#!/usr/bin/perl #Copyright (c) 2008, Zane C. Bowers #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, #are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND #ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. #IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, #BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, #DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR #OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF #THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use Image::Size::FillFullSelect;; use ZConf; use Cwd 'abs_path'; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1; #version function sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE { print "zbgset-admin 0.0.0\n"; }; #print help sub main::HELP_MESSAGE { print "\n". "-l <list> Specifies something to list.\n". "-k <variable> Species a variable to set.\n". "-a <FS path> Species a path on the FS to add to a path.\n". "-r <FS path> Species a path on the FS to remove from a path.\n". "-n <path> Creates a new blank path.\n". "-d <path> Delete a path.\n". "\n". "-s <set to operate on> \n". "-p <path name> Specifies a path name.". "-v <value> Species a value.\n"; }; #s=zconf set #l=list #p=path #s=set #k=key #v=value #a=path to add #r=path to remove #n=new path #d=delete a path #gets the options my %opts=(); getopts('d:s:l:p:k:v:a:r:n:', \%opts); my %args; #inits zconf my $zconf = ZConf->new(); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset:1: Could not initiate ZConf. It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; } #handles set checking if(defined($opts{s})){ if(!$zconf->setNameLegit($opts{s})){ warn("zbgset:4: '".$opts{s}."' is not a legit ZConf set name."); exit 4; }else{ $args{set}=$opts{s}; }; }else{ $args{set}=undef; }; #create the config if it does not exist #if it does exist, make sure the set we are using exists my $returned = $zconf->configExists("zbgset"); if(!$returned){ warn("zbgset: Has not been run before. Initiating config."); $returned = $zconf->createConfig("zbgset"); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset:2: Could not create config."); exit 2; }; #inits it my $returned=$zconf->writeSetFromHash({config=>"zbgset", set=>$args{set}}, { savelast=>"1", filltype=>"auto", numberoflast=>"15", postSetRefresh=>"0", postSetRefresher=>"zbgfbmb -l", maxdiff=>".2", filltype=>"auto", full=>'hsetroot -full \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', tile=>'hsetroot -tile \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', fill=>'hsetroot -fill \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', center=>'hsetroot -center \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', path=>'default' } ); warn("zbgset: Initilization succeeded."); }else{ #gets the set name if it is not defined if(!defined($args{set})){ $args{set}=$zconf->chooseSet("zbgset"); }; #gets the list of sets my @sets=$zconf->getAvailableSets("zbgset"); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset:3: Could not get a list of sets."); exit 3; }; #creates the default config if it the specified set has not been created before my $setsInt=0; #used for intering through @sets my $found=undef; while(defined($sets[$setsInt])){ #sets $found to true if the set is found if($sets[$setsInt] eq $args{set}){ $found=1; }; $setsInt++; }; #if found is false, initialize the set if(!$found){ warn("zbgset: The specified or auto choosen set, '".$args{set}. "' has not been initialized before. Doing so now."); #inits it my $returned=$zconf->writeSetFromHash({config=>"zbgset", set=>$args{set}}, { savelast=>"true", filltype=>"auto", numberoflast=>"15", postSetRefresh=>"false", postSetRefresher=>"zbgfbmb -l", maxdiff=>".2", filltype=>"auto", full=>'hsetroot -full \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', tile=>'hsetroot -tile \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', fill=>'hsetroot -fill \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', center=>'hsetroot -center \'%%%THEFILE%%%\'', path=>'default', override=>'default', last=>'' } ); warn("zbgset: Initilization succeeded for set '".$args{set}."'."); }; }; $returned = $zconf->read({config=>"zbgset", set=>$args{set}}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset:3: Could not read config. It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 3; }; if(defined($opts{l})){ #all if($opts{l} eq "all"){ my @keys=$zconf->getKeys("zbgset"); my $keysInt=0; while(defined($keys[$keysInt])){ my $value=$zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{$keys[$keysInt]}; $value=~s/\n/\n /g ; print $keys[$keysInt]."=".$value."\n"; $keysInt++; }; exit 0; }; #path #if -p is used, unly show that path if($opts{l} eq "path"){ my $path="^paths/";#the '^' is there as as regexVarSearch takes a regular expression #if -p is used, unly show that path if(defined($opts{p})){ $path="paths/".$opts{p}; if(!defined($zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{$path})){ warn("zbgset-admin:5: Path '".$opts{p}."' does not exist."); exit 5; }; print $zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{$path}; }; #print the paths in ZML format my @keys = $zconf->regexVarSearch("zbgset", $path); my $keysInt=0; while(defined($keys[$keysInt])){ my $value=$zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{$keys[$keysInt]}; $value=~s/\n/\n /g ; print $keys[$keysInt]."=".$value."\n"; $keysInt++; }; exit 0; }; #print the paths if($opts{l} eq "paths"){ my @keys = $zconf->regexVarSearch("zbgset", "^paths/"); my $keysInt=0; while(defined($keys[$keysInt])){ my $value=$keys[$keysInt]; $value=~s/^paths\///g; print $value."