# NAME Teng::Plugin::SearchJoined - Teng plugin for Joined query # SYNOPSIS package MyDB; use parent qw/Teng/; __PACKAGE__->load_plugin('SearchJoined'); package main; my $db = MyDB->new(...); my $itr = $db->search_joined(user_item => [ user => {'user_item.user_id' => 'user.id'}, item => {'user_item.item_id' => 'item.id'}, ], { 'user.id' => 2, }, { order_by => 'user_item.item_id', }); while (my ($user_item, $user, $item) = $itr->next) { ... } # DESCRIPTION Teng::Plugin::SearchJoined is a Plugin of Teng for joined query. # INTERFACE ## Method ### `$itr:Teng::Plugin::SearchJoined::Iterator = $db->search_joined($table, $join_conds, \%where, \%opts)` `$table`, `\%where` and `\%opts` are same as arguments of [Teng](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Teng)'s `search` method. `$join_conds` is same as argument of [SQL::Maker::Plugin::JoinSelect](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?SQL::Maker::Plugin::JoinSelect)'s `join_select` method. # SEE ALSO [Teng](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Teng) [SQL::Maker::Plugin::JoinSelect](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?SQL::Maker::Plugin::JoinSelect) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Masayuki Matsuki. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Masayuki Matsuki <y.songmu@gmail.com>