NAME WebService::AntiCaptcha - API SYNOPSIS use WebService::AntiCaptcha; my $wac = WebService::AntiCaptcha->new( clientKey => 'your_client_key' ); my $res = $wac->getBalance or die $wac->errstr; print $res->{balance}; DESCRIPTION WebService::AntiCaptcha is for NOTE Note we don't raise error for API response errorId > 0. You should handle those yourself. # after each method call die $wac_res->{errorDescription} if $wac_res->{errorId}; METHODS createTask my $res = $wac->createTask($task, $softId, $languagePool); ImageToTextTask my $res = $wac->createTask({ type => 'ImageToTextTask', body => "BASE64_BODY_HERE!", }) or die $wac->errstr; NoCaptchaTaskProxyless recaptcha solving. check xt/ for a working example. my $res = $wac->createTask({ type => 'NoCaptchaTaskProxyless', websiteURL => "", websiteKey => "6Lc_aCMTAAAAABx7u2N0D1XnVbI_v6ZdbM6rYf16" }) or die $wac->errstr; NoCaptchaTask with proxy my $res = $wac->createTask({ type => 'NoCaptchaTask', websiteURL => "", websiteKey => "6Lc_aCMTAAAAABx7u2N0D1XnVbI_v6ZdbM6rYf16", "proxyType" => "http", "proxyAddress" => "", "proxyPort" => 8080, "proxyLogin" => "proxyLoginHere", "proxyPassword" => "proxyPasswordHere", "userAgent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36" }) or die $wac->errstr; getTaskResult my $res = $wac->getTaskResult($taskId) or die $wac->errstr; getBalance my $res = $wac->getBalance or die $wac->errstr; print $res->{balance}; getQueueStats my $res = $wac->queueId($queueId) or die $wac->errstr; reportIncorrectImageCaptcha my $res = $wac->reportIncorrectImageCaptcha($taskId) or die $wac->errstr; AUTHOR Fayland Lam <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017- Fayland Lam LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO