NAME MojoX::Log::Syslog - Blah blah blah SYNOPSIS use MojoX::Log::Syslog; $app->log( MojoX::Log::Syslog->new( facility => 'LOCAL1', ident => 'my_app_name', logopt => 'ndelay,pid' ) ); DESCRIPTION MojoX::Log::Syslog provies a Mojo::Log implementation that uses Sys::Syslog as the underlying log mechanism. LOG LEVELS Mojo::Log's fatal() processed same as error() because Sys::Syslog doesn't support that log level. ATTRIBUTES MojoX::Log::Syslog implements the following attributes. facility syslog facility, default to USER ident syslog ident, default to basename($0) logopt syslog logopt, default to 'pid' AUTHOR Fayland Lam <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016- Fayland Lam LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO