NAME Plack::App::Register - Plack register application. SYNOPSIS use Plack::App::Register; my $obj = Plack::App::Register->new(%parameters); my $psgi_ar = $obj->call($env); my $app = $obj->to_app; METHODS "new" my $obj = Plack::App::Register->new(%parameters); Constructor. Returns instance of object. * "author" Author string to HTML head. Default value is undef. * "content_type" Content type for output. Default value is 'text/html; charset=__ENCODING__'. * "css" Instance of CSS::Struct::Output object. Default value is CSS::Struct::Output::Raw instance. * "css_init" Reference to array with CSS::Struct structure. Default value is CSS initialization from Tags::HTML::Page::Begin like * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } * "encoding" Set encoding for output. Default value is 'utf-8'. * "favicon" Link to favicon. Default value is undef. * "flag_begin" Flag that means begin of html writing via Tags::HTML::Page::Begin. Default value is 1. * "flag_end" Flag that means end of html writing via Tags::HTML::Page::End. Default value is 1. * "generator" HTML generator string. Default value is 'Plack::App::Register; Version: __VERSION__'. * "login_link" Login link. Default value is 'login'. * "login_title" Login title. Default value is 'LOGIN'. * "message_cb" Callback to process message from application. Arguments for callback are: $env, $message_type and $message. Returns undef. Default value is undef. * "psgi_app" PSGI application to run instead of normal process. Intent of this is change application in "_process_actions" method. Default value is undef. * "redirect_register" Redirect URL after successful registering. Default value is undef. * "redirect_error" Redirect URL after error in registering. Default value is undef. * "register_cb" Callback for main registering. Arguments for callback are: $env, "username" and $password. Returns 0/1 for (un)successful registration. Default value is undef. * "script_js" Reference to array with Javascript code strings. Default value is []. * "script_js_src" Reference to array with Javascript URLs. Default value is []. * "status_code" HTTP status code. Default value is 200. * "tags" Instance of Tags::Output object. Default value is Tags::Output::Raw->new( 'xml' => 1, 'no_simple' => ['script', 'textarea'], 'preserved' => ['pre', 'style'], ); * "title" Page title. Default value is 'Register page'. "call" my $psgi_ar = $obj->call($env); Implementation of login page. Returns reference to array (PSGI structure). "to_app" my $app = $obj->to_app; Creates Plack application. Returns Plack::Component object. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Plack::App::Register; use Plack::Runner; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Run application. my $app = Plack::App::Register->new( 'css' => CSS::Struct::Output::Register->new, 'tags' => Tags::Output::Register->new( 'preserved' => ['style'], 'xml' => 1, ), )->to_app; Plack::Runner->new->run($app); # Output: # HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/ # > curl http://localhost:5000/ # TODO DEPENDENCIES Plack::Component::Tags::HTML, Plack::Request, Plack::Response, Plack::Session, Plack::Util::Accessor, Tags::HTML::Container, Tags::HTML::Login::Register. SEE ALSO Plack::App::Login Plack login application. Plack::App::Login::Password Plack login/password application. REPOSITORY AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2023 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01