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Fl - Bindings for the Stable 1.3.x Branch of the Fast Light Toolkit


use Fl qw[:event :label :box :font];
my $window = Fl::Window->new(100, 100, 300, 180);
my $box = Fl::Box->new(FL_UP_BOX, 20, 40, 260, 100, 'Hello, World');
$box->labelfont(FL_BOLD + FL_ITALIC);
exit run();


The Fl distribution includes bindings to the stable 1.3.x branch of the Fast
Light Toolkit; a cross-platform GUI toolkit compatible with Microsoft Windows,
MacOS X, and Linux/Unix platforms with X11. It was designed to be small, quick
and comes with a very simple yet complete API.

# Common Widgets and Attributes

Many widgets come with Fl but we'll cover just the basics here.

## Buttons

Fl provides many types of buttons:

    <center><img src="http://www.fltk.org/doc-1.3/buttons.png" /></center>

- [Fl::Button](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Button) - A standard push button
- [Fl::CheckButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::CheckButton) - A button with a check box
- [Fl::LightButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::LightButton) - A push buton with a light
- [Fl::RepeatButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::RepeatButton) - A push button that continues to trigger its callback when held
- [Fl::ReturnButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::ReturnButton) - A push button that is activated by the Enter key
- [Fl::RoundButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::RoundButton) - A button with a radio circle (See also [Fl::RadioRoundButton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::RadioRoundButton))

The constructor for all of these buttons takes the bounding box of the button
and an optional label string:

my $fl_btn = Fl::Button->new($x, $y, $width, $height, "label");
my $fl_lbtn = Fl::LightButton->new($x, $y, $width, $height);
my $fl_rbtn = Fl::RoundButton->new($x, $y, $width, $height, "label");

Each button has an associated `type()` which allows it to behave as a push
button, toggle button, or radio button.


For toggle and radio buttons, the `value()` method returns the current button
state (0 = off, 1 = on). The `set()` and `clear()` methods can be used on
toggle buttons to turn it on or off. Radio buttons can be turned on with the
`setonly()` method; this will also turn off other radio buttons in the same

# Box Types

    <center><img src="http://www.fltk.org/doc-1.3/boxtypes.png" /></center>

Widgets are drawn on screen according to their box types. The full list of
these may be found in [":box" in Fl::Enumerations](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#box) and may be imported into your
namespace with the `:box` tag.

FL\_NO\_BOX means nothing is drawn at all, so whatever is already on the screen
remains. The FL\_...\_FRAME types only draw their edges, leaving the interior

# Labels and Label Types

The `label()`, `align()`, `labelfont()`, `lablesize()`, `labeltype()`,
`image()`, and `deimage()` methods control labeling of widgets.

## `label()`

The `label()` method sets the string that is displayed for hte label. Symbols
can be included withthe label string by escaping them with the `@` symbol.
`@@` displays a single at symbol.

    <center><img src="http://www.fltk.org/doc-1.3/symbols.png" /></center>

The `@` sign may also be followed by the following optional "formatting"
characters, in this order:

- '#' forces square scaling, rather than distortion to the widget's shape.
- +\[1-9\] or -\[1-9\] tweaks the scaling a little bigger or smaller.
- '$' flips the symbol horizontally, '%' flips it vertically.
- \[0-9\] - rotates by a multiple of 45 degrees. '5' and '6' do no rotation
while the others point in the direction of that key on a numeric keypad. '0',
followed by four more digits rotates the symbol by that amount in degrees.

Thus, to show a very large arrow pointing downward you would use the label
string "@+92->".

## `align()`

The `align()` method positions the label. The following constants are
imported with the `:align` tag and may be OR'd together as needed:

