Net::Starnet::DataAccounting - interface to the SDA protocol

        use constant SDA_UPDATE_TIME 60;
        my $sda = Net::Starnet::DataAccounting->new(
            user => $user,
            pass => $pass,
            verbose => $VERBOSE,
            login  => \&login,
            logout => \&logout,
            update => \&update,
            (defined($hostname) ? ( host => $hostname ) : ()),
            (defined($server) ? ( server => $server ) : ()),
        my $connected = $sda->login();
        if ($connected)
            $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
                exit 0;
            while ($connected)
                sleep SDA_UPDATE_TIME;
                $connected = $sda->update();
            my $disconnected = $sda->logout();

    The Net::Starnet::DataAccounting module provides an interface to the
    protocol used by the Starnet Data Accounting System. It allows
    simple login, logout and health checking.

            host    => $yourhostname,
            server  => $remotehostname,
            port    => $remoteport,
            user    => $username,
            pass    => $password,
            client  => $clientname,
            login   => \&login,
            logout  => \&logout,
            update  => \&update,
            verbose => $verbose,

        Creates a new SDA connection. Host and server should be either
        IPs or hostnames. Port is a port number, user and pass are the
        appropriate username and password. Client is a custom client
        string for the connection to use.

        Login, logout and update are routines that will be called after
        an attempt to send the appropriate message. The routines in
        question will be passed two parameters: the SDA object and the
        text response from the server (decoded).

        Verbose determines whether debugging information will be shown.

        If given a parameter, sets the verbosity. Returns the verbosity
        in all cases.

        Directs the SDA object to attempt to connect to the server.
        Calls the login routine specified on construction after the
        attempt is made.

        Directs the SDA object to attempt to disconnect to the server.
        Calls the logout routine specified on construction after the
        attempt is made.

        Directs the SDA object to attempt to update the client's status
        on the server. Calls the update routine specified on
        construction after the attempt is made. This function should be
        called every two minutes or so; ideally more frequently.

    At the basic level, SDA clients operate by sending a line of text to
    the server and receiving a line of text in response.

  Data Encoding
    The lines bandied between the client and server are encoded using a
    very simple algorithm. The offset of a given byte in the buffer,
    modulo 7, is added to the ASCII value of the byte in question.

    Decoding is thus the reverse. A suitable regular expression,
    assuming $i is initialised to 0 on entry, would be:

        s/(.)/chr ord($1)-$i++%7/eg;

    And, in fact, that is the regexp this program makes use of.

  Request Line Contents
    The general form of the request line is:

        /^$type $user $pass $ip 0 $client $/
        /^(\d) ([a-zA-Z_]) (\d{6}) ($ip_RE) 0 (\S+) $/

    The type indicates the type of command the client is attempting to
    execute. It is a single digit. The appropriate values are:

        1 - login
        2 - logout
        3 - update

    The username is a string, typically a maximum of 8 characters and
    only containing [a-zA-Z0-9]. The username is partially case
    sensitive. In a given session, you should use consistent casing
    since the server pays attention to it. If you attempt to use two
    sessions with the same casing simultaneously, you will receive an
    'Already logged on' error. Modifying the case of arbitrary letters
    resolves that, thus enabling one to login in multiple locations.

    Empirically, the password is a numeric sequence, 6 digits long. This
    is to enable SDA to hook into the Starnet StarCom package (the
    password is also used as a phone external dial-out code).

    The IP is the IP of the machine to which you would like your data
    quota to be used by. This does not have to be the machine from which
    you run the client, although it typically is.

    It is unknown what the '0' indicates.

    The client string is an arbitrary string indicating the client name
    and version (typically). Think of it as the USER_AGENT variable in

    These fields are all separated by a space and there is a space at
    the end as well.

    The client only ever sends these lines. Thus the communication
    protocol can be easily abstracted to merely sending an integer to a
    generic sda_send() routine and returning the response line (decoded,

  Response Line Contents

    The response line format varies slightly according to operation.

   Login Event
    In the event of a login (type 1) event, the server returns:

        /^$type $success $code $msg$/
        /^(\d) (\d) (\d) (.*)$/

    Type is 1 - login.

    Success is either 0 or 1, indicating failure or success

    The code depends on the success. If successful, then the code is 0.

    In event of an error the code is one of the following values:

        1 - Incorrect username or password
        2 - unknown
        3 - No quota available
        4 - Already connected

    Errors 1 and 3 are unrecoverable. In the event of error 1, you
    should see your administrator, or re-enter your username and
    password. Error 3 indicates that your administrator needs to add
    more to your data limit.

    Error 4 merely indicates that you're already connected and should be
    regarded as identical to a successful login.

    It is unknown what an error of type 2 indicates.

   Logout Event
    In the event of a login (type 2) event, the server returns:

        /^$type $success $quota $msg$/
        /^(\d) (\d) (-1|\d+\.\d{3}) (.*)$/

    Type is 2 - logout.

    Success is either 0 or 1, indicating failure or success

    I am yet to be able to invoke a failure.

    The only two responses I have been able to invoke are:

        %.3f Mb Quota_Remaing
        -1 Logoff_Confirmed

    where $quota is the -1 or %.3f and $msg is the rest. And, yes, they
    did misspell 'Remaining'.

   Update Event
    In the event of a update (type 3) event, the server returns:

        /^$type $success $msg$/
        /^(\d) (\d) (.*)$/

    Type is 3 - update.

    Success is either 0 or 1, indicating failure or success
    respectively. In the event of a failure, try to logout.

    In a successful update, the message is composed of:

        0 Quota 24.423Mb; Used 4.523Mb

    Naturally, where the quantities are relevant to your session.

    In an unsuccessful update, I have only invoked a 'User Not Found'
    error. This happens when a user tries to update but isn't actually
    logged in (or doesn't exist anyway). The message looks like this:

        Health Check Deny: User Not Found

    Other situations are, as of yet, unknown.

    Iain Truskett <> <>

    Please report any bugs, or post any suggestions, to either the
    mailing list at <> (email
    <> to subscribe) or directly to
    the author at <>

    Probably doesn't work well on EBCDIC systems due to the
    encoding/decoding process.

    I intend to have the module returning an appropriate response object
    which can be queried for its contents so that parsing the response
    line is rendered unnecessary. The object will either be overloaded
    so code using the existing interface doesn't fall over or a
    parameter will be added to the new() call.

    Copyright (c) 2001 Iain Truskett. All rights reserved. This program
    is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as Perl itself.

        $Id:,v 1.2 2002/02/03 14:29:05 koschei Exp $

    I would like to thank TBBle for his initial research into the
    protocol, Starnet for providing such a dodgy protocol, and Bruceo
    and JT for providing incentive to actually bother to write this
