-------- Abstract -------- POE::Component::Client::Traceroute is an asynchronous, event driven client for UDP or ICMP traceroutes. It accepts events containing the specifics of a traceroute request and it returns, on either a per hop basis or at the end, the results of the traceroute. ------------ Requirements ------------ This module requires POE. It also requires root privileges, or the equivalent, to open raw sockets. Any hazards of doing this are left up to the implementor to work around. It also requires Net::RawIP to do the low level packet parsing. ------------------ Basic Installation ------------------ POE::Component::Client::Traceroute may be installed through the CPAN shell in the usual CPAN shell manner. This typically is: $ perl -MCPAN -e 'install POE::Component::Client::Traceroute' You can also read this README from the CPAN shell: $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> readme POE::Component::Client::Traceroute And you can install the module from the CPAN prompt as well: cpan> install POE::Component::Client::Traceroute ------------------- Manual Installation ------------------- POE::Component::Client::Traceroute can also be installed manually. <ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/id/A/AH/AHOYING/> or a similarly named directory at your favorite CPAN mirror should hold the latest version. Downloading and unpacking the distribution are left up to the reader. To build and test it: perl Makefile.PL make make test The test program, t/01_trace.t, makes an excellent sample program. It was adapted from the code used to test and develop this module. There may be additional sample programs in the examples folder. When you are ready to install the module: make install It should be ready to use. This module is supported by the author on an ad-hoc basis. Please try the poe@perl.org mailing list if you need a more timely response. -- Andrew Hoying / ahoying@cpan.org