Accept: text/*, image/*, audio/*, application/*
Accept-Language: ja; q=1.0, en; q=0.5
Host: ${HOST}

# Popular alternative browser for Windows
	'Opera-3.60' => <<'Opera360Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Windows NT 4.0;US) Opera 3.60  [en]
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/png, */*
Host: ${HOST}

	'Linux-Opera-6.11' => <<'LinOpera611Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux 2.4.2-2 i686) Opera 6.11  [en]
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*
Accept-Charset: windows-1252, utf-8;q=1.0, utf-16;q=1.0, iso-8859-1;q=0.6, *;q=0.1
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0
Connection: Keep-Alive

	'Windows-Opera-7beta' => <<'WinOpera7Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) Opera 7.0  [en]
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: windows-1252, utf-8, utf-16, iso-8859-1;q=0.6, *;q=0.1
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0
Connection: Keep-Alive

# ab, the apache benchmark tool.
	'ApacheBench-1.3' => <<'AB13Heads',
User-Agent: ApacheBench/1.3
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: */*

# Amaya is the w3c's combination browser page editor.
	'Amaya-8.1' => <<'Amaya81Heads',
Accept-Encoding: *,gzip
TE: trailers,deflate
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: amaya/8.1a libwww/5.4.0
Connection: TE,Keep-Alive
Accept: */*;q=0.1,image/svg+xml,application/mathml+xml,application/xhtml+xml

# OpenOffice can edit HTML pages. It proceeds the GET with a PROPFIND,
# however, so this doesn't truely emulate it.
	'OpenOffice-1.0.0' => <<'OO100Heads',
Connection: TE
TE: trailers
Host: ${HOST}

# Mosaic -- the one that started the rush
	'Linux-Mosaic-2.6' => <<'LinMosaic26Heads',
Accept: image/x-pjpeg
Accept: text/plain
Accept: application/x-html
Accept: application/html
Accept: text/x-html
Accept: text/html
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.writer
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global
Accept: application/x-starwriter
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.calc
Accept: application/x-starcalc
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.impress
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed
Accept: application/x-starimpress
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.draw
Accept: application/x-stardraw
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
Accept: application/vnd.sun.xml.math
Accept: application/vnd.stardivision.math
Accept: application/x-starmath
Accept: text/html
Accept: image/x-xwindowdump
Accept: audio/basic
Accept: audio/x-aiff
Accept: image/gif
Accept: image/jpeg
Accept: image/tiff
Accept: image/x-portable-anymap
Accept: image/x-portable-bitmap
Accept: image/x-portable-graymap
Accept: image/x-portable-pixmap
Accept: image/x-rgb
Accept: image/rgb
Accept: image/x-xbitmap
Accept: image/x-xpixmap
Accept: image/xwd
Accept: image/x-xwd
Accept: image/x-xwindowdump
Accept: video/mpeg
Accept: application/postscript
Accept: application/x-dvi
Accept: message/rfc822
Accept: application/x-latex
Accept: application/x-tex
Accept: application/x-texinfo
Accept: application/x-troff
Accept: application/x-troff-man
Accept: application/x-troff-me
Accept: application/x-troff-ms
Accept: text/richtext
Accept: text/tab-separated-values
Accept: text/x-setext
Accept: */*
User-Agent:  NCSA_Mosaic/2.6 (X11;Linux 2.4.2-2 i686)  libwww/2.12 modified

# The name 'Chimera' has been used by two different browsers. This is the
# X11 Chimera developed at the University of Las Vegas, not the Mac Mozilla
# derivative Chimera.
	'X11-Chimera-1.70' => <<'XChimera170',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: Chimera/1.70
Accept: */*

# curl is a command line URL upload/download tool. It can make either
# HTTP/1.1 (default) requests or HTTP/1.0 (when asked) requests.
	'NetBSD-curl-7.10.4-HTTP1.1' => <<'Curl7104H11',
User-Agent: curl/7.10.4 (i386-unknown-netbsdelf1.5.2) libcurl/7.10.5 OpenSSL/0.9.6i zlib/1.1.4
Host: ${HOST}
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*

	'NetBSD-curl-7.10.4-HTTP1.0' => <<'Curl7104H10',
User-Agent: curl/7.10.4 (i386-unknown-netbsdelf1.5.2) libcurl/7.10.5 OpenSSL/0.9.6i zlib/1.1.4
Host: ${HOST}
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*

# Qweb was an early style-sheet capable browser. Too bad it didn't do
# javascript (needed for some stylesheets) or even Host: headers.
	'Qweb-1.3' => <<'QWeb13Heads',
User-Agent: QWeb/1.3
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*

# Lib WWW Perl module
	'lwp-request-1.38' => <<'LWP138Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: lwp-request/1.38

# wget bulk downloader
	'wget-1.6' => <<'Wget16Heads',
GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Wget/1.6
Host: localhost:8181
Accept: */*

# Junkbuster proxy; the proxy does a bunch of header editing, and
# thus the actual headers can vary considerably from this. Consider
# it a 'representational' version.
	'junkbuster-2' => <<'JB2Heads',
GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.01Gold (Macintosh; I; 68K)
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

# Popular alternative browser for Macs
	'iCab-pre1.7' => <<'iCabP17Heads',
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/xbm, image/png, */*
Accept-Language: iw
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: iCab/Pre1.7 (Macintosh; I; PPC)

