# Monitoring::Sneck ## SYNOPSIS ``` sneck -u [-C <cache file>] [-f <config file>] [-p] [-i] sneck -c [-C <cache file>] [-b] sneck [-f <config file>] [-p] [-i] ``` ## FLAGS ### -f config_file The config file to use. Default :: /usr/local/etc/sneck.conf ### -p Pretty it in a nicely formatted format. ### -C cache_file The cache file to use. Default :: /var/cache/sneck.cache A secondary cache file based on this name is also created. By default it is /var/cache/sneck.cache.snmp and is used for storing the compressed version. ### -u Update the cache file. Will also print the was written to it. ### -c Print the cache file. Please note that -p or -i won't affect this as this flag only reads/prints the cache file. ### -b When used with -c, it does optional LibreNMS style GZip+BASE64 style compression. ### -i Includes the config file used. ## CONFIG FORMAT White space is always cleared from the start of lines via /^[\t ]*/ for each file line that is read in. Blank lines are ignored. Lines starting with /\#/ are comments lines. Lines matching /^[Ee][Nn][Vv]\ [A-Za-z0-9\_]+\=/ are variables. Anything before the the /\=/ is used as the name with everything after being the value. Lines matching /^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\=/ are variables. Anything before the the /\=/ is used as the name with everything after being the value. Lines matching /^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\|/ are checks to run. Anything before the /\|/ is the name with everything after command to run. Any other sort of lines are considered an error. Variables in the checks are in the form of /%+varaible_name%+/. Variable names and check names may not be redefined once defined in the config. ## EXAMPLE CONFIG ``` env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin # this is a comment GEOM_DEV=foo geom_foo|/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_geom mirror %GEOM_DEV% does_not_exist|/bin/this_will_error yup... that it will does_not_exist_2|/usr/bin/env /bin/this_will_also_error ``` The first line sets the %ENV variable PATH. The second is ignored as it is a comment. The third sets the variable GEOM_DEV to 'foo' The fourth creates a check named geom_foo that calls check_geom_mirror with the variable supplied to it being the value specified by the variable GEOM_DEV. The fith is a example of an error that will show what will happen when you call to a file that does not exit. The sixth line will be ignored as it is blank. The seventh is a example of another command erroring. When you run it, you will notice that errors for lines 4 and 5 are printed to STDERR. For this reason you should use '2> /dev/null' when calling it from snmpd or '2> /dev/null > /dev/null' when calling from cron. ## USAGE snmpd should be configured as below. ``` extend sneck /usr/bin/env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/sneck -c ``` Then just setup a entry in like cron such as below. ``` */5 * * * * /usr/bin/env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/sneck -u 2> /dev/null > /dev/null ``` Most likely want to run it once per polling interval. You can use it in a non-cached manner with out cron, but this will result in a longer polling time for LibreNMS or the like when it queries it. ## RETURN HASH/JSON The generated JSON/hash is as below in jpath notation. - .data.alert :: 0/1 boolean for if there is a aloert or not. - .data.ok :: Count of the number of ok checks. - .data.warning :: Count of the number of warning checks. - .data.critical :: Count of the number of critical checks. - .data.unknown :: Count of the number of unkown checks. - .data.errored :: Count of the number of errored checks. - .data.alertString :: The cumulative outputs of anything that returned a warning, critical, or unknown. - .data.vars :: A hash with the variables to use. - .data.time :: Time since epoch. - .data.time :: The hostname the check was ran on. - .data.config :: The raw config file if told to include it. For the following `$name` is the name of the check ran. - .data.checks.$name :: A hash with info on the checks ran. - .data.checks.$name.check :: The command pre-variable substitution. - .data.checks.$name.ran :: The command ran. - .data.checks.$name.output :: The output of the check. - .data.checks.$name.exit :: The exit code. - .data.checks.$name.error :: Only present it died on a signal or could not be executed. Provides a brief description. ## INSTALLING ### FreeBSD ``` pkg install p5-JSON p5-File-Slurp p5-MIME-Base64 p5-Gzip-Faster p5-App-cpanminus cpanminus Monitoring::Sneck ``` ### Debian ``` apt-get install zlib1g-dev cpanminus cpanminus Monitoring::Sneck ``` ### From Src ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ```