NAME Sah::SchemaBundle::Perl - Sah schemas related to Perl VERSION This document describes version 0.050 of Sah::SchemaBundle::Perl (from Perl distribution Sah-SchemaBundle-Perl), released on 2024-02-16. SAH SCHEMAS The following schemas are included in this distribution: * perl::distname Perl distribution name, e.g. Foo-Bar. This is a schema you can use when you want to accept a Perl distribution name, e.g. "WWW-Mechanize". It offers basic checking of syntax as well as a couple of conveniences. First, it offers completion from list of locally installed Perl distribution. Second, it contains coercion rule so you can also input "Foo::Bar", "Foo/Bar", "Foo/", or even 'Foo.Bar' and it will be normalized into "Foo-Bar". To see this schema in action on the CLI, you can try e.g. the "dist-has-deb" script from App::DistUtils and activate its tab completion (see its manpage for more details). Then on the CLI try typing: % dist-has-deb WWW-<tab> % dist-has-deb dzp/<tab> Note that this schema does not check that the Perl disribution exists on CPAN or is installed locally. To check that, use the "perl::distname::installed" schema. And there's also a "perl::distname::not_installed" schema. * perl::distname::default_this_dist Perl distribution name, defaults to "this distribution". See App::ThisDist's this_dist() for more details on how "this distribution" is determined. Note that "App::ThisDist" is not added as dependency automatically; you will have to add it manually. Note: be careful when using this schema for actions that are destructive to a Perl dist or that change some things, because a user can perform those actions without giving an argument (e.g. a "delete-dist" script). It is safer to use this schema to perform a non=destructive action (e.g. "ls-dist") and/or operate in dry-run mode by default. * perl::distname_with_optional_ver Perl distribution name (e.g. Foo-Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001). For convenience (particularly in CLI with tab completion), you can input one of: Foo::Bar Foo/Bar Foo/ Foo.Bar and it will be coerced into Foo-Bar form. * perl::distname_with_ver Perl distribution name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo-Bar@0.001. For convenience (particularly in CLI with tab completion), you can input one of: Foo::Bar@1.23 Foo/Bar@1.23 Foo/ Foo.Bar@1.23 and it will be coerced into Foo-Bar form. * perl::filename Filename of Perl script/module/POD, e.g. /path/Foo/ Use this schema if you want to accept a filesystem path containing Perl script, module, or POD. The value of this schema is in the convenience of CLI completion, as well as coercion from script or module name. String containing filename of a Perl script or module or POD. For convenience, when value is in the form of: Foo Foo.pod Foo::Bar Foo/Bar Foo/ Foo/Bar.pod and a matching .pod or .pm file is found in @INC, then it will be coerced (converted) into the path of that .pod/.pm file, e.g.: /home/ujang/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.24.0/lib/site_perl/5.24.0/Foo/ lib/Foo/Bar.pod To prevent such coercion, you can use prefixing path, e.g.: ./Foo::Bar ../Foo/Bar /path/to/Foo/Bar This schema comes with convenience completion too. * perl::funcname Perl function name, either qualified with package name (e.g. Foo::subname) or unqualified (e.g. subname). Currently function name is restricted to this regex: \A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\z Function name can be qualified (prefixed) by a package name, which is restricted to this regex: [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*(::[A-Za-z_0-9]+)* * perl::identifier::qualified_ascii Qualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect. * perl::identifier::qualified_unicode Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect. * perl::identifier::unqualified_ascii Unqualified identifier in Perl, without "use utf8" in effect. * perl::identifier::unqualified_unicode Unqualified identifier in Perl, with "use utf8" in effect. * perl::modargs Shorter alias for perl::modname_with_optional_args. * perl::modname Perl module name, e.g. Foo::Bar. This is a schema you can use when you want to accept a Perl module name. It offers basic checking of syntax as well as a couple of conveniences. First, it offers completion from list of locally installed Perl modules. Second, it contains coercion rule so you can also input "Foo-Bar", "Foo/Bar", "Foo/" or even 'Foo.Bar' and it will be normalized into "Foo::Bar". To see this schema in action on the