NAME CPAN::IndexPod - Index the POD from an upacked CPAN SYNOPSIS my $i = CPAN::IndexPod->new; $i->unpacked("/unpacked/cpan/); # use CPAN::Unpack $i->plucene("/plucene/index); # must be absolute path $i->index; # Then search with Plucene / Plucene::Simple or: my @files = $i->search("vampire"); DESCRIPTION The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a very useful collection of Perl code. It has a whole lot of module distributions. CPAN::Unpack unpacks CPAN distributions. This module will analyse the unpacked CPAN, index the Pod it contains, and allow you to search it. Right now it allows simplistic searching of NAME, SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION sections and returns a list of filenames. AUTHOR Leon Brocard <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2004, Leon Brocard This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.