NAME MasonX::ProcessDir - Process a directory of Mason 2 templates VERSION version 0.02 SYNOPSIS use MasonX::ProcessDir; # Generate result files in the same directory as the templates # my $pd = MasonX::ProcessDir->new( dir => '/path/to/dir' ); $pd->process_dir(); # Generate result files in a separate directory # my $pd = MasonX::ProcessDir->new( source_dir => '/path/to/source/dir', dest_dir => '/path/to/dest/dir' ); $pd->process_dir(); DESCRIPTION Recursively processes a directory of Mason 2 templates, generating a set of result files in the same directory or in a parallel directory. Every file with suffix ".mc" will be processed, and the results placed in a file of the same name without the suffix. ".mi", autobase and dhandler files will be used by Mason when processing the templates but will not generate files themselves. For example, if the source directory contains etc/ blah.mi somefile.txt and we run my $pd = MasonX::ProcessDir->new( source_dir => '/path/to/source/dir', dest_dir => '/path/to/dest/dir' ); $pd->process_dir(); then afterwards the destination directory will contain files httpd.conf proxy.conf etc/crontab somefile.txt where *foo* and *bar* are the results of processing ** and ** through Mason. ** and *blah.mi* may be used during Mason processing but won't generate result files themselves. This class is a convenience extension of Any::Template::ProcessDir. CONSTRUCTOR Specifying directory/directories * If you want to generate the result files in the same directory as the templates, just specify *dir*. my $pd = MasonX::ProcessDir->new( dir => '/path/to/dir', ... ); * If you want to generate the result files in a separate directory from the templates, specify *source_dir* and *dest_dir*. my $pd = MasonX::ProcessDir->new( source_dir => '/path/to/source/dir', source_dir => '/path/to/dest/dir', ... ); Mason options mason_options An optional hash of options to the Mason interpreter. For example, the default Mason data directory will be ".mason" under the source directory, but you can override this: mason_options => { data_dir => '/path/to/data/dir' } Options inherited from Any::Template::ProcessDir See Any::Template::ProcessDir for other options, such as dir_create_mode file_create_mode readme_filename SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION Bugs and feature requests will be tracked at RT: The latest source code can be browsed and fetched at: git clone git:// SEE ALSO Mason, Any::Template::ProcessDir AUTHOR Jonathan Swartz <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Swartz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.