- FL\_ALIGN\_CENTER - center the label in the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_TOP - align the label at the top of the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_BOTTOM - align the label at the bottom of the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_LEFT - align the label to the left of the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_RIGHT - align the label to the right of the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_LEFT\_TOP - The label appears to the left of the widget, aligned
at the top. Outside labels only.
- FL\_ALIGN\_RIGHT\_TOP - The label appears to the right of the widget,
aligned at the top. Outside labels only.
- FL\_ALIGN\_LEFT\_BOTTOM - The label appears to the left of the widget,
aligned at the bottom. Outside labels only.
- FL\_ALIGN\_RIGHT\_BOTTOM - The label appears to the right of the widget,
aligned at the bottom. Outside labels only.
- FL\_ALIGN\_INSIDE - align the label inside the widget.
- FL\_ALIGN\_CLIP - clip the label to the widget's bounding box.
- FL\_ALIGN\_WRAP - wrap the label text as needed.
- FL\_ALIGN\_TEXT\_OVER\_IMAGE - show the label text over the image.
- FL\_ALIGN\_IMAGE\_OVER\_TEXT - show the label image over the text (default).
- FL\_ALIGN\_IMAGE\_NEXT\_TO\_TEXT - The image will appear to the left of the text.
- FL\_ALIGN\_TEXT\_NEXT\_TO\_IMAGE - The image will appear to the right of the text.
- FL\_ALIGN\_IMAGE\_BACKDROP - The image will be used as a background for the widget.

Please see the [:align](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#align) tag for more.

## `labeltype()`

The `labeltype()` method sets the type of the label. The following standard
label types are included:

- FL\_NORMAL\_LABEL - draws the text.
- FL\_NO\_LABEL - does nothing.
- FL\_SHADOW\_LABEL - draws a drop shadow under the text.
- FL\_ENGRAVED\_LABEL - draws edges as though the text is engraved.
- FL\_EMBOSSED\_LABEL - draws edges as thought the text is raised.
- FL\_ICON\_LABEL - draws the icon associated with the text.

These are imported with the `:label` tag. Please see
[Fl::Enumerations](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#label) for more.

# Callbacks

Callbacks are functions that are called when the value of a widget is changed.
A callback function is sent the widget's pointer and the data you provided.

sub xyz_callback {
    my ($widget, $data) = @_;

The `callback(...)` method sets the callback function for a widget. You can
optionally pass data needed for the callback:

my $xyz_data = 'Fire Kingdom';
$button->callback(&xyz_callback, $xyz_data);

You can also pass an anonymous sub to the `callback(...)` method:

$button->callback(sub { warn 'Click!' });

Normally, callbacks are performed only when the value of the widget changes.
You can change this using the [when()](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Widget#when) method:


These values may be imported with the `:when` tag. Please see
[Fl::Enumerations](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#when) for more.

A word of caution: care has been taken not to tip over when you delete a
widget inside it's own callback but it's still not the best idea so...

    sub {
        $button = undef; # Might be okay. Might implode.

Eventually, I'll provide an explicit `delete_widget()` method that will mark
the widget for deletion when it's safe to do so.

# Shortcuts

Shortcuts are key sequences that activate widgets such as buttons or menu
items. The `shortcut(...)` method sets the shortcut for a widget:

$button->shortcut(FL_SHIFT + 'b');
$button->shortcut(FL_CTRL + 'b');
$button->shortcut(FL_ALT + 'b');
$button->shortcut(FL_CTRL + FL_ALT + 'b');
$button->shortcut(0); # no shortcut

The shortcut value is the key event value - the ASCII value or one of the
special keys described in [Fl::Enumerations](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#keyboard)
combined with any modifiers like Shift, Alt, and Control.

These values may be imported with the `:keyboard` tag. Please see
[Fl::Enumerations](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Enumerations#keyboard) for an expansive lis
&#x3d;head1 Other Classes

Fl contains several other widgets and other classes including:

- [Fl::Box](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Box)
- [Fl::Input](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Input) - Simple text input widget
- [Fl::SecretInput](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::SecretInput) - Think 'password field'
- [Fl::FloatInput](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::FloatInput)
- [Fl::IntInput](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::IntInput)
- [Fl::Chart](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Chart)
- [Fl::Valuator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Valuator)
- [Fl::Adjuster](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Adjuster)
- [Fl::Group](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Group)
- [Fl::Window](https://metacpan.org/pod/Fl::Window)

This is the current list and will expand as the distribution develops.

# Functions

The top level namespace comes with loads of functions. I'll try keeping them
somewhat organized here.

## delete\_widget(...)

Schedules a widget for deletion at the next call to the event loop.

Use this method to delete a widget inside a callback function.

To avoid early deletion of widgets, this function should be called toward the
end of a callback and only after any call to the event loop (`Fl::wait()`,
`Fl::flush()`, `Fl::check()`, `fl_ask()`, etc.).

When deleting groups or windows, you must only delete the group or window
widget and not the individual child widgets.

The object reference is undefined after calling this.


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Sanko Robinson &lt;sanko@cpan.org>