NAME HTTP::Headers::Fast::XS - XS implementation of HTTP::Headers::Fast VERSION 0.001 SYNOPSIS # load once use HTTP::Headers::Fast::XS; # keep using HTTP::Headers::Fast as you wish DESCRIPTION By loading HTTP::Headers::Fast::XS anywhere, you replace any usage of HTTP::Headers::Fast with the XS implementation. You can continue to use HTTP::Headers::Fast and any other module that depends on it just like you did before. It's just faster now. METHODS Implemented methods in XS: push_header _header_get _header_set _standardize_field_name CREDITS * p5pclub AUTHORS * Sawyer X "xsawyerx AT cpan DOT org" * Andrei Vereha "avereha AT cpan DOT org" * Steven Lee "stevel AT cpan DOT org" * Gonzalo Diethelm "gonzus AT cpan DOT org" * Rafaël Garcia-Suarez - for asking for it.