NAME Net::SNMP::Mixin::IfInfo - mixin class for interface related infos VERSION Version 1.01 SYNOPSIS use Net::SNMP; use Net::SNMP::Mixin; my $session = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => '' ); $session->mixer('Net::SNMP::Mixin::IfInfo'); $session->init_mixins; snmp_dispatcher(); $session->init_ok(); die $session->errors if $session->errors; my $if_entries = $session->get_if_entries; foreach my $if_index ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$if_entries ) { my $ifAdminStatus = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifAdminStatus} // 0; my $ifOperStatus = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifOperStatus} // 0; my $ifType = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifType} // 0; my $ifName = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifName} // ''; my $ifDescr = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifDescr} // ''; my $ifAlias = $if_entries->{$if_index}->{ifAlias} // ''; printf "%5d %1d/%1d %-10.10s %-25.25s %-26.26s\n", $if_index, $ifAdminStatus, $ifOperStatus, $ifName, $ifDescr, $ifAlias; } DESCRIPTION A mixin class for basic interface related infos from the ifTable and ifXTable. This mixin supports the quasi static information from both tables together in one hash, see below. MIXIN METHODS OBJ->get_if_entries Returns parts ot the ifTable and ifXTable as a hash reference. The key is the common ifIndex into the ifTable and ifXtable: { INTEGER => { # ifIndex as key ifName => DisplayString, # ifXTable entries ifAlias => DisplayString, ifHighspeed => GAUGE, ifDescr => DisplayString, # ifTable entries ifType => IANAifType, ifMtu => INTEGER, ifSpeed => GAUGE, ifPhysAddress => PhysAddress, ifAdminStatus => INTEGER, ifOperStatus => INTEGER, } ..., } INITIALIZATION OBJ->_init($reload) Fetch basic interface related snmp values from the host. Don't call this method direct! PRIVATE METHODS Only for developers or maintainers. _fetch_if_entries($session) Get selected MIB values from the ifTable and ifXTable. _if_entries_cb($session) The callback for _fetch_if_entries SEE ALSO Net::SNMP::Mixin::Dot1dBase for a mapping between ifIndexes and dot1dBasePorts. REQUIREMENTS Net::SNMP, Net::SNMP::Mixin BUGS, PATCHES & FIXES There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD documentation, please submit a bug to the RT system (see link below). However, it would help greatly if you are able to pinpoint problems or even supply a patch. Fixes are dependant upon their severity and my availablity. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me by sending an email to . RT: AUTHOR Karl Gaissmaier <karl.gaissmaier at> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008-2021 Karl Gaissmaier, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.