README for Siesta 0.66 =head1 NAME Siesta - the Siesta mailing list manager. =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module has external dependencies on the following modules: Apache::Session::SharedMem Class::Accessor::Fast Class::DBI 0.93 Class::DBI::BaseDSN Class::DBI::SQLite Digest::MD5 Email::Folder Email::LocalDelivery 0.05 Email::Simple 1.4 File::Basename File::Find::Rule File::Path Mail::Address Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser Module::Build 0.18 Python::Serialise::Marshal Storable String::Random String::ShellQuote Sys::Hostname Template Test::More Tie::IxHash UNIVERSAL::require YAML perl 5.006 =head1 INSTALLATION perl Build.PL perl Build test and if all goes well perl Build install =head1 HISTORY What changed over the last 3 revisions =over =item 0.66 2003-10-17 Made Siesta::Test a released file (will help with testing third party Plugins) Documentation fixes. Security fix for Siesta::Send::Sendmail Quick hack around an issue in Siesta::Config Now we depend on perl 5.6 or newer. Hacking around 5.005 was getting painful. =item 0.65 2003-09-01 (#1383) Stealth dependency on YAML made clear. spotted by Nick Cleaton bandito no longer tries to import a users nomail attribute (it's a TODO to have this a property of subscription) =item 0.64 2003-09-01 (#1376) nacho {show,resume,delete}-deferred Siesta::Plugin::Archive now allows you to configure its output path Colobus HOWTO Challenge/Subscribe plugins now auto-generate passwords correctly Fixes to Personal Plugin handling in List->set_plugins Changes to the behaviour of Siesta::Message->reply so that it's not a sticky about it's state =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<nacho>, L<tequila>, L<bandito>, L<Siesta::UserGuide>