Metrics::Any::Adapter::Routable - configurable routing of reported


       use Metrics::Any::Adapter 'Routable',
          targets => [
             [ "important", "Statsd" ],
             [ "default",   "Prometheus" ],
             [ ["default", "debug"], "File", path => "metrics.log" ],
          packages => {
             "My::Application" => "important",
             "Net::Async::HTTP" => "debug",
             "IO::Async::*" => "debug", # wildcard matches
             # anything else will be assigned "default"


    This Metrics::Any adapter type acts as a proxy for a set of multiple
    other adapters, allowing an application to configure which adapter (or
    adapters) to send particular metrics into.

    Routing of metrics is done by a "category" name. Each reported metric
    is assigned into a category, which is a string. Each configured adapter
    declares an interest in one or more category names. Reported metrics
    are then routed only to those adapters which declared an interest in
    the category.

    Primarily the category names are set by the packages configuration
    argument. Additionally, this can be overridden by any individual metric
    when it is constructed by providing a category parameter to the make_*
    method which created it.


    The following additional arguments are recognised


       targets => [
          [ $category, $type, ],
          [ $category, $type, @args ],
          [ [ @categories ], $type, @args ],

    A reference to an array containing a list of targets. Each target
    consists of a category name (or reference array containing a list of
    categories), a type name, and an optional set of constructor arguments,
    all stored in its own array reference.

    These targets will all be constructed and stored by the adapter.


       packages => {
          $package => $category,

    A reference to a hash associating a category name with a reporting
    package. Any metrics registered by the given package will be associated
    with the given category name.

    A pattern can also be specified with a trailing ::* wildcard; this will
    match any package name within the given namespace. Longer matches will
    take precedence over shorter ones.

    Any reported metric that does not otherwise have a category configured
    will be assigned the category default.


    Paul Evans <>