\n"; $keysInt++; }; exit 0; }; #if either none of the above match, check to see if it is a variable if(!defined($zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{$opts{l}})){ warn("zbgset-admin:6: Key '".$opts{l}."' not found "); exit 6 }; print $zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{$opts{l}}."\n"; exit 0; }; #handles setting if defined if(defined($opts{k})){ if(!defined($opts{v})){ warn("abgset-admin:8: No value specified using -v "); exit 8; }; my @allowedKeys=("tile", "center", "full", "fill","numberoflast", "path", "savelast", "postSetRefresher", "postSetRefresh"); my $allowedKeysInt=0; while(defined($allowedKeys[$allowedKeysInt])){ #if it matches, set it if($opts{k} eq $allowedKeys[$allowedKeysInt]){ $zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{$opts{k}}=$opts{v}; #saves the config $returned=$zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; $allowedKeysInt++; }; warn("zbgset-admin:6: Key '".$opts{s}."' not found "); exit 6; }; #handles adding paths if($opts{a}){ #make sure the file/dir exists if(! -e $opts{a}){ warn("zbgset-admin:7: '".$opts{a}."' does not exist "); exit 7; }; #get the full path my $fullpath=abs_path($opts{a}); #make sure path exists and if not add it if(!defined($zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{"paths/".$opts{p}})){ my $returned=$zconf->setVar("zbgset", "paths/".$opts{p}, $fullpath); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; #saves the config $returned=$zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; #if we are here it means that the path exists $zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{"paths/".$opts{p}}=$zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{"paths/".$opts{p}}."\n".$fullpath; #remove any double new lines $zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{"paths/".$opts{p}}=~s/\n\n/\n/g; #removes any new lines at the beginning $zconf->{conf}{zbgset}{"paths/".$opts{p}}=~s/^\n//g; #saves it $zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; #deletes a path if(defined($opts{d})){ if(!defined($zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{"paths/".$opts{d}})){ warn("zbgset-admin:5: Path '".$opts{d}."' does not exist."); exit 5; }; my @deleted = $zconf->regexVarDel("zbgset", "^paths/".$opts{d}."\$"); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); }; $zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; #remotes a path from a path if(defined($opts{r})){ #makes sure that -p has been used if(!defined($opts{p})){ warn("zbgset-admin:5: No path defined "); exit 5; }; if(!defined($zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{"paths/".$opts{p}})){ warn("zbgset-admin:5: Path '".$opts{p}."' does not exist."); exit 5; }; my @paths=split(/\n/, $zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{"paths/".$opts{p}}); my $pathsInt=0; my $newpath="";#holds the new path #removes matching paths while(defined($paths[$pathsInt])){ if( $paths[$pathsInt] !~ /$opts{r}/){ $newpath=$newpath.$paths[$pathsInt]."\n"; }; $pathsInt++; }; print $newpath."-"; #removes the \n\n that was added and replace it with a \n $newpath=~s/\n\n/\n/g; print $newpath; #sets it $zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{"paths/".$opts{p}}=$newpath; #saves it $zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; #adds a new path with a blank set of paths if(defined($opts{n})){ if(defined($zconf->{conf}{"zbgset"}{"paths/".$opts{n}})){ warn("zbgset-admin:5: Path '".$opts{d}."' already exist."); exit 5; }; my $returned=$zconf->setVar("zbgset", "paths/".$opts{n}, ""); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; $zconf->writeSetFromLoadedConfig({config=>"zbgset"}); if($zconf->{error}){ warn("zbgset-admin:1: It failed with '".$zconf->{error}."'". ", '".$zconf->{errorString}."'."); exit 1; }; exit 0; }; #we should never get here exit 1; =head1 NAME zbgset-admin - Manages the configuration of zbgset. =head1 SYNOPSIS zbgset-admin =head1 ARGUEMENTS =head2 B<-a> <FS path> This adds a path to path. If a relative path is specified, it is first converted to a full path. =head2 B<-b> <regex> This removes any paths matching the specified regexp. To specify a path to operate on use '-p'. =head2 B<-k> <key> This sets a variable. Use '-v' to specify the the value. =head2 B<-l> <list> Lists something. =head3 all This lists everything in the zbgset config. =head3 path Lists a specified path. The path is specified using '-p'. =head3 paths This lists all available paths. =head2 path This specifies a path that will be used. =head2 B<-n> <path> This creates a new blank path. =head2 B<-s> <ZConf set> This is the ZConf set to use for it. If the set has not been initiated before it will do so. =head2 B<-v> <value> For use with '-k' for specifying a value when setting a variable. =head1 ERROR CODES =head2 0 Success. =head2 1 ZConf error. =head2 2 Could not create config. =head2 3 Could not get set information. =head2 4 The set name you specified with '-s' is not a legit name for a ZConf set. =head2 5 Bad path name specified or none specified. =head6 6 Specified key not found. =head2 7 File or directory does not exist =head2 8 No value specified. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2008, Zame C. Bowers <vvelox@vvelox.net> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS` OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Desktop =head1 OSNAMES any =head1 README zbgset-admin - Manages the configuration of zbgset. =cut