NAME RDF::Query::Functions::Buzzword::DateTime - plugin for datetime functions SYNOPSIS TODO - update synopsis use RDF::TrineShortcuts qw[:all]; use Data::Dumper; my $data = rdf_parse(<<'TURTLE', type=>'turtle'); @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . <> foaf:birthday "1980-06-01"^^xsd:date . TURTLE $r = rdf_query(<<'SPARQL', $data); PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX dt: <> PREFIX xsd: <> SELECT (dt:now() AS ?now) (dt:today() AS ?today) ?bday (dt:format_duration( dt:difference(dt:now(), ?bday), "%Y years, %m months") AS ?age) (dt:add(?bday, "P10Y"^^xsd:duration) AS ?tenthbday) (dt:strftime(?bday, "%a, %d %b %Y"@en) AS ?fmtbday) (dt:strtodate("1/6/1980"@en-us) AS ?guessamericandate) (dt:strtodate("1/6/1980"@en) AS ?guessenglishdate) WHERE { ?person foaf:birthday ?bday . } SPARQL print Dumper(flatten_iterator($r, literal_as=>'ntriples')); DESCRIPTION This is a plugin for RDF::Query providing a number of extension functions. * Given an xsd:dateTime or xsd:date, and an xsd:duration, adds the duration to the datetime. Returns an xsd:date if it was passed an xsd:date and the xsd:duration didn't specify any hours, minutes or seconds. Returns an xsd:dateTime otherwise. * Given two xsd:dateTime or xsd:date literals, returns an xsd:duration representing the difference between them. * Given an xsd:duration and a literal formatting string, returns a formatted duration. See DateTime::Format::Duration. * Returns the current xsd:dateTime, with supposed nanosecond precision. If called multiple times in the same SPARQL query, will always return the same instant. * Takes a xsd:datetime and a literal formatting string and returns a formattted date. See DateTime. * Attempts to parse an arbitrary literal using natural language and convert it into an xsd:date. Smart enough to tell the difference between "1/6/1980"@en-us and "1/6/1980"@en-gb. Can safely be passed an existing xsd:date or xsd:dateTime. * As per "strtodate" but returns an xsd:dateTime. "add", "difference" and "strftime" all implicitly call "strtotime" on their xsd:dateTime arguments, which means they don't need to be given strict xsd:date/dateTime input. * Like "now" but returns an xsd:date. SEE ALSO RDF::Query, RDF::Query::Functions::Buzzword::Util. DateTime. <>. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 Toby Inkster This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.