# Popular text mode browser, predominately unix
	'Lynx-2.8.1' => <<'Lynx281Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: text/html, text/plain, application/applefile, application/x-metamail-patch, sun-deskset-message, mail-file, default, postscript-file, audio-file, x-sun-attachment, text/enriched, text/richtext, application/andrew-inset, x-be2
Accept: application/postscript, message/external-body, message/partial, application/pgp, application/pgp, video/mpeg, video/*, image/*, audio/mod, text/sgml, video/mpeg, image/jpeg, image/tiff, image/x-rgb, image/png, image/x-xbitmap, image/x-xbm
Accept: image/gif, application/postscript, video/mpeg, image/jpeg, image/x-tiff, image/x-rgb, image/x-xbm, image/gif, application/postscript, */*;q=0.01
Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress
Accept-Language: en
Negotiate: trans
User-Agent: Lynx/2.8.1rel.2 libwww-FM/2.14

# Explorer 5.0 can be installed with a compatibility mode that emulates
# (or claims to emaulate) Explorer 4.0.
	'WindowsNT-Explorer-5.0-as-4.0' => <<'WinNTExp50-40Heads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT; compat; DigExt)
Host: ${HOST}

	'Windows98-Explorer-5.5' => <<'Win98Exp55Heads',
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
Host: ${HOST}

# This is on a system with IE5.5 installed, note the reference to
# IE4.01. This one is hard to do right, since in my tests I saw
# two requests for the test file. The first came with this UA,
# the second had this instead:
# User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSIECrawler; Windows NT)
# The crawler version had an 'Accept-Language: us-en' as well as a
# different order to the headers (Accept: User-Agent:, Accept-Language:
# Accept-Encoding, Host:).
	'WindowsNT-ActiveDesktop' => <<'WinActDeskHeads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
Host: ${HOST}

	'WindowsNT-Netscape6' => <<'WinNTNS6Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001108 Netscape6/6.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,compress,identity

	'WindowsNT-Explorer-5.5' => <<'WinNTExp55Heads',
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)
Host: ${HOST}

	'Windows98-Explorer-4.0' => <<'Win98Exp40Heads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Host: ${HOST}

# Normal mode Windows NT IE 5.0
	'WindowsNT-Explorer-5.0' => <<'WinNTExp50Heads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
Host: ${HOST}
Pragma: no-cache

# IE can optional crawl pages to cache them for offline browsing.
# This is Windows NT IE 5.01 in crawl mode.
	'WindowsNT-ExplorerOffline-5.0' => <<'WinNTExpOff50Heads',
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT; MSIECrawler)
Host: ${HOST}
Pragma: no-cache

	'WindowsNT-Netscape-4.6' => <<'WinNTNS46Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.6 [en] (WinNT; I)
Pragma: no-cache
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

	'MacPPC-Explorer-4.0' => <<'MacPPCExp40Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/xbm, image/x-jg, */*
Accept-Language: en
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 00:25:43 GMT
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Mac_PowerPC)
Extension: Security/Remote-Passphrase

	'MacPPC-Netscape-4.0' => <<'MacPPCNS40Heads',
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.05 (Macintosh; I; PPC, Nav)
Pragma: no-cache
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

	'MacPPC-Netscape-4.6' => <<'MacPPCNS46Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.6 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Pragma: no-cache
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

	'Linux-Netscape-3.0' => <<'LinNS30Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
Pragma: no-cache
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*

	'Linux-Netscape-4.51' => <<'LinNS451Heads',
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
Host: ${HOST}
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8

	'Linux-Mozilla-1.0.0' => <<'LinMz100Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en, de;q=0.66, ja;q=0.33
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66
Keep-Alive: 300

# Phoenix (nee Firebird) is a Mozilla derivative available for Unix,
# Windows, and Macs
	'Linux-Phoenix-0.6-beta' => <<'LinPh06Heads',
Host: ${HOST}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030703 Mozilla Firebird/0.6
Accept: image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,compress;q=0.9
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive

# Konqueror is a minor Unix (mostly Linux) graphical browser
	'Konqueror-2.1.1' => <<'Konq211Heads',
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.1.1; X11)
Accept: text/*;q=1.0, image/png;q=1.0, image/jpeg;q=1.0, image/gif;q=1.0, image/*;q=0.8, */*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip; q=1.0, gzip; q=1.0, identity
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1;q=1.0, *;q=0.9, utf-8;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en_US, en
Host: ${HOST}


sub THEEND {
  my $signame = (shift or '(unknown)');
  die "Got SIG$signame ... exiting\n";

sub BUMP {
  my $signame = (shift or '(unknown)');
  $nosignal = 0;
} # end &BUMP 

