SYNOPSIS use Moose; use Class::Load 0.20 'load_class'; use MooseX::Types::LogAny qw( LogAny ); has log => ( isa => LogAny, is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { load_class('Log::Any')->get_logger }, ); DESCRIPTION This module is no longer recommended, the reason for its existence has been resolved in recent versions of Log::Any see it's documentation for how to use Log::Any with Moose. The motivation behind this modules is that Log::Any::Adapter::Null does not inherit from Log::Any::Adapter::Base which all of the other adapters do. Moose will not allow a type union of undefined types unless they are Moose classes. This module allows you to simply use the LogAny type which has done the union for you. Type union of LogAnyNull and LogAnyBase Class Log::Any::Adapter::Null Class Log::Any::Adapter::Base Class Log::Any::Proxy SEE ALSO MooseX::Types Log::Any Log::Any::Adapter ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Development sponsored by <> POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 26: Unknown directive: =sub Around line 30: Unknown directive: =sub Around line 34: Unknown directive: =sub Around line 38: Unknown directive: =sub