README for DiaColloDB

    DiaColloDB - diachronic collocation database

  Perl Modules
    The following non-core perl modules are required, and should be
    available from CPAN <>.

    DDC::Concordance (formerly ddc-perl)
        Perl module for DDC client connections. Available from CPAN, or via
        SVN from

    DDC::XS (formerly ddc-perl-xs)
        XS wrappers for DDC query parsing. Available from CPAN, or via SVN

        For querying external servers via DiaColloDB::Client::http.

    PDL (optional)

        Perl Data Language for fast fixed-size numeric data structures, used
        by the TDF (term-document frequency matrix) relation type. It should
        still be possible to build, install, and run the DiaColloDB
        distribution on a system without PDL installed, but use of the the
        TDF (term x document) matrix relation type will be disabled.


        PDL module for sparse index-encoded matrices, used by the TDF
        (term-document frequency matrix) relation type. See the caveats
        under PDL.

        For handling large (temporary) arrays during index creation.


        Required for index compilation from TCF or TEI corpus sources.

  Additional Requirements
    In order to make use of this module, you will also need either a corpus
    to index or an existing index to query. See "SUBCLASSES" in
    DiaColloDB::Document for a list of supported corpus input formats.

    The DiaColloDB package provides a set of object-oriented Perl modules
    and a command-line utility suite for constructing and querying native
    diachronic collocation indices with optional inclusion of a DDC server
    back-end for fine-grained queries.

    Issue the following commands to the shell:

     bash$ cd DiaColloDB-0.01 # (or wherever you unpacked this distribution)
     bash$ perl Makefile.PL   # check requirements, etc.
     bash$ make               # build the module
     bash$ make test          # (optional): test module before installing
     bash$ make install       # install the module on your system

    See perlmodinstall for details.

    Assuming you have a raw text corpus you'd like to access via this
    module, the following steps will be required:

  Corpus Annotation and Conversion
    Your corpus must be tokenized and annotated with whatever word-level
    attributes and/or document-level metadata you wish to be able to query;
    in particular document date is required. See "SUBCLASSES" in
    DiaColloDB::Document for a list of currently supported corpus formats.

  DiaCollo Index Creation
    You will need to compile a DiaColloDB index for your corpus. This can be
    accomplished using the dcdb-create.perl(1) script from this

  Command-Line Queries
    Once you have compiled a local index, you can query it from the
    command-line using the dcdb-query.perl(1) script from this distribution.

  (Optional) WWW Wrappers
    If you want online visualization of a local index, consider installing
    the DiaColloDB::WWW distribution (available on CPAN) and following the
    instructions in its README.txt file.

    *   The DiaColloDB module documentation describes the API of the
        underlying perl module; when in doubt, look here.

    *   The dcdb-create.perl(1) script can be used to create a DiaColloDB
        index for a corpus in one of the supported corpus formats.

    *   The dcdb-query.perl(1) script can execute runtime queries over a
        local DiaColloDB index or a remote web-service via the
        DiaColloDB::Client interface.

    *   <> contains a live
        web-service wrapper for a DiaCollo index over the *Deutsches
        Textarchiv* corpus of historical German, including a user-oriented
        help page (in English).

    *   The DiaColloDB::WWW distribution contains scripts and utilities for
        creating HTTP-based web-services for local DiaCollo indices,
        including various online visualizations.

    *   The CLARIN-D DiaCollo Showcase at
        > contains a brief example-driven tutorial on using the web-services
        provided by the DiaColloDB::WWW distribution (in German).

    Bryan Jurish <>