Module::Install::CheckLib - A Module::Install extension to check that a
    library is available

      # In Makefile.PL

      use inc::Module::Install;
      checklibs lib => 'jpeg', header => 'jpeglib.h';

    The Makefile.PL will exit unless library or header is found.

    Module::Install::CheckLib is a Module::Install extension that integrates
    Devel::CheckLib so that CPAN authors may stipulate which particular C
    library and its headers they want available and to exit the
    "Makefile.PL" gracefully if they aren't.

    The author specifies which C libraries, etc, they want available.
    Devel::CheckLib is copied to the "inc/" directory along with the
    Module::Install files.

    On the module user side, the bundled "inc/" Devel::CheckLib determines
    whether the current environment is supported or not and will exit

    This plugin adds the following Module::Install command:

        Requires a list of parameters. These are passed directly to
        Devel::CheckLib "check_lib_or_exit" function. Please consult the
        documentation for Devel::CheckLib for more details on what these
        parameters are.

        This is generally the function one should use in Makefile.PL, as it
        exits gracefully and plays nice with CPAN Testers.

        The same as "checklibs" but uses Devel::CheckLib "assert_lib"
        instead. "assert_lib" dies instead of exiting gracefully. It is
        provided for completeness, please use "checklibs".

    By default, the module skips calls to Devel::CheckLibs subroutines when
    called from the author side. The extra option "run_checks_as_author" can
    be given to both "checklibs" and "assertlibs" to enable those checks
    even in author mode.


      checklibs lib => libfoo, run_checks_as_author => 1;

    Chris "BinGOs" Williams

    Based on use-devel-checklib by David Cantrell

    Copyright © Chris Williams and David Cantrell

    This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms
    as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl
    distribution for details.

