NAME Class::Tiny::Antlers - Moose-like sugar for Class::Tiny SYNOPSIS { package Point; use Class::Tiny::Antlers; has x => (is => 'ro'); has y => (is => 'ro'); } { package Point3D; use Class::Tiny::Antlers; extends 'Point'; has z => (is => 'ro'); } DESCRIPTION Class::Tiny::Antlers provides Moose-like `has`, `extends`, `with`, `before`, `after` and `around` keywords for Class::Tiny. (The `with` keyword requires Role::Tiny; method modifiers require Class::Method::Modifiers.) Class::Tiny doesn't support all Moose's attribute options; `has` should throw you an error if you try to do something it doesn't support (like triggers or type constraints). Class::Tiny::Antlers does however hack in support for `is => 'ro'` and Moo-style `is => 'rwp'`, clearers and predicates. Export By default, Class::Tiny::Antlers exports `has`, `with` and `extends`, and also imports strict into its caller. You can optionally also import `confess` and warnings: use Class::Tiny::Antlers qw( -default confess warnings ); And Class::Method::Modifiers keywords: use Class::Tiny::Antlers qw( -default before after around ); use Class::Tiny::Antlers qw( -default -cmm ); # same thing If you just want everything: use Class::Tiny::Antlers qw( -all ); Class::Tiny::Antlers also ensures that Class::Tiny's import method is called for your class. You can put a `no Class::Tiny::Antlers` statement at the end of your class definition to wipe the imported functions out of your namespace. (This does not unimport strict/warnings though.) To clean up your namespace more thoroughly, use something like namespace::sweep. Functions `has $attr, %spec` Create an attribute. The specification hash roughly supports `is`, `default`, `clearer` and `predicate` as per Moose and Moo. `extends @classes` Set the base class(es) for your class. `with @roles` Compose Role::Tiny roles with your class. `before $name, \&code` Install a `before` modifier using Class::Method::Modifiers. `after $name, \&code` Install a `after` modifier using Class::Method::Modifiers. `around $name, \&code` Install a `around` modifier using Class::Method::Modifiers. `confess $format, @list` `sprintf`-fueled version of Carp's `confess`. Methods Class::Tiny::Antlers inherits the `get_all_attributes_for` and `get_all_attribute_defaults_for` methods from Class::Tiny, and also provides: `Class::Tiny::Antlers->get_all_attribute_specs_for($class)` Gets Moose-style attribute specification hashes for all the class' attributes as a big hashref. (Includes inherited attributes.) BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SEE ALSO Class::Tiny, Role::Tiny, Class::Method::Modifiers. Moose, Mouse, Moo. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.