NAME CGI::Application::PhotoGallery - module to provide a simple photo gallery SYNOPSIS use CGI::Application::PhotoGallery; my $webapp = CGI::Application::PhotoGallery->new( PARAMS => { photos_dir => '/path/to/photos' } ); $webapp->run(); DESCRIPTION CGI::Application::PhotoGallery is a CGI::Application module allowing people to create their own simple photo gallery. There is no need to generate your own thumbnails since they are created on the fly (using either the GD or Image::Magick modules). To use this module you need to create an instance script. It should look like: #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Application::PhotoGallery; my $webapp = CGI::Application::PhotoGallery->new( PARAMS => { photos_dir => '/path/to/photos' } ); $webapp->run(); You'll need to replace the "/path/to/photos" with the real path to your photos (see the photos_dir options below). Put this somewhere where CGIs can run and name it something like "index.cgi". This gets you the default behavior and look. To get something more to your specifications you can use the options described below. INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install OPTIONS CGI::Application modules accept options using the PARAMS arguement to "new()". To give options for this module you change the "new()" call in the instance script shown above: my $webapp = CGI::Application::PhotoGallery->new( PARAMS => { photos_dir => '/path/to/photos', title => 'My Photos' } ); The "title" option tells PhotoGallery to use 'My Photos' as the title rather than the default value. See below for more information about "title" and other options. photos_dir (required) This parameter is used to specify where all of your photos are located. Previous limitations of this directory have been lifted. Your photos directory can have any number of images and sub-directories of images. This is applied recursively so a gallery can have any number of sub-galleries. script_name This parameter uses $0 by default, you can change it (or set it to the empty string) if you neeed to. It is needed for creating self referencial links. title By default every page will start with the title "My Photo Gallery". You can specify your own using the title parameter. thumb_size By default PhotoGallery displays thumbnail images that are 100 x 100 on the index page. You can change this by specifying a number (in pixels) for this option. preview_thumbs Before viewing the entire contents of a gallery, you are shown a few preview image. The default number of thumbnails is 4. You can change it by specifying your own value in the instance script. graphics_lib You can specifify which graphics library you wish to use to size your thumbnails. Included in this package are "Magick" (Image::Magick) and the default: "GD". You can also create your own if you wish. index_template This application uses HTML::Template to generate its HTML pages. If you would like to customize the HTML you can copy the default form template and edit it to suite your needs. The default form template is called 'photos_index.tmpl' and you can get it from the distribution or from wherever this module ended up in your @INC. Pass in the path to your custom template as the value of this parameter. See HTML::Template for more information about the template syntax. single_template The default template for an individual photo is called 'photos_single.tmpl' and you can get it from the distribution or from wherever this module ended up in your @INC. Pass in the path to your custom template as the value of this parameter. See HTML::Template for more information about the template syntax. max_width Setting this value will force the browser to scale images down to this particular width and proportioned height. This is done by setting the width and height attributes on the image tag, thus saving the image will retain the full resolution. max_height Setting this value will force the browser to scale images down to this particular height and proportioned width. This is done by setting the width and height attributes on the image tag, thus saving the image will retain the full resolution. cache_root Specifies where the file cache data will be stored. Defaults to FileCache under the OS-specific temporary filesdirectory (e.g. /tmp/FileCache). You may want to move this to make the cache persist. Under selinux, however, be careful to put it in a webserver-writable directory. cache_namespace Specifies the namespace for this gallery's cache data. Defaults to the gallery title - or 'default'. Changing this will orphan the cache data. cache_dirumask Specifies the umask value to use when cache directories are created. Defaults to 0007 to avoid cache poisioning attacks. cache_datumask Specifies the umask value to use when cache data is written. Defaults to 006 to avoid cache poisioning attacks. Note that this becomes the umask for all files written by this script. (See Cache::FileCache documentation for why.) CAPTIONS You can include captions for your photos by creating a tab-separated database named "captions.txt" in your "photos_dir". The filename should be specified relative of your "photos_dir". 1.jpg This is a caption. Test Gallery/1.jpg This is another caption. METHODS setup( ) This method sets the default options and makes sure all required parameteres are set. get_photos( $dir ) This method finds all of the "image/*" files in the specified directory. mime_types( ) This method will create (if needed) and return a new MIME::Types object. gfx_lib( ) This method will create (if needed) and return the graphics adaptor specified by the user (default is GD). cache( ) This method will create (if needed) and return a Cache::FileCache object, RUN MODES gallery_index( ) Reads in the contents of your "photos_dir" and generates an index of photos. thumbnail( ) Generates a thumbnail for the requested image using the selected graphics library. show_image( ) Sends the contents of the image to the browser. single_index( ) Fills and sends the template for viewing an individual image. handle_error( ) Renders a template for any failed action. SEE ALSO * CGI::Application * HTML::Template * CGI::Application::MailPage AUTHOR Brian Cassidy <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003-2009 by Brian Cassidy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.