NAME Net::Flickr::Geo - tools for working with geotagged Flickr photos SYNOPSIS There is no synopsis. There is only documentation for provider specific packages. Okay, I lied. There's a little bit below. But really, please consult provider specific packaged for details. DESCRIPTION Tools for working with geotagged Flickr photos. PROVIDERS ModestMaps Fetch maps using the Modest Maps ws-pinwin HTTP interface : # # Simple # my %opts = (); getopts('c:i:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); $cfg->param("pinwin.photo_size", "Medium"); $cfg->param("modestmaps.filter", "atkinson"); $cfg->param("pinwin.upload", 1); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::ModestMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'debug')); my $map = $fl->mk_pinwin_map_for_photo($opts{'i'}); $fl->log()->info("wrote map to $map->[0]->[0]"); # # Fancy # my %opts = (); getopts('c:s:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::ModestMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'info')); my $data = $fl->mk_poster_map_for_photoset($opts{'s'}); $fl->log()->info(Dumper($data)); my $tiles = $fl->upload_poster_map($data->{'path'}); $fl->log()->info(Dumper($tiles)); YahooMaps Fetch maps using the Yahoo! Maps Image API : # # Simple # my %opts = (); getopts('c:i:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::YahooMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'debug')); my $map = $fl->mk_pinwin_map_for_photo($opts{'i'}); $fl->log()->info("wrote map to $map->[0]->[0]"); # # Handy # my %opts = (); getopts('c:s:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::YahooMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'debug')); my $map = $fl->mk_pinwin_maps_for_photoset($opts{'s'}); foreach my $data (@$map){ $fl->log()->info("wrote image/map to $data->[0]"); } Google Maps Fetch maps using the Google Maps Static Maps API : # # Simple # my %opts = (); getopts('c:i:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::GoogleMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'debug')); $cfg->param("google.map_type", "mobile"); my $map = $fl->mk_pinwin_map_for_photo($opts{'i'}); $fl->log()->info("wrote map to $map->[0]->[0]"); MultiMaps Fetch maps using the MultiMap Static Maps API : # # Simple # my %opts = (); getopts('c:i:', \%opts); my $cfg = Config::Simple->new($opts{'c'}); my $fl = Net::Flickr::Geo::MultiMaps->new($cfg); $fl->log()->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new('name' => 'scr', min_level => 'debug')); my $map = $fl->mk_pinwin_map_for_photo($opts{'i'}); $fl->log()->info("wrote map to $map->[0]->[0]"); IMPORTANT Versions 0.5 and higher are, essentially, not even a little bit backwards compatible. Please adjust your code and expectations accordingly. It shouldn't happen again... VERSION 0.72 DATE $Date: 2008/08/03 17:08:39 $ AUTHOR Aaron Straup Cope <> NOTES All uploads to Flickr are marked with a content-type of "other". SEE ALSO Net::Flickr::API <> < ticmaps.htm> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> BUGS Sure, why not. Please report all bugs via <> LICENSE Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved. This is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.