SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Email::Filter; use Email::Filter::Rules; my $maildir = '/home/jbisbee/mail/'; my $msg = Email::Filter->new(emergency => $maildir . 'emergency'); my $mail_lists = Email::Filter::Rules->new( rules => '/home/jbisbee/bin/mail_lists' ); if (my $mail_list_folder = $mail_lists->apply_rules($msg)) { $msg->accept($maildir . $mail_list_folder); } $msg->accept($maildir . 'inbox'); Where the 'rules' can be a filename, array ref, or scalar and looks like this # DESTINATION FOLDER <space> Email::Filter->$METHOD(S) <space> SUBSTRING # Linux - FLUX lists/linux/flux/linux to:cc lists/linux/flux/talk to:cc lists/linux/flux/website to:cc lists/linux/flux/announce to # Linux - Fluxbox lists/linux/fluxbox/users to:cc lists/linux/fluxbox/devel to:cc lists/linux/fluxbox/announce to:cc # Linux - Debian lists/linux/debian/news to lists/linux/debian/announce to lists/linux/debian/mirrors to lists/linux/debian/bugs to:cc # Linux - Mozilla lists/linux/mozilla-bugs to mozilla-bugs # Perl lists/perl/useperl to:cc use-perl # Perl - PM lists/perl/pm_groups to:cc lists/perl/pm/southflorida to:cc # Word of the Day lists/word-of-the-day from DESCRIPTION Email::Filter::Rules is a simple way to route e-mail into folders without having to touch your filter script. I used to edit my filter script often to add or remove e-mail lists and often would fat finger something and enter a typo. This would result in all my e-mail bouncing and all in all would be a real bummer. I wanted to make it syntax simple so it wouldn't end up looking like to awful procmail recipe or some cryptic piece of junk. USAGE Simply put, a rule consists of a destination folder, one to many Email::Filter method names, and a substring to test the result of the method call. DESTINATION FOLDER <space> Email::Filter->$METHOD(S) <space> SUBSTRING where a rule looks like this lists/perl/pm/southflorida to:cc each rule is tested and quotemeta is used on the substring $msg->to =~ /southflorida-pm\@mail\.pm\.org/i $msg->cc =~ /southflorida-pm\@mail\.pm\.org/i and the destination folder is returned for the first matching test lists/perl/pm/southflorida and now I have the mail folder, I can tell the Email::Filter object to accept to that folder. So thats it, short, simple, and to the point. No more boucing e-mails by editing my filter directly. :) AUTHOR Copyright 2005 Jeff Bisbee <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO Email::Filter, Email::Simple