progconv - convert between .txt, .csv and Palm Progect's PDB format.

    Export from a .pdb database to a text representation:

        perl progconv lbPG-MyProgect.pdb MyProgect.txt

    Convert a text tree back into a database:

        perl progconv MyProgect.txt lbPG-MyProgect.pdb

    You can convert to/from CSV files:

        perl progconv lbPG-MyProgect.pdb MyProgect.csv
        perl progconv MyProgect.csv MyProgect.txt
        perl progconv MyProgect.csv lbPG-MyProgect.pdb

    You can convert between various Progect database versions:

        perl progconv --output-format=23 MyOldProgect.pdb MyNewProgect.pdb

    "progconv" is a program you run on your desktop computer to allow you to
    import to and export from Palm Progect database files.

    For its text format, it uses a layout very similar to the one used by
    Progect's own built-in converter:

        [x] Level 1 Todo item
            [10%] Child (progress)
                . Child of Child (informational)

        [80%] (31/12/2001) Progress item
            [ ] Unticked action item

    Almost all of Progect's fields are supported using this format,
    including categories, ToDo links and notes.

    See below under "PROGCONV TEXT FORMAT"

    For its CSV format it uses a simple table of records, with indent level
    being one of the fields. See below under "PROGCONV CSV FORMAT".

    This program was written on Linux (Redhat 7.1). It was tested on Windows
    98 with perl 5.005 and perl 5.6.1, and on Linux (Redhat 7.1) with perl
    5.6.0 and perl 5.6.1.

  General Options
        Suppress informational messages

  Conversion Options
        The format "progconv" should import from. Either "auto", "pdb",
        "text", or "csv".

        When "auto" is selected, then "progconv" will guess the file's type
        based on its extension.

        The default is "auto".

        The format "progconv" should export to. Either "auto", "pdb",
        "text", or "csv".

        When "auto" is selected, then "progconv" will guess the file's type
        based on its extension.

        The default is "auto".

        Ignore the version number stored in the source database, and import
        it as version "n".

        Currently supported versions are 18 (for Progect database version
        0.18) and 23 (for Progect database version 0.23).

        Progect database version 0.18 was used all the way up until Progect
        version 0.22, so if you saved a database with Progect 0.22, the
        database will be a version 0.18 database.

        Write the output database in version "n".

        Currently supported versions are 18 (for Progect database version
        0.18) and 23 (for Progect database version 0.23).

        Progect database version 0.18 was used all the way up until Progect
        version 0.22, so if you saved a database with Progect 0.22, the
        database will be a version 0.18 database.

  Text Conversion Options
        Treat tabs as n columns wide (default is 8)

        By default, "progconv" uses tabs to indent records. With this
        "--use-spaces" option, it will use spaces instead, using "--tabstop"
        spaces per indent level.

        The input and output format for dates. You can have any text here so
        long as it includes some combination of dd, mm, yy, yyyy. Using
        words for months at this point is NOT supported.

        The default is yyyy/mm/dd, so nobody can accuse me of being Y2K
        non-complient. If you want to use dd/mm/yy (which is how the Progect
        program itself seems to currently export things on my Palm), then
        you can use:


        For multiline descriptions and notes, progect will wrap text to fit
        the screen. Use this option to tell how wide the screen is. The
        default is 80. To disable wrapping, use "--columns=0"

  CSV Conversion Options
        Use character "c" as the csv separator (defaults to ";")

        Use "\r\n" as the csv line terminator (the default)

        Use "\n" as the csv line terminator

        Use "\r" the csv line terminator

        Use character "c" as the csv quote char (defaults to """)

        The input and output format for dates in csv files. See

    Here is a summary of the various types of records:

        [ ] action type
        [x] completed action type
        < > action type with todo link
        <x> completed action type with todo link

        [80%] progress type
        [4/5] numeric type

        . info type

        [ ] [5] action type with priority
        [ ] (15/7/2001) action type with date

        [80%] [5] (15/7/2001) {category} progress type with priority and date and category

        [80%] [5] (15/7/2001) {category} progress type with priority and date and category <<
            Multi-Line note
            for this item

    The CSV format allows for basic import/export with spreadsheet programs.
    The CSV file does not look like a tree structure; instead, there is a
    "level" column, which indicates the indent level for the current row.

    The columns in the format are:

        The indent level of the record.

        The priority of the record from 1 to 5, or 0 for no priority.

        Any record can have one (and only one) of the above types.

        If you are going to change the type of a record, remember to set all
        the other types to false:

            isAction isProgress isNumeric isInfo
            0        0          0         1

        Completed has different values depending upon the type of record.
        For action items, it is either 1 or 0, for complete or not complete.

        For Progress items, it is a number between 1 and 100, indicating a

        For Numeric items it is a number between 1 and 100 indicating the
        the integer percentage of the "numericActual" value divided by the
        "numericLimit" value.

        The numerator of a numeric record. If the numeric value of a record
        is "4/5", then the "numericActual" value is 4.

        The denominator of a numeric record. If the numeric value of a
        record is "4/5", then the "numericLimit" value is 5.

        This is a date in the format specified on the command line with the
        "--csv-date-format" option


    Additionally, see the --csv-sep, --csv-eol-pc, --csv-eol-unix,
    --csv-eol-mac and --csv-quote-char options.

    "progconv" reads and writes categories properly from and to Progect
    "PDB" files. As of version 0.25, Progect itself can read these
    categories properly. (However version 0.25 has problems with preferences
    - see below)

    Versions of Progect earlier than 0.25 may have problems reading the
    categories as saved by "progconv".

    This is due to the fact that "progconv" does not write the preferences
    block correctly.

    As a result, when you load into an older version of Progect a database
    that you created with "progconv", You will get a warning that "Your
    preferences have been deleted".

    Progect will then reset the category list.

    However, all of the records will still keep their references to the
    deleted categories.

    So, if you select "Edit Categories..." and recreate the categories in
    the exact same order as they were before, the records will magically
    return to their proper categories.

    Again, these steps are only required when you are using a version of
    Progect that is older than version 0.25.

    Preferences are not handled properly yet. They cannot be imported or
    exported, and they are not read from the Progect database file.

    Additionally, in Progect version 0.23 and earlier, when you load a
    database created by "progconv" into Progect, you will get a warning that
    "Your preferences have been deleted". The preferences for the database
    will be reset to sensible defaults.

    In Progect version 0.25, you will not get this warning.

  Two-digit Dates
    Using a two digit date format will fail for dates before 1950 or after
    2049 :).

    Michael Graham <>

    Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Graham. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software. You can use, modify, and distribute it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.

    The latest version of this program can be found on