$SIG{INT}  = 'main::THEEND';
$SIG{TERM} = 'main::THEEND';
$SIG{PIPE} = 'main::BUMP';

while(defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq '-') {
    if (($ARGV[0] eq '-a') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--autoname'))  {
      $autoname = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-B') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--no-body'))  {
      $print_body = 0;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-h') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--heads'))  {
      $print_heads = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-e') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--head'))  {
      $head_request = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-f') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--follow'))  {
      $follow = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-l') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--long'))  {
      $long = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-o') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--out'))  {
      $outfile = shift;
      if (!defined($outfile) or ($urlfile =~ /^-/)) {
	print STDERR "$id: -o (--out) requires an output file\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-F') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--file'))  {
      $urlfile = shift;
      if (!defined($urlfile) or ($urlfile ne '-' and (! -f $urlfile))) {
	print STDERR "$id: -F (--file) requires an input file\n";
      if (!open(URLF, "< $urlfile")) {
        print STDERR "$id: can't open url file $urlfile: $!\n";
	exit 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-w') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--wait'))  {
      $waittime = shift;
      if (!defined($waittime)) {
	print STDERR "$id: -w (--wait) requires an integer or integer pair\n";
      } elsif ($waittime =~ /^(\d+),(\d+)$/) {
	$average   = $1;
        $deviation = $2;
	eval 'use Math::Random;';
	if ($@) { 
	  warn "$id: Can't use Math::Random: $@\nWill not use random waits.\n";
	  $waittime = $average;
	  $average = $deviation = undef;
      } elsif ($waittime !~ /^\d+$/) {
	print STDERR "$id: -w (--wait) requires an integer or integer pair\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-t') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--time'))  {
      eval 'use Benchmark;';
      if ($@) { 
        warn "$id: Can't use Benchmark module: $@\n";
      } else {
        $benchmark = shift;
	if (!defined($benchmark) or $benchmark !~ /^\d+$/) {
	  print STDERR "$id: -t (--time) requires an integer argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-s') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--status'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d\d\d$/) {
	$exitunless = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -s (--status) requires a HTTP status code number\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-r') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--request'))  {
      $print_request = 1;
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-L') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--language'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$lang = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -L (--language) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-H') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--host'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$forcehost = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -H (--host) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-u') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--user'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$user = &base64(shift);
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -u (--user) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-P') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--filepost'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and -f $ARGV[0]) {
	$postfile = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -P (--filepost) requires file argument\n";
      if(open(PD, "< $postfile")) {
	$post = '';
        while(<PD>) {
	  $post .= $_;
	close PD;
	if ($post =~ s/\AContent-Type:[ \t]*(.*)\n//i) {
	  $contenttype = $1;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -P (--filepost) can't open $postfile: $!\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-p') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--post'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$post = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -p (--post) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-R') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--refer'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$refer = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -R (--refer) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-c') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--cookie'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$cookie = shift;
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -c (--cookie) requires an argument\n";
    } elsif (($ARGV[0] eq '-b') or ($ARGV[0] eq '--browser'))  {
      if (defined($ARGV[0]) and substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) ne '-') {
	$ARGV[0] =~ /([\w.\d-]+)/; shift;
	$bv = $1;
	if (!defined($headers{$bv})) {
	  print STDERR "$id: $bv is not a recognized browser\n";
      } else {
	print STDERR "$id: -b (--browser) requires an argument\n";
  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--version') {
    print "$0 version $VERSION $LONG_VERSION_INFO\n";
  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--emulations') {
  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--languages') {
  } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
  } else {
    print STDERR "$0: $ARGV[0] not a recognized option\n";

if (!defined($ARGV[0]) and !defined($urlfile)) {
  print STDERR "No URL found\n";

if ($benchmark) {
    sub {
      if (defined($urlfile)) {
	while(defined($url = <URLF>)) {
	  if($url =~ m,(\S+)\s+(https?:/.*),i) {
	    $refer = $1;
	    $url = $2;
	  if($url =~ m,(\S+)\s+(\S+),) {
	    $url = $1;
	    $outfile = $2;
	  &do_one($url, 1);
      } else {
	for $url (@ARGV) {
	  &do_one($url, 1);
  close URLF;
} else {
  my $sleep;

  # Normal loop through them.
  if (defined($urlfile)) {
    while(defined($url = <URLF>)) {
      sleep $sleep if $sleep;
      if($url =~ m,(\S+)\s+(https?:/.*),i) {
	$refer = $1;
	$url = $2;
      if($url =~ m,(\S+)\s+(\S+),) {
	$url = $1;
	$outfile = $2;
      &do_one($url, 0);

      if (defined($average)) {
	$sleep = Math::Random::random_normal(1, $average, $deviation);
      } else {
	$sleep = $waittime;
    close URLF;
  } else {
    while(defined($url = shift)) {
      sleep $sleep if $sleep;
      &do_one($url, 0);

      if (defined($average)) {
	$sleep = Math::Random::random_normal(1, $average, $deviation);
      } else {
	$sleep = $waittime;


# Process one URL from the command line. If $timing is set,
# don't optimize away the actual request.
# (Warning: This function uses globals.)
sub do_one ($$) {
  my $url = shift;
  my $timing = shift;
  my $nport = 80;
  my $host;
  my $connecthost;
  my $proto;
  my $lpart = '/';
  my $header = $headers{$bv} . $EOL;
  my $ans;	# holds response from web server
  my $newreq;

  # Simple-mindedly parse the request

  if ($url !~ m%(https?):/+([^/]+)(/.+)?%) {
    warn("Can't get host for $url; skipping\n");
    return undef;
  } else {
    $proto = $1;
    $host = $2;
    $lpart = $3 if defined($3);

  if ($autoname) {
    my $out = $lpart;

