# NAME MySQL::Warmer - execute warming up queries for InnoDB # SYNOPSIS use MySQL::Warmer; MySQL::Warmer->new(dbh => $dbh)->run; # DESCRIPTION MySQL::Warmer is to execute warming up queries on cold DB server. I consulted following entry about warming up strategy of this module. [http://labs.cybozu.co.jp/blog/kazuho/archives/2007/10/innodb\_warmup.php](http://labs.cybozu.co.jp/blog/kazuho/archives/2007/10/innodb_warmup.php) # SEE ALSO [mysql-warmup](https://metacpan.org/pod/mysql-warmup) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Songmu. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Songmu <y.songmu@gmail.com>