### The short of it ###

* make sure your DRM's environment is set up. e.g.:
source <SGE_ROOT>/default/common/settings.csh

*  Prepare installation to find header and binary of DRMAA implementation.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $SGE_ROOT/lib/`$SGE_ROOT/util/arch`
ln -s $SGE_ROOT/include/drmaa.h

* (optional) Run swig on interface file and drmaa.h
swig -perl5 -exportall Schedule_DRMAAc.i

* standard Module installation
perl Makefile.PL
make test     # run from a submit node
make install

### The long of it ###
This software was created via a SWIG interface.  As such, the true code to
it lies in the swig interface (Schedule_DRMAAc.i) which
will makes a wrapper of the drmaa.h (included with your Distributed
Resource Manage (DRM), such as SGE, Condor, etc. see docs ) header file
and creates DRMAAc.pm and a Schedule_DRMAAc_wrap.c file.

A C binding to the DRMAA spec has two parts: first, the binary ( this is
where the implementation specific details are handled ) and second, the
header file, ( drmaa.h ) which is where the API is defined and this file
should conform 100% to the DRMAA specification.  Thus, drmaa.h should be
DRM implementation independant, which means in theory drmaa.h from SGE
should be functionally the same as any other DRM's, like Condor for

Since I don't want SWIG to be a requirements the result of
running SWIG on SGE's drmaa.h, called Schedule_DRMAAc_wrap.c, has been
included.  However, you could download SWIG v 1.3.21 or
later and run swig on the interface file Schedule_DRMAAc.i to create
everything fresh.

NOTE:  I submitted a bug and patch to SWIG, patch # 922680 for bug 917471,
as of this writing the patch was not applied to the SWIG 1.3.21 source so
you may have to do it manually.