Apache2::ASP - ASP for Perl, reloaded.

  Hello World
      <body><%= "Hello, World!" %></body>

  Favorite Color
        if( $Form->{favorite_color} )
        Your favorite color is <%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $Form->{favorite_color} ) %>.
        What is your favorite color?
          <input type="text" name="favorite_color">
          <input type="submit" value="Submit">
        }# end if()

    Apache2::ASP scales out well and has brought the ASP programming model
    to Perl in a new way.

    This rewrite had a few major goals:

    *   Master Pages

        Like ASP.Net has, including nested Master Pages.

    *   Partial-page caching

        Like ASP.Net has.

    *   Better configuration

        The original config format was unsatisfactory.

    *   Handle multiple VirtualHosts better.

        Configuration was the root of this problem.

        NOTE: If you use an ORM, make sure your ORM doesn't have any
        "global" configuration object in memory, unless it is schema-aware.
        DBIx::Class is good and Class::DBI::Lite also works well with
        Apache2::ASP. Do not use Class::DBI with Apache2::ASP because of
        configuration overlap problems which arise when you have 2 tables
        with the same name in 2 different databases.

    *   Better performance

        Server resources were being wasted on unnecessary activities like
        storing session state even when it had not changed, etc.

    It's possible that some bugs have found their way into this release.

    Use RT <> to submit
    bug reports.

    Please visit the Apache2::ASP homepage at <> to
    see examples of Apache2::ASP in action.

    John Drago <>

    Copyright 2008 John Drago. All rights reserved.

    This software is Free software and is licensed under the same terms as
    perl itself.