# NAME AnyEvent::LeapMotion - Perl interface to the Leap Motion Controller (via WebSocket) # SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::LeapMotion; my $leap = AnyEvent::LeapMotion->new( enable_gesture => 1, on_frame => sub { my $frame = shift; ... }, ); $leap->run; AE::cv->recv; # DESCRIPTION AnyEvent::LeapMotion is a simple interface to the Leap Motion controller. It receives tracking data through a WebSocket server. # METHODS - `my $leap = AnyEvent::LeapMotion->new()` Create an instance of AnyEvent::LeapMotion. - on\_frame : Sub - on\_error : Sub - host => '' : Str - port => 6437 : Num - enable\_gesture => 0 : Bool - `$leap->run()` Running an event loop. # MOTIVATION There is [Device::Leap](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Device::Leap) module on CPAN, but it is difficult to use and cannot get the gesture. So I made a module with simple interface. # SEE ALSO [WebSocket Communication](https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/javascript/supplements/Leap\_JSON.html) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Takumi Akiyama. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Takumi Akiyama <t.akiym@gmail.com>