    $out =~ s:.*/::;
    if (length($out) < 1) {
      $out = $dirdefault;

    if (open(STDOUT,">$out")) {
      print STDERR "Sending output going to $out\n";
    } else {
      warn "Can't open $out for output.\n";
  } elsif($outfile) {
    if(open(STDOUT,">>$outfile")) {
      print STDERR "Sending output going to $outfile\n";
    } else {
      warn "Can't open $outfile for output.\n";

  if (defined($forcehost)) {
    $connecthost = $forcehost;
  } else {
    $connecthost = $host;

  # Do referer headers, etc.
  if ($long) { 
    $header =~ s#\${URI}#$proto://${host}$lpart#g;
  } else {
    $header =~ s/\${URI}/$lpart/g;
  $header =~ s/\${HOST}/$host/g;
  $header =~ s/\${REFERER}/Referer: $refer/g;
  $header =~ s/\${COOKIE}/Cookie: $cookie/g;

  if ($lang) {
    $header =~ s/Accept-Language:[^\cm\cj]*\cm?\cj/Accept-Language: $lang$EOL/i;

  if ($user) {
    $header =~ s/\cm?\cj\cm?\cj/${EOL}Authorization: Basic $user$EOL/;

  if ($post) {
    my $size = length($post);

    $header =~ s/^GET/POST/;
    $header =~ s/\cm?\cj\cm?\cj/${EOL}Content-Type: $contenttype${EOL}Content-Length: $size$EOL$EOL/;
    $header .= $post;
  } elsif ($head_request) {
    $header =~ s/^GET/HEAD/;

  $header =~ s/\cm?\cj/$EOL/g;

  # Grab first line for &grab
  $header =~ s/^([^\cm\cj]+$EOL)//;
  $newreq = $1;

  # Delete empty headers
  $header =~ s/\cM?\cJ([^\s:]+):\s(?=\cM?\cJ)//g;

  # Log the request
  print "$newreq$header" if $print_request;
  print "\n"             if($print_request and $post);

  if (!($print_heads or $print_body) and !$timing) {
    return "$newreq$header";

  # Strip :port off of host before the grab. (It needs to be left in above
  # for the Host: header to work right.)
  if ($connecthost =~ s/:(\d+)//) {
    $nport = $1;

  # Fetch the page
  $ans = &grab($connecthost, $nport, 
	       \$newreq, \$header, 
	       $print_heads, $print_body, $timing, $follow, $exitunless);
} # end &do_one  

# Grab an html page. Needs a remote hostname, a port number
# a first line request (eg "GET / HTTP/1.0"), and the remainder
# of the request (empty string if HTTP/0.9).
# This function should use only these globals:
#	$nosignal	also used in signal handler
sub grab ($$$$$$$$$) {
  my ($remote, $port, $request, $heads, $printhead, $printbody, $no_optimize,
      $doredir, $eul) = @_;
  my ($iaddr, $paddr, $line);
  my $out = '';
  my $len;
  my $sc;
  my $rc;

  if (!($iaddr = inet_aton($remote))) { 
    $out = &err444("no host: $remote", $printhead, $printbody);
    if ($eul && $eul != $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE) {
      print STDERR "Got status $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, exiting.\n";

  $paddr   = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);

  print 'Peer is ' .  inet_ntoa($iaddr) . ":$port\n" if $debug;

  if (!socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcpproto)) {
    $out = &err444("socket: $!", $printhead, $printbody);
    if ($eul && $eul != $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE) {
      print STDERR "Got status $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, exiting.\n";
  if (!connect(SOCK, $paddr)) {
    $out = &err444("connect: $!", $printhead, $printbody);
    if ($eul && $eul != $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE) {
      print STDERR "Got status $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, exiting.\n";

  $len = length($$request);
  $rc = syswrite(SOCK, $$request, $len);

  if ($rc != $len) {
    warn("request write to $remote was short ($rc != $len)\n");

  } else {
    $len = length($$heads);
    $rc = syswrite(SOCK, $$heads, $len);

    warn("heads write to $remote was short ($rc != $len)\n")
    	if ($rc != length($$heads));

  $nosignal = 1;

  while ($line = &saferead() and $nosignal) {
    $out .= $line;
    last if ($line =~ /^\015?\012?$/);

  print $out if $printhead;

  if ($eul) {
    if ($out =~ m:^http/\d+\.\d+ \s+ (\d\d\d):xi) {
      $sc = $1;
    } else {
  if (!$printbody and !$no_optimize) {
    close (SOCK)            || die "close: $!";
    if ($doredir) {
      if ($out =~ /(?:\015?\012|015\012?)Location:[ \t]*([^\015\012]+)/i) {
        my $newurl = $1;
	print STDERR "Following redirection to $newurl\n";
	$out = &do_one($newurl, 0);
    if ($eul and $eul != $sc) {
      print STDERR "Got status $sc, exiting.\n";
    return $out;

  if ($out =~ /\nContent-Length:\s+(\d+)/) {
    # OLD store every way : read(SOCK,$out,$1,length($out));
    my $tograb = $1;
    my $chunk  = 512;	# not too large, since it is off the network
    my $total  = 0;
    my $buf;
    my $rc;

    if ($autoname || $outfile) {
      print STDERR "Expecting: $tograb bytes\n";
    while($tograb >= $chunk) {
      $buf = '';
      $rc = read(SOCK,$buf,$chunk,0);
      print $buf if $printbody;
      $total += $rc;
      if ($rc != $chunk) {
	if($head_request and $rc == 0) {
	  # If it is a head request, and we legitimately get no body,
	  # then we still don't want to return, because we may have
	  # a redirect to follow.
	  $tograb = 0;
	} elsif (($head_request and $rc !=0) or (!$head_request)) {
	  warn "Return from $remote read was short (got $rc of $chunk; ".
		  "$total total)\n";
	  return $out;

