# NAME Class::Data::Lite - a minimalistic class accessors # SYNOPSIS package MyPackage; use Class::Data::Lite ( rw => { readwrite => 'rw', }, ro => { readonly => 'ro', }, ); package main; print(MyPackage->readwrite); #=> rw # DESCRIPTION Class::Data::Lite is a minimalistic implement for class accessors. There is no inheritance and fast. # THE USE STATEMENT The use statement (i.e. the `import` function) of the module takes a single hash as an argument that specifies the types and the names of the properties. Recognises the following keys. - `rw` => (\\@name\_of\_the\_properties|\\%name\_of\_the\_properties\_and\_values) creates a read / write class accessor for the name of the properties passed through as an arrayref or hashref. - `ro` => (\\@name\_of\_the\_properties|\\%name\_of\_the\_properties\_and\_values) creates a read-only class accessor for the name of the properties passed through as an arrayref or hashref. # BENCHMARK It is faster than Class::Data::Inheritance. See `eg/bench.pl`. Rate Class::Data::Inheritable Class::Data::Lite Class::Data::Inheritable 2619253/s -- -38% Class::Data::Lite 4191169/s 60% -- # SEE ALSO [Class::Accessor::Lite](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Accessor::Lite), [Class::Data::Inheritance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Data::Inheritance) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Songmu. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Songmu <y.songmu@gmail.com>