Text-PerlPP - a Perl preprocessor Translates text files with embedded Perl code to plain text files. See README.md for details. A simple example: <? my $x = 42; ?><?! echo Hello, World! ?><?= $x ?> will output Hello, World! 42 <? ... ?> is a Perl code chunk, <?! ... ?> runs an external command, and <?= ... ?> prints a Perl expression. There are more commands, listed in README.md. REQUIRES Perl 5.10.1+ and Getopt::Long 2.50. There is a fatpacked version that already includes Getopt::Long in the GitHub releases archive: https://github.com/interpreters/perlpp/releases INSTALLATION Easy installation, using App::cpanminus: cpanm Text::PerlPP Easy installation, using the release from GitHub: - Copy the release file to a directory in your PATH Slightly less easy installation, using ExtUtils::MakeMaker: - Unpack the tarball - In the resulting directory, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Yet another alternative way of installing - Copy lib/Text/PerlPP.pm to a directory in your @INC - Copy bin/perlpp to a directory in your PATH. DEVELOPING We welcome contributions through the normal GitHub pull-request (PR) workflow. The build system is straight ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Before developing, run perl Makefile.PL cpanm --installdeps . # if you have cpanminus installed Then, to test your code directly from the lib/ directory, run make testhere Before submitting a PR, please test with the normal make ; make test sequence, as well as with make testhere make testpacked That last one tests the packed version made by pack.PL in blib/perlpp. We test on p5p Perl 5.10.1 (cygwin x86) and 5.26.1 (cygwin x64), and cperl 5.26.2c (cygwin x64). SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc perlpp describes syntax and invocation, while perldoc Text::PerlPP describes using perlpp within another program. You can also look for information at: GitHub (report bugs here) https://github.com/interpreters/perlpp AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/dist/Text-PerlPP CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Text-PerlPP Search CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-PerlPP/ LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2018 Andrey Shubin and Christopher White. This program is distributed under the MIT (X11) License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php See LICENSE for full details.