      $tograb -= $chunk;

    if ($tograb > 0) {
      $buf = '';
      $rc = read(SOCK,$buf,$tograb,0);
      print $buf if $printbody;
      $total += $rc;
      if ($rc != $tograb) {
	if($head_request and $rc == 0) {
	  $tograb = 0;
	} elsif (($head_request and $rc !=0) or (!$head_request)) {
	  warn "Return from $remote read was short (got $rc of $tograb; ".
		"$total total)\n";
	  return $out;

  } else {

    $nosignal = 1;
    # Back to line by line mode.
    while (defined($line = <SOCK>) and $nosignal) {
      # OLD store every way : $out .= $line;
      print $line if $printbody;

  close (SOCK)            || die "close: $!";

  if ($doredir) {
    if ($out =~ /(?:\015?\012|015\012?)Location:[ \t]*([^\015\012]+)/i) {
      my $newurl = $1;
      print STDERR "Following redirection to $newurl\n";
      $out = &do_one($newurl, 0);
  if($eul and $eul != $sc) {
    print STDERR "Got status $sc, exiting.\n";
  return $out;
} # end &grab

# Attempt to read a line safely from SOCK filehandle.
sub saferead () {
  my $line;
  eval {
  	local$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'timeout!' };
	alarm 15;
	$line = <SOCK>;
	alarm 0;
  if ($@ and $@ !~ /timeout!/) {warn("during socket read: $@\n")}
  return $line;
} # end &saferead 

# Print a usage message. Exits with the number passed in.
sub usage ($) {
  my $exit = shift;

  if($exit == 2) {
    print "$0: Use 'bget --help' for usage\n";
    exit $exit;

  print <<"EndUsage";
$0 usage:
  bget [options] [URL...]

Basic tool to make HTTP GET requests and monitor the results.
Unlike LWP GET, it does not require special Perl modules, and
by virtue of being cruder makes HTTP headers easier to spy on.
Only URLs of the forms 


are supported.

  	-a --autoname		save output automatically based on URI
  	-B --no-body		don't print the body of the response
	-f --follow		follow redirects
	-h --heads		print the response headers
	-e --head 		make a HEAD request instead of a GET
	-l --long		use long address on GET line (using the
				full http://... should work in HTTP/1.1)
	-r --request		print the request headers
	-F --file     FILE	read URLs from FILE
	-H --host     HOST[:P] 	connect to HOST for request (useful for
				testing virtual hosts before a DNS change)
	-L --language LANG	use LANG for Accept-Language:
	-R --refer    VALUE	set the referer header with VALUE
	-c --cookie   VALUE	set the cookie header with VALUE
	-b --browser  NAME	what browser to emulate
	-o --out      FILE	save output to FILE
	-p --post     STRING	use STRING as a POST form contents (forms of
				type application/x-www-form-urlencoded only)
	-P --filepost FILE	FILE contains post data; if the first line
				is "Content-Type: foo/bar" will set mime type
	-s --status   CODE	exit unless HTTP status is CODE
	-t --time     N		use Benchmark module to time making
				request(s) N times
	-u --user     USER:PW	basic authentification as USER:PW
	-w --wait     N		wait N seconds between fetching each URL
	-w --wait     A,D	wait average A seconds, std deviation D

	--help                  show this help and exit
	--version               print version and exit
	--emulations            print list of available emulations
	--languages             print a sample of language codes

Note: If -H (--host) is used with multiple URLs, all connections are
      made to the specified HOST (and port) even if different hosts
      are used in the URLs. This can be used to fetch files through
      a HTTP proxy if -l (--long) is also used.

      With -L (--langauge) the Accept-Language: header will not be
      added if the browser has not been observed to use it.

      If two URLs are on a line in a -F (--file) URL file, the first is
      used as a referer, until the next two URL line. An outfile can
      be specified in a -F (--file) URL file, if it is after the URL
      to fetch and doesn't begin with "http:/" or "https:/"

} # end &usage 

sub usage_languages() {
  print <<'LanguageRef';
In HTTP standard languages have a two letter code, with an optional
two letter country code qualifier. English is 'en', but American
English is 'en-us', Irish English is 'en-ie', Australian English is

Some other lanuages:
  af	Afrikaans
  sq	Albanian
  eu	Basque
  bg	Bulgarian
  be	Byelorussian
  ca	Catalan
  zh	Chinese
  zh-cn	Chinese/China
  zh-tw	Chinese/Taiwan
  hr	Croatian
  cs	Czech
  da	Danish
  nl	Dutch
  nl-be	Dutch/Belgium
  fo	Faeroese
  fi	Finnish
  fr	French
  fr-be	French/Belgium
  fr-ca	French/Canada
  fr-fr	French/France
  fr-ch	French/Switzerland
  gl	Galician
  de	German
  de-at	German/Austria
  de-de	German/Germany
  de-ch	German/Switzerland
  el	Greek
  hu	Hungarian
  is	Icelandic
  id	Indonesian
  ga	Irish
  it	Italian
  ja	Japanese
  ko	Korean
  mk	Macedonian
  no	Norwegian
  pl	Polish
  pt	Portuguese
  pt-br	Portuguese/Brazil
  ro	Romanian
  ru	Russian
  gd	Scots Gaelic
  sr	Serbian
  sk	Slovak
  sl	Slovenian
  es	Spanish
  es-ar	Spanish/Argentina
  es-co	Spanish/Colombia
  ex-mx	Spanish/Mexico
  es-es	Spanish/Spain
  sv	Swedish
  tr	Turkish
  uk	Ukrainian