CLI, you can try e.g. the "pmless" script from App::PMUtils and activate its tab completion (see its manpage for more details). Then on the CLI try typing: % pmless M/<tab> % pmless dzp/<tab> % pmless Module/List/Wildcard % pmless Module::List::Wildcard Note that this schema does not check that the Perl module exists or is installed locally. To check that, use the "perl::modname::installed" schema. And there's also a "perl::modname::not_installed" schema. * perl::modname::default_this_mod Perl module, defaults to "this module". See App::ThisDist's this_mod() for more details on how "this module" is determined. Note that "App::ThisDist" is not added as dependency automatically; you will have to add it manually. Note: be careful when using this schema for actions that are destructive to a Perl module or that change some things, because a user can perform those actions without giving an argument (e.g. a "delete-module" script). It is safer to use this schema to perform a non=destructive action (e.g. "man-module") and/or operate in dry-run mode by default. * perl::modname::installed Name of a Perl module that is installed locally. This schema is based on the "perl::modname" schema with an additional check that the perl module is installed locally. Checking is done using Module::Installed::Tiny. This check fetches the source code of the module from filesystem or %INC hooks, but does not actually load/execute the code. * perl::modname::not_installed Name of a Perl module that is not installed locally. This schema is based on the "perl::modname" schema with an additional check that the perl module is not installed locally. Checking is done using Module::Installed::Tiny. This check fetches the source code of the module from filesystem or %INC hooks, but does not actually load/execute the code. * perl::modname_or_prefix Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) or prefix (e.g. Foo::Bar::). Contains coercion rule so inputing "Foo-Bar" or "Foo/Bar" will be normalized to "Foo::Bar" while inputing "Foo-Bar-" or "Foo/Bar/" will be normalized to "Foo::Bar::" See also: "perl::modname" and "perl::modprefix". * perl::modname_pm Perl module name in Foo/ form. This is just like the "perl::modname" schema except that instead of to "Foo::Bar", it normalizes to "Foo/". * perl::modname_with_optional_args Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional arguments (e.g. Foo::Bar=arg1,arg2). Perl module name with optional arguments which will be used as import arguments, just like the "-MMODULE=ARGS" shortcut that "perl" provides. Examples: Foo Foo::Bar Foo::Bar=arg1,arg2 See also: "perl::modname". A two-element array from (coercible from JSON string) is also allowed: ["Foo::Bar", \@args] * perl::modname_with_optional_ver Perl module name (e.g. Foo::Bar) with optional version number suffix (e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001). * perl::modname_with_ver Perl module name with version number suffix, e.g. Foo::Bar@0.001. * perl::modnames Array of Perl module names, e.g. ["Foo::Bar", "Baz"]. Array of Perl module names, where each element is of "perl::modname" schema, e.g. "Foo", "Foo::Bar". Contains coercion rule that expands wildcard, so you can specify: Module::P* and it will be expanded to e.g.: ["Module::Patch", "Module::Path", "Module::Pluggable"] The wildcard syntax supports jokers ("?", "*", "**"), brackets ("[abc]"), and braces ("{one,two}"). See Module::List::Wildcard for more details. * perl::modprefix Perl module prefix, e.g. Foo::Bar::. Perl module prefix, e.g. "Foo::Bar::". An empty prefix ('') is also allowed. Contains coercion rule so you can also input: Foo-Bar Foo-Bar- Foo-Bar Foo/Bar Foo/Bar/ Foo::Bar and it will be normalized into "Foo::Bar::". * perl::modprefixes Perl module prefixes, e.g. ["", "Foo::", "Foo::Bar::"]. Array of Perl module prefixes, where each element is of "perl::modprefix" schema, e.g. "Foo::", "Foo::Bar::". Contains coercion rule that expands wildcard, so you can specify: Module::C* and it will be expanded to e.g.: ["Module::CPANTS::", "Module::CPANfile::", "Module::CheckVersion::", "Module::CoreList::"] The wildcard syntax supports jokers ("?", '*") and brackets ("[abc]"). See the "unix` type of wildcard in Regexp::Wildcards, which this coercion rule uses. * perl::module::release::version Expression to select module release. * perl::module::release::versions * perl::pm_filename A .pm filename, e.g. /path/ Use this schema if you want to accept a filesystem path containing Perl module. The value