NAME ARSObject - high level interface above ARS module DESCRIPTION This module is intended for capable scripts above ARS module. It caches metadata alike Remedy::ARSTools, but uses Data::Dumper or Storable module. And metadata model is directly given from ARS::ars_GetFieldTable()/ARS::ars_GetField(), unlike ARSOOForm and Remedy::ARSTools. And additional description level (-metadn/-metaid) added to unify field names and extend conversion capabilities of field values. Field names and values are translated as possible. query() method supports iterator sub{} and uses ARS::ars_GetListEntry(), ARS::ars_GetListEntryWithFields(), ARS::ars_GetEntry() calls as appropriate with parameters given. entry(), entryIns(), entryUpd(), entryDel() methods are usual to manipulate records. entryNew() method may be used to form new record hash with default values for entryIns(). entryDif() method may be used to minimise data for entryUpd(). AUTOLOAD() method is to call 'ARS::ars_XXX' functions as methods. Special processing added for 'HPD:Help Desk' ITSM Suite form. Variable files may be used to cache any data. Misc Utility Methods intended for strings, dates, data structures. Utility Objects added to simplify and unify access to DBI, CGI, Net::SMTP modules. LICENSE This is free software; you can use redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Andrew V Makarow <makarow at>, for Bank of Russia in Archangel PREREQUISITES Currently implemented and tested on Win32 Active Perl 5.8. HOW TO BUILD AND INSTALL Type: perl Makefile.PL make make install Or: copy ./lib/* into perl/site/lib/