This list is from the default set of lanuages in Netscape 4.5.
IE has a different set, including more country variations. Multiple
languages are comma seperated, a preference quality can be appended.
A star means accept any. Technically specifying a variant without
a star or the base language means only accept the variant, not the
generic. IE encourages this broken request type, however.

Example: "en; q=1.0, de; q=0.7, it; q=0.5, fr; q=0.2, *; q=0.1"


sub usage_emulations() {
  my $key;
  my @keys = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %headers;
  my $k = scalar @keys;

  print "The following $k browsers are recognized for header emulation:\n";
  foreach $key (@keys) {
    print "\t$key\n" if length($headers{$key});


# For managing cookies, a monster.
sub monster ($$) {
  my $host = shift;
  my $reqref = shift;

  return unless defined($$reqref) and length($$reqref);
  if ($host =~ /\.doubleclick\./) {
    $$reqref =~ s/\cjCookie:[^\cm\cj]*/\cjX-Monster: doubleclick cookie eaten/gi;
  } elsif ($host =~ /^(ads|adforce|adserv[er]*)\./i) {
    $$reqref =~ s/\cjCookie:[^\cm\cj]*/\cjX-Monster: $1.* host cookie eaten/gi;

} # end &monster 

sub err444 ($$$) {
  my $why = shift;
  my ($phead, $pbody) = @_;

  my $return;
($return = <<"444ErrorHead") =~ s/\cj/\cm\cj/g;
X-Declined: $why
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 28


  my $body;
$body = <<"444ErrorBody";
<html><head><title>Error $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE</title></head><body>
<h1>Error $INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE Not Found</h1>

  print $return if $phead;
  print $body   if $pbody;

} # end &err444

# This code stolen from MIME::Base64's perl-only backup. The XS
# version is much faster, but I don't want to assume it is installed.
sub base64 ($) {
    my $res = "";
    my $eol = "\n";
    pos($_[0]) = 0;                          # ensure start at the beginning
    while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
        $res .= substr(pack('u', $1), 1);
    $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;               # `# help emacs
    # fix padding at the end
    my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
    $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
    # break encoded string into lines of no more than 76 characters each
    if (length $eol) {
        $res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1$eol/g;
} # end &base64 

$ bget -t 1000 -B http://localhost/
timethis 1000: 53 wallclock secs (17.52 usr +  1.44 sys = 18.96 CPU) @ 52.74/s (n=1000)
$ /tmp/lwp-bm http://localhost/
timethis 1000: 52 wallclock secs (14.66 usr +  1.77 sys = 16.43 CPU) @ 60.86/s (n=1000)
$ cat /tmp/lwp-bm
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use LWP::UserAgent; 
use HTTP::Request; 
use HTTP::Response; 
use Benchmark;

my $raw_url = shift or die "usage: $0 url\n"; 
my $url = $raw_url; #URI::Heuristic::uf_urlstr($raw_url);
$| = 1;                                  
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); 

timethis(1000, sub {
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); 

my $response = $ua->request($req);

From: helgi@NOSPAMdecode.is (Helgi Briem)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Faster than LWP
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:50:39 GMT
Reply-To: helgi@NOSPAMdecode.is
Message-ID: <3a37a450.537807185@news.itn.is>
References: <m2aea1ygmh.fsf@rt158.private.realtime.co.uk>

Using LWP is easy and lightning fast.  Your problem almost 
This code, slightly modified from the Perl Cookbook works 
for me every day and is lightning fast for either ftp or 
http, substitute your own proxy server and port number.:

Helgi Briem

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

use LWP::UserAgent; 
use HTTP::Request; 
use HTTP::Response; 
use URI::Heuristic;

my $raw_url = shift or die "usage: $0 url\n"; 
my $url = URI::Heuristic::uf_urlstr($raw_url);
$| = 1;                                  
printf "%s =>\n\t", $url;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); 
$ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'] =>

my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); 

my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ($response->is_error()) {
     printf " %s\n", $response->status_line;
 } else {
     my $count;
     my $bytes;
     my $content = $response->content();
     $bytes = length $content;
     $count = ($content =~ tr/\n/\n/);
     printf "%s (%d lines, %d bytes)\n", $response->content;


=head1 NAME

bget - basic HTTP get tool


Basic tool to make HTTP GET requests and monitor the results.
Unlike LWP GET, it does not require special Perl modules, and
by virtue of being cruder makes HTTP headers easier to spy on.

Only URLs of the forms 


are supported.


=over 4

=item *

-a --autoname	

Save output automatically based on URI. Will not warn if the
file already exists. This overrides the -o (--out) option.
The prefered output name is everything after the last / in
the URL, or 'dir-default' if the URL ends with a /.

=item *

-B --no-body	

Don't print the body of the response.

=item *

-b --browser  NAME

What browser to emulate. Use I<--emulations> to list
available browser headers.