of this schema is in the convenience of CLI completion, as well as coercion from module name. String containing filename of a Perl module. For convenience, when value is in the form of: Foo Foo::Bar Foo/Bar Foo/ and a matching .pm file is found in @INC, then it will be coerced (converted) into the path of that .pm file, e.g.: /home/ujang/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.24.0/lib/site_perl/5.24.0/Foo/ To prevent such coercion, you can use prefixing path, e.g.: ./Foo::Bar ../Foo/Bar /path/to/Foo/Bar This schema comes with convenience completion too. * perl::pod_filename A .pod filename, e.g. /path/Foo.pod. Use this schema if you want to accept a filesystem path containing Perl POD. The value of this schema is in the convenience of CLI completion, as well as coercion from POD name. String containing filename of a Perl .pod file. For convenience, when value is in the form of: Foo Foo.pod Foo::Bar Foo/Bar Foo/Bar.pod and a matching .pod file is found in @INC, then it will be coerced (converted) into the filesystem path of that .pod file, e.g.: /home/ujang/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.24.0/lib/site_perl/5.24.0/Foo/Bar.pod To prevent such coercion, you can use prefixing path, e.g.: ./Foo::Bar ../Foo/Bar /path/to/Foo/Bar This schema comes with convenience completion too. * perl::pod_or_pm_filename A .pod or .pm filename, e.g. /path/ or /path/Bar/Baz.pod. String containing filename of a Perl POD or module. For convenience, when value is in the form of: Foo Foo.pod Foo::Bar Foo/Bar Foo/Bar.pod Foo/ and a matching .pod or .pm file is found in @INC, then it will be coerced (converted) into the path of that .pod/.pm file, e.g.: /home/ujang/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.24.0/lib/site_perl/5.24.0/Foo/ lib/Foo/Bar.pod To prevent such coercion, you can use prefixing path, e.g.: ./Foo::Bar ../Foo/Bar /path/to/Foo/Bar This schema comes with convenience completion too. This schema is like another schema "perl::filename" except that .pod is prioritized over .pm. If both "" and "Foo.pod" are found in @INC, the path to "Foo.pod" will be returned. * perl::podname Perl POD name, e.g. Moose::Cookbook. Perl POD name, e.g. "Config", "Some::Other::POD". Basically the same as "perl::modname", but with a different completion. * perl::qualified_funcname Perl function name qualified with a package name, e.g. Foo::subname. Currently function name is restricted to this regex: \A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\z and package name is restricted to this regex: [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*(::[A-Za-z_0-9]+)* This schema includes syntax validity check only; it does not check whether the function actually exists. * perl::release::version One of known released versions of perl (e.g. 5.010 or 5.10.0). Use this schema if you want to accept one of the known released versions of perl. The list of releases of perl is retrieved from the installed core module Module::CoreList during runtime as well as the one used during build. One of both those Module::CoreList instances might not be the latest, so this list might not be up-to-date. To ensure that the list is complete, you will need to keep your copy of Module::CoreList up-to-date. The list of version numbers include numified version (which, unfortunately, collapses trailing zeros, e.g. 5.010000 into 5.010) as well as the x.y.z version (e.g. 5.10.0). * perl::unqualified_funcname Perl function name which must not be qualified with a package name, e.g. subname. Currently function name is restricted to this regex: \A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\z This schema includes syntax validity check only; it does not check whether the function actually exists. This schema includes syntax validity check only; it does not check whether the function actually exists. * perl::version Perl version object. Use this schema if you want to accept a version object (see version). Coercion from string is provided. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at <>. SOURCE Source repository is at <>. SEE ALSO Sah - schema specification Data::Sah - Perl implementation of Sah AUTHOR perlancar <> CONTRIBUTING To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub. Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via: % prove -l If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 by perlancar <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website < > When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.