File::Misc -- handy file tools


    File::Misc provides a variety of utilities for working with files.
    These utilities provides tools for reading in, writing out to, and
    getting information about files.


     # slurp in the contents of a file
     $var = slurp('myfile.txt');
     # spit content into a file
     spit 'myfile.txt', $var;
     # get the lines in a file as an array
     @arr = file_lines('myfile.txt');
     # get a list of all the files in a directory
     @arr = files('/my/dir');
     # ensure a file is deleted - if it is already deleted return success
     # ensure a file exists, update its date to now
     # many others


    File::Misc can be installed with the usual routine:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install



    Returns the contents of the given file

     $var = slurp('myfile.txt');

    option: max

    Sets the maximum amount in bytes to slurp in. By default the maximums
    is 100k.

     # set maximum to 1k
     $var = slurp('myfile.txt', max=>1024);

    Set max to 0 to set no maximum.

    option: firstline

    If true, only slurp in the first line.

     $line = slurp('myfile.txt', firstline=>1);

    options: stdout, stderr

    If the stdout option is true, then the contents of the file are sent to
    STDOUT and are not saved as a scalar at all. slurp returns true.

     slurp('myfile.txt', stdout=>1);

    The stderr option works the same way except that contents are sent to
    STDERR. Both options can be set to true, and contents will be sent to
    both STDOUT and STDERR.


    The opposite of slurp(), spit() outputs the given string(s) to the
    given file in a single command. In its simplest form, spit takes a file
    path, then one or more strings. Those strings are concatenated together
    and output the given path. So, the following code outputs "hello world"
    to /tmp/myfile.txt.

     spit('/tmp/myfile.txt', 'hello world');

    If you want to append to the file (if it exists) then the first param
    should be a hashref, with 'path' set to the path to the file and
    'append' set to true, like as follows.

       {path=>'/tmp/myfile.txt', append=>1},
       'hello world'


    Cfile_lines> returns the contents of one or more files as an array.
    Newlines are stripped off the end of each line. So, for example, the
    following code would the lines from buffer.txt:

     @lines = file_lines('buffer.txt');

    If the first param is an arrayref, then every file in the array is
    read. So, the following code returns lines from buffer.txt and

     @lines = file_lines(['buffer.txt', 'data.txt']);

    option: max

    max sets the maximum number of lines to return. So, the following code
    indicates to send no more than 100 lines.

     @lines = file_lines('buffer.txt', max=>100);

    option: quiet

    If the quiet option is true, then file_lines does not croak on error.
    For example:

     @lines = file_lines('buffer.txt', quiet=>1);

    option: skip_empty

    If skip_empty is true, then empty lines are not returned. Note that a
    line with just spaces or tabs is considered empty.

     @lines = file_lines('buffer.txt', skip_empty=>1);


    Returns the size of the given file. If the file doesn't exist, returns


    Returns the modification time (in epoch seconds) of the given file. If
    the file doesn't exist, returns undef.

     print 'modification time: ', mod_time('myfile.txt'), "\n";

    If you are familiar with the stat() function, then it may clarify to
    know that mod_time simply returns the ninth element of stat().


    mod_date does exactly the same thing as mod_time.


    age() returns the number of seconds since the given file has been

     print 'file age: ', age('myfile.txt'), "\n";

    age() simply returns the current time minus the value of mod_time.


    files returns an array of file paths starting at the given directory.
    In its simplest use, files is called with just a directory path.

     @myfiles = files('./tmp');

    That command will return all files within ./tmp, including recursing
    into nested directories. By default, all paths will be relative to the
    current directory, so the file list mught look something like this:


    You can get just the file names with the full_path option, described

    Note that the

    files has several options, explained below.

    option: recurse

    By default, files recurses directory structures.

    option: dirs

    option: files

    option: full_path

    option: extensions

    option: follow_links


    search_inc() searches the @INC directories for a given file and returns
    the full path to that file. For example, this command:


    might return somethng like this:


    The given path must be the full path within the @INC directory. So, for
    example, this command would not return the path to JSON/


    That feature might be added later.

    If you prefer, you can give the path in Perl module format:



    Returns the directory of the script. The directory is relative the
    current directory when the script was called. Call this command before
    altering $0.


    mode() returns the file mode (i.e. type and permissions) of the given


    tmp_path() is for the situation where you want to create a temporary
    file, then have that file automatically deleted at the end of your code
    or code block.

    tmp_path() returns a File::Misc::Tmp::Path object. That object
    stringifies to a random path. When the object goes out of scope, the
    file, if it exists, is deleted. tmp_path() does not create the file, it
    just deletes the file if the file exists.

    tmp_path() takes one required param: the directory in which the file
    will go. Here's a simple example:

     # variables
     my ($tmp, $fh);
     # get temporary path: file is NOT created
     $tmp = tmp_path('./');
     # open a file handle, write stuff to the file, close the handle
     $fh = FileHandle->new("> $tmp") or die $!;
     print $fh "stuff\n";
     undef $fh;
     # do something that might cause a crash
     # if there is a crash, $tmp goes out of scope and deletes the file
     if ( it_could_happen() ) {
       die 'crash!';
     # move the file somewhere else
     rename($tmp, './permanent') or die $!;
     # the file doesn't exist anymore, so when $tmp object
     # goes out of scope, nothing happens

    By default, the path consists of the given directory followed by a
    random string of four characters. So in the example above, the path
    would look something like this:


    No effort is made to ensure that there isn't already a file with that
    name. It is simply assumed that four characters is enough to assure a
    microscopic (but non-zero) chance of a name conflict.

    Note that File::Temp provides a similar functionality, but there is an
    important difference. File::Temp creates the temporay file and returns
    a file handle for that file. This is useful for situations where you
    want to cache data for use in the current scope. It gets a little
    trickier, however, if you want to close the file handle and move the
    temporary file to a permanent location. tmp_path simply gives you a
    path that will be deleted if the file exists, allowing you manipulate
    and move the file as you like. File::Temp also goes to some effort to
    ensure that there are no name conflicts. What you use is a matter of
    needs and taste.

    option: rand_length

    By default the random string is 4 characters long. rand_length gives a
    different length to the string. So, for example, the following code
    indicates a random string length of 8:

     $tmp = tmp_path('./', rand_length=>8);

    That produces a string like this:


    option: auto_delete

    If the auto_delete option is sent and is false, then the file is not
    actually deleted when the tmp object goes out of scope. For example:

     $tmp = tmp_path('./', auto_delete=>0);

    This option might seem to defeat the purpose of tmp_path, but it's
    useful for debugging your code. By setting the object so that it
    doesn't automatically delete the file you can look at the contents of
    the file later to see if it actually contains what you thought it

    option: extension

    extension allows you to give the path a file extension. For example,
    the following code creates a path that ends with '.txt'.

     $tmp = tmp_path('./', extension=>'txt');

    option: prefix

    prefix indicates a string that should be put after the directory name
    but before the random string. So, for example, the following code puts
    the prefix "build-" in the file name:

     $tmp = tmp_path('./', prefix=>'build-');

    giving us something like



    tmp_dir() creates a temporary directory and returns a
    File::Misc::Tmp::Dir object. When the object goes out of scope, the
    directory is deleted.


    Copyright (c) 2012-2016 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO
    WARRANTY of any kind.


    Miko O'Sullivan


    Version 0.10.


    Version 0.10, Sep 7, 2016

      Initial release