=item *

-c --cookie   VALUE

Set the cookie header with VALUE.

=item *

-e --head	

Make a HEAD request instead of a GET. Note that this does not imply
-h (--heads) to print the headers, nor -B (--no-body) to supress
printing any body content. (Some servers, eg www.yahoo.com, treat
HEAD like a GET.)

=item *

-F --file     FILE

Read URLs from FILE (one per line) instead of from command line.
Use filename C<-> for standard input.
If there are two URLs on a line, the first one is used as the referer
URL. The referer will remain un use until the next line with two URLs.
If there is an additional field after the URL, that will be used as
an I<-o> (I<--out>) output file until the next line with an output file.
An output file should not begin with "http:/" or "https:/".
Fields on each line of the URL file are whitespace separated.

=item *

-f --follow

Follow redirects. If printing headers, the redirecting headers and
the destination headers will be printed. (No loop detection is
attempted.) If printing bodies and not saving via autoname, the
redirecting body and the destination body will be printed. If
saving via autoname, a new file will be opened for each request
made.  Some redirects (eg loops) may cause the autonaming to pick
the same filename as a previous request, which will cause the
earlier file to be clobbered.

=item *

-H --host     HOST[:P] 

Connect to HOST for request (useful for
testing virtual hosts before a DNS change or
use with I<-l> for proxies).

=item *

-h --heads	

Print the response headers.

=item *

-L --language LANG

Use LANG for Accept-Language: header. See
I<--languages> for a small list.

=item *

-l --long	

Use long address on GET line (using the
full http://... format, a MUST for HTTP/1.1
server compliance but handy with I<-H> for

=item *

-o --out     FILE

Write output to FILE. Unlike I<-a> (I<--autoname>) this will not use a
different file for each request. The autoname option has precedence
over this option. Filenames in a I<-F> (I<--file>) URL file will also
override this.

=item *

-p --post     STRING

Use STRING as a post form contents (forms of
type application/x-www-form-urlencoded only).

=item *

-P --filepost FILE

Use contents of FILE as a post form contents. If the
first line is of the form "Content-Type: foo/bar" it will be
used to set the Content-Type: header. More than just the MIME
type is allowed, but it must be all on one line. Typical POST
content types are


      Encoded like a typical CGI URL.


      Each form element is in a separate MIME part; needed for
      file uploads. This type requires a boundary parameter on
      the Content-Type: header.

=item *

-R --refer    VALUE

Set the (initial) referer header with VALUE.

=item *

-r --request	

Print the request headers.

=item *

-s --status   CODE	

After fetching a page -- including following redirects and printing bits
of the response as controlled by other options -- if the HTTP status
code is not exactly the one given, bget will exit (returning code 3
to the shell). Useful for looping until one hits a 404 or the like.

=item *

-t --time     N	

Use Benchmark module to time making the command line
request(s) N times.

=item *

-u --user     USER:PW

Basic authentification in the form {username}:{password}.

=item *

-w --wait     N	

Wait N seconds between fetching each URL.

=item *

-w --wait     A,D	

Waits a random number of seconds, average A standard deviation D,
between fetching each URL. Requires the Math::Random module.
Useful for being subtle when fetching a lot of pages, along with
emulating a browser and using per-page referer headers via the
I<-F> (I<--file>) method.

=item *


Show a help message and exit.

=item *


Print version and exit.

=item *


Print list of available browser emulations.

=item *


Print a sample of language codes.


=head2 Note

If I<-H> (I<--host>) is used with multiple URLs, all connections are
made to the specified HOST (and port) even if different hosts
are used in the URLs. This can be used to fetch files through
a HTTP proxy if I<-l> (I<--long>) is also used.

With I<-L> (I<--langauge>) the Accept-Language: header will not be
added if the browser has not been observed to use it.


The following browsers are recognized for header emulation. This
might not be the definitive list. Check I<--emulations> for that.
Some have comments to help identify them.

=over 4

=item *


Amaya is the W3C's combination browser page editor, it is a HTTP/1.1
client so bget might function poorly emulating it.

=item *


Text mode browser for Unix.
Version 0.84 does not do cookies or referer headers, so we might
misemulate it that way.

=item * 


Forked from links, this is another text mode browser. Quirks include
giving a bunch away about the system, including window size, in the
User-Agent: and including a 'Referer' header in URLs entered by hand.
The User-Agent for this is from a Redhat 7.1 x86 system in an 80x24 window.

=item *


Command line web tool that uses libwww. This is an HTTP/1.1
client, but C<bget> only attempts to implement 1.0 so expect

=item *


Text mode browser for Unix.

=item *


The browser that started the rush, compiled for Linux. This is an
archaic browser. It doesn't do Host: headers or Cookies:. bget can
misemulate the Cookies: part, but won't do the Host: header. Many
modern sites require this for proper operation, so expect problems.
The headers this thing spits out are longer even than the Lynx ones.

=item *


Qweb was an early X11 style-sheet capable browser. Too bad it didn't do
javascript (needed for some stylesheets) or even Host: headers. bget
will misemulate this if you use Cookies, but won't supply a Host: header.

=item *


The name 'Chimera' has been used by two different browsers. This is the
X11 Chimera developed at the University of Las Vegas, not the Mac Mozilla
derivative Chimera. In authentic use this browser does not have cookies
or use Referer: headers.

