# NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::WebPush - plugin to aid real-time web push # SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious::Lite my $sw = plugin 'ServiceWorker' => { debug => 1 }; my $webpush = plugin 'WebPush' => { save_endpoint => '/api/savesubs', subs_session2user_p => \&subs_session2user_p, subs_create_p => \&subs_create_p, subs_read_p => \&subs_read_p, subs_delete_p => \&subs_delete_p, ecc_private_key => 'vapid_private_key.pem', claim_sub => "mailto:admin@example.com", }; sub subs_session2user_p { my ($c, $session) = @_; return Mojo::Promise->reject("Session not logged in") if !$session->{user_id}; Mojo::Promise->resolve($session->{user_id}); } sub subs_create_p { my ($c, $session, $subs_info) = @_; app->db->save_subs_p($session->{user_id}, $subs_info); } sub subs_read_p { my ($c, $user_id) = @_; app->db->lookup_subs_p($user_id); } sub subs_delete_p { my ($c, $user_id) = @_; app->db->delete_subs_p($user_id); } # DESCRIPTION [Mojolicious::Plugin::WebPush](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AWebPush) is a [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious) plugin. In order to function, your app needs to have first installed [Mojolicious::Plugin::ServiceWorker](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AServiceWorker) as shown in the synopsis above. # METHODS [Mojolicious::Plugin::WebPush](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AWebPush) inherits all methods from [Mojolicious::Plugin](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3APlugin) and implements the following new ones. ## register my $p = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, \%conf); Register plugin in [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious) application, returning the plugin object. Takes a hash-ref as configuration, see ["OPTIONS"](#options) for keys. # OPTIONS ## save\_endpoint Required. The route to be added to the app for the service worker to register users for push notification. The handler for that will call the ["subs\_create\_p"](#subs_create_p). If success is indicated, it will return JSON: { "data": { "success": true } } If failure: { "errors": [ { "message": "The exception reason" } ] } This will be handled by the provided service worker. In case it is required by the app itself, the added route is named `webpush.save`. ## subs\_session2user\_p Required. The code to be called to look up the user currently identified by this session, which returns a promise of the user ID. Must reject if no user logged in and that matters. It will be passed parameters: - The ["session" in Mojolicious::Controller](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3AController#session) object, to correctly identify the user. ## subs\_create\_p Required. The code to be called to store users registered for push notifications, which must return a promise of a true value if the operation succeeds, or reject with a reason. It will be passed parameters: - The ID to correctly identify the user. Please note that you ought to allow one person to have several devices with web-push enabled, and to design accordingly. - The `subscription_info` hash-ref, needed to push actual messages. ## subs\_read\_p Required. The code to be called to look up a user registered for push notifications. It will be passed parameters: - The opaque information your app uses to identify the user. Returns a promise of the `subscription_info` hash-ref. Must reject if not found. ## subs\_delete\_p Required. The code to be called to delete up a user registered for push notifications. It will be passed parameters: - The opaque information your app uses to identify the user. Returns a promise of the deletion result. Must reject if not found. ## ecc\_private\_key A value to be passed to ["new" in Crypt::PK::ECC](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3APK%3A%3AECC#new): a simple scalar is a filename, a scalar-ref is the actual key. If not provided, ["webpush.authorization"](#webpush-authorization) will (obviously) not be able to function. ## claim\_sub A value to be used as the `sub` claim by the ["webpush.authorization"](#webpush-authorization), which needs it. Must be either an HTTPS or `mailto:` URL. ## claim\_exp\_offset A value to be added to current time, in seconds, in the `exp` claim for ["webpush.authorization"](#webpush-authorization). Defaults to 86400 (24 hours). The maximum valid value in RFC 8292 is 86400. ## push\_handler Override the default push-event handler supplied to ["add\_event\_listener" in Mojolicious::Plugin::ServiceWorker](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AServiceWorker#add_event_listener). The default will interpret the message as a JSON object. The key `title` will be the notification title, deleted from that object, then the object will be the options passed to `<ServiceWorkerRegistration>.showNotification`. See [https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications/handling-messages](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications/handling-messages) for possibilities. # HELPERS ## webpush.create\_p $c->webpush->create_p($user_id, $subs_info)->then(sub { $c->render(json => { data => { success => \1 } }); }); ## webpush.read\_p $c->webpush->read_p($user_id)->then(sub { $c->render(text => 'Info: ' . to_json(shift)); }); ## webpush.delete\_p $c->webpush->delete_p($user_id)->then(sub { $c->render(json => { data => { success => \1 } }); }); ## webpush.authorization my $header_value = $c->webpush->authorization($subs_info); Won't function without ["claim\_sub"](#claim_sub) and ["ecc\_private\_key"](#ecc_private_key), or `$subs_info` having a valid URL to get the base of as the `aud` claim. Returns a suitable `Authorization` header value to send to a push service. Valid for a period defined by ["claim\_exp\_offset"](#claim_exp_offset). but could become so to avoid unnecessary computation. ## webpush.public\_key my $pkey = $c->webpush->public_key; Gives the app's public VAPID key, calculated from the private key. ## webpush.verify\_token my $bool = $c->webpush->verify_token($authorization_header_value); Cryptographically verifies a JSON Web Token (JWT), such as generated by ["webpush.authorization"](#webpush-authorization). ## webpush.encrypt use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64url); my $ciphertext = $c->webpush->encrypt($data_bytes, map decode_base64url($_), @{$subscription_info->{keys}}{qw(p256dh auth)} ); Returns the data encrypted according to RFC 8188, for the relevant subscriber. ## webpush.send\_p my $result_p = $c->webpush->send_p($jsonable_data, $user_id, $ttl, $urgency); JSON-encodes the given value, encrypts it according to the given user's subscription data, adds a VAPID `Authorization` header, then sends it to the relevant web-push endpoint. Returns a promise of the result, which will be a hash-ref with either a `data` key indicating success, or an `errors` key for an array-ref of hash-refs with a `message` giving reasons. If the sending gets a status code of 404 or 410, this indicates the subscriber has unsubscribed, and ["webpush.delete\_p"](#webpush-delete_p) will be used to remove the registration. This is considered success. The `urgency` must be one of `very-low`, `low`, `normal` (the default) or `high`. The `ttl` defaults to 30 seconds. # TEMPLATES Various templates are available for including in the app's templates: ## webpush-askPermission.html.ep JavaScript functions, also for putting inside a `script` element: - askPermission - subscribeUserToPush - sendSubscriptionToBackEnd These each return a promise, and should be chained together: <button onclick=" askPermission().then(subscribeUserToPush).then(sendSubscriptionToBackEnd) "> Ask permission </button> <script> %= include 'serviceworker-install' %= include 'webpush-askPermission' </script> Each application must decide when to ask such permission, bearing in mind that once permission is refused, it is very difficult for the user to change such a refusal. When it is granted, the JavaScript code will communicate with the application, registering the needed information needed to web-push. # SEE ALSO [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious), [Mojolicious::Guides](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3AGuides), [https://mojolicious.org](https://mojolicious.org). [Mojolicious::Command::webpush](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious%3A%3ACommand%3A%3Awebpush) - command-line control of web-push. RFC 8292 - Voluntary Application Server Identification (for web push). [Crypt::RFC8188](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3ARFC8188) - Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP (using `aes128gcm`). [https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications) # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Part of this code is ported from [https://github.com/web-push-libs/pywebpush](https://github.com/web-push-libs/pywebpush).