=head1 DBD::MariaDB - database driver for Perl =begin html

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=end html This is the Perl L driver for access to MariaDB and MySQL databases. The goal of our effort was to fix MariaDB compatibility, Perl Unicode support and security related bugs. This Perl DBI driver is a fork of the L driver and was created because said issues in the original DBD::mysql have not been addressed for more than a year. =head2 Usage Usage of this Perl DBI driver is described in L. =head2 Installation Installation is described in L. =head2 Support This module comes with no warranty and is distributed as is. To participate in a general discussion about Perl DBI with other DBI users, subscribe to the mailing list by sending an email to L|mailto:dbi-users-subscribe@perl.org>. Mailing list archives are available at the L. =head2 License This module is released under the same license as Perl itself. See L for details. =head2 Contributing Contributions are welcome.