=item *


ab, the benchmark tool that comes with the Apache httpd package.

=item *


An old version of a popular alternative browser for Windows.

=item *


More modern (2003) version of Opera.

=item *


As of Opera 6.x there is a linux version.

=item *


Lib WWW Perl module (these are the default headers).



Command-line bulk page downloading tool for Unix.



Command-line page upload/download tool for Unix. Prefers HTTP/1.1 but
can do HTTP/1.0 upon request. Can do PUTs and DELETEs and other obscure
things, too.



Curl in HTTP/1.0 mode (bget is a HTTP1.0 tool, so this is safer).

=item *


Popular alternative browser for Macs.

=item *


Once popular ad- and cookie-filtering proxy.  Junkbuster does a bunch
of header editing from the actual browser headers, and thus the headers 
out of it can vary considerably from this. It looks like Accept-*
headers are not edited, allowing identification of the underlying
browser sometimes. The Accept-* headers here come from a Netscape 4.7.
By default, Junkbuster masquerades as Netscape 3.01 (GOLD) for Mac PPC.

=item *


Popular text mode browser, predominately unix.

=item *


Mozilla is the open source version of Netscape 7. It exists for many

=item *


Phoenix (formerly Firebird) is Mozilla with a different user-interface
library. There are unix, windows and mac variants.

=item *


Konqueror is a mostly-Linux browser based on KDE.

=item *


OpenOffice is a StarOffice relation, intended to be a free Unix
"Office" compatible software bundle. It includes an HTML editor
that can download pages to edit, but as such it does things like
issue PROPFIND requests that are not emulated here.

=item *


Explorer 5.0 can be installed with a compatibility mode that emulates
(or claims to emaulate) Explorer 4.0.

=item *


=item *


This is on a system with IE5.5 installed, but this identifies
itself as IE4.01. This one is hard to do right, since in my
tests I saw two requests for the test file. The first came
with this UA, the second had this instead:

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSIECrawler; Windows NT)

The crawler version had an 'Accept-Language: us-en' as well as a
different order to the headers (Accept: User-Agent:, Accept-Language:
Accept-Encoding, Host:).

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


Normal mode Windows NT IE 5.0.

=item *


IE can optional crawl pages to cache them for offline browsing.
This is Windows NT IE 5.01 in crawl mode.

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *




In HTTP standard languages use the ISO 639 two letter code, but
can have an optional two letter country code for national variants.
Generic English is 'en', American English is 'en-us', Irish English
is 'en-ie', Australian English is 'en-au'.

Some other lanuages:

  af	Afrikaans
  sq	Albanian
  eu	Basque
  bg	Bulgarian
  be	Byelorussian
  ca	Catalan
  zh	Chinese
  zh-cn	Chinese/China
  zh-tw	Chinese/Taiwan
  hr	Croatian
  cs	Czech
  da	Danish
  nl	Dutch
  nl-be	Dutch/Belgium
  fo	Faeroese
  fi	Finnish
  fr	French
  fr-be	French/Belgium
  fr-ca	French/Canada
  fr-fr	French/France
  fr-ch	French/Switzerland
  gl	Galician
  de	German
  de-at	German/Austria
  de-de	German/Germany
  de-ch	German/Switzerland
  el	Greek
  hu	Hungarian
  is	Icelandic
  id	Indonesian
  ga	Irish
  it	Italian
  ja	Japanese
  ko	Korean
  mk	Macedonian
  no	Norwegian
  pl	Polish
  pt	Portuguese
  pt-br	Portuguese/Brazil
  ro	Romanian
  ru	Russian
  gd	Scots Gaelic
  sr	Serbian
  sk	Slovak
  sl	Slovenian
  es	Spanish
  es-ar	Spanish/Argentina
  es-co	Spanish/Colombia
  ex-mx	Spanish/Mexico
  es-es	Spanish/Spain
  sv	Swedish
  tr	Turkish
  uk	Ukrainian

This list is from the default set of lanuages in Netscape 4.5.
IE has a different set, including more country variations. Note
that the country variations are frequently misused. A request
with a language header like:

	Accept-Language: en-us, es-mx; q=0.7, fr-ca; q=0.3

Would specify a first choice language of US English, second
choice Mexican Spanish, third choice Canadian French. If
a content-negotiating server only has generic English, generic
Spanish, and generic French, then by specification it should
return a "406 Not Acceptable" error, since it has no languages
that match. This could be seen as a deficiency of the
spec, but that's the way it is.

=head1 OSNAMES

A unix-like directory structure is assumed.


Copyright 1999,2003 by Eli the Bearded / Benjamin Elijah Griffin.
Released under the same license(s) as Perl.

=head1 AUTHOR

Eli the Bearded originally wrote this to spy on headers and have a
low cpu impact way to fetch files over http. It evolved from there.

=head1 CPAN INFO



=head1 README

bget - basic HTTP get tool


This uses the C<strict>, C<vars>, C<Socket>, and C<Carp> modules.


This will try to use the C<Benchmark> and C<Math::Random> modules
when run with certain options.

=head1 OSNAMES

Should not be OS dependent. The autoname feature (-a / --autoname)
assumes that C</> seperates directories, however this should have
minimal impact since it always tries to save in the currrent directory.
Problems will likely only ensue if the automatically chosen name
contains a directory seperator for the current OS.
