--- #YAML:1.0
name:                Data-Type
version:             0.02.01
abstract:            robust and extensible data- and valuetype system
license:             ~
    - muenalan@cpan.org
generated_by:        ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.42
distribution_type:   module
    Attribute::Util:               0.01
    Business::CINS:                1.13
    Business::CreditCard:          0.27
    Business::ISSN:                0.90
    Business::UPC:                 0.04
    Class::Maker:                  0.05.17
    Class::Multimethods:           1.70
    Data::Iter:                    0
    Date::Parse:                   2.27
    DBI:                           1.30
    Email::Valid:                  0.15
    Error:                         0.15
    HTML::Lint:                    1.26
    IO::Extended:                  0.06
    Locale::Language:              2.21
    Net::IPv6Addr:                 0.2
    Pod::Find:                     0.24
    Regexp::Box:                   0.01
    Regexp::Common:                2.113
    String::ExpandEscapes:         0.01
    Text::TabularDisplay:          1.18
    Tie::ListKeyedHash:            0.41
    X500::DN:                      0.28
    XML::LibXSLT:                  1.53
    XML::Parser:                   2.34
    XML::Schema:                   0.07
    url:     http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.3.html